Chapter 634 Unknown Seas
In fact, Lu Hao has encountered several thunderstorms before, all of which were small-scale and much less powerful.

However, this time, he encountered the biggest thunderstorm, which also posed a threat to super strong people like him.

The huge power of thunder and lightning caused his body-protecting energy to collapse. Otherwise, if the soul shield had taken effect, he would have been hacked to death long ago.

The formation of the soul sea increased Lu Hao's defense several times and strengthened his body, otherwise he would have died long ago.

However, after the current flowed through his body, Lu Hao found that his body seemed to have been baptized and strengthened a lot.

In this case, Lu Hao thought about draining his body and strengthening his body, but how to do it?

Lu Hao rose into the air, released his soul power, and tentatively guided tiny lightning bolts to impact his body.


The electric current guided by the power of the soul passed through his body, and the body was tempered again.

However, he could not withstand the strong thunder and lightning, so he floated in the air, using the power of his soul to explore the weak currents falling from the sky and avoid the strong currents.

I saw Lu Hao changing different positions in the air, draining the body again and again, striking his body, and tempering his body.

This unprecedented cultivation method was unheard of and allowed Lu Hao's body to be improved to the maximum extent.

The soul sea resisted the soul impacts again and again. At the same time, there was a faint flash of lightning in the rotating soul sea.

What's happening here?
Lu Hao couldn't understand his soul sea at all, why did a lightning appear?
Could it be that I have this kind of thunder and lightning attribute?

Unfortunately, the super thunderstorm came and went quickly, and Lu Hao felt like he still had unfinished business.

Lu Hao continued on the road, and the terrain became higher and higher until he encountered a huge ocean.

The ice here is gradually melting, indicating that the dimensions here are getting lower and lower, and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

Lu Hao didn't know what was on the other side of the ocean?If I fly there by myself, I don’t know how long it will take?
Originally, Lu Hao's intention was to head west around the Snowy Mountains, and then circle around the Chimir Prairie to see the mountains and rivers of the northern land.

Unexpectedly, he passed through the far north ice field and came to the other half of the planet.

However, now that he is here, Lu Hao still wants to go to the other side and have a look. What if a new continent is discovered?
However, when flying on the vast sea, if there is no reference object, there will be no sense of direction, and it will be troublesome to be stuck at sea.

If, like the vast Pacific Ocean, there is no continent on the other side, it would be troublesome.

Lu Hao paused, caught a few cod fish from the sea, and grilled them on the beach.

After he finished eating, he replenished his energy, took another good nap, and finally gave up his plan to continue exploring.

Because today's navigation already has a compass, but he didn't bring it with him. If he had no sense of direction in the ocean, he might keep spinning in the same place, which would be troublesome.

Another point is that Lu Hao thinks that he will conquer this unknown sea area after the armored ship is completed in the future.

Now, if he goes west around the coastline, he will appear at the east corner of the Far Eastern Prairie. If he goes east, he will appear at the westernmost edge of the Chimir Prairie, which is the location of the West Sea.

Lu Hao jumped into the air and flew towards the east along the coastline.

After more than a day of rapid flight, Lu Hao estimated that he had traveled [-] to [-] kilometers and arrived at the westernmost edge of the Snowy Mountains, where he also saw the endless Chimir Prairie.

Lu Haoyun looked around enough and could see herdsmen grazing leisurely on the beach, and some fishermen were drying their nets.

As a grassland herdsman, I am afraid that such small villages can only be found near the seaside.

Lu Hao didn't want to disturb them, so he went all the way down the coastline. After flying for several hours, he saw the continuous mountains again.These valleys, which are similar in terrain to the Yanyun Sixteenth State, are called the Watch Mountains on the empire's map, but they are called the Smir Mountains in the prairie.

It is said that there is a stone female statue on the highest peak here, looking towards the West Sea, as if waiting for the return of her husband who went fishing at sea, and eventually turned into a stone statue.

Precisely because she had been guarding the family and looking forward to her husband's return home, the mountain was named Shouwang Mountain, and it was logical that the mountains in this area were named Shouwang Mountains.

Lu Hao continued down the coastline of the West Sea. The terrain on the seaside suddenly rose up and entered the rolling Xiling Mountains.

This mountain range is longer than the Shouwang Mountain Range, which is more than 2000 kilometers, and extends downward to the three dynasties of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu, namely Shu, Jin, and the more powerful Xixia Dynasty.

The three dynasties had borders with the empire, and there were rugged mountain roads in between.

The Xiling Mountains formed a natural barrier, isolating the West Sea, and the empire did not establish a strong naval fleet here.

To the east of the Xiling Mountains and to the south of the Watching Mountains, Wangchuan City, the largest western town in the empire, is located here.

Ever since Liu Mu handed over his military power, he had hid in this remote place and wanted to enjoy his old age in peace. However, the grievances between the Chen family and the Liu family had always been a thorn in his heart.

Although the emperor sent many gifts on behalf of the Chen family, Chen Yuhuan gave birth to a son for Lu Hao, which made Liu Mu suddenly feel that something was wrong.

Everyone knows that mother is more valuable than son. Once Chen Yuhuan becomes powerful, it will be troublesome if he wants to retaliate against the Liu family.

Only now did Liu Mu understand Zhang Liang's plan. If he gave the little princess to Lu Hao, once his daughter gave birth to a dragon seed, the Liu family would have a chance.

However, Lu Hao ignored his daughter, which made him very embarrassed.

Just a few days ago, news came that Lu Hao had won a great victory at Silver Moon Beach, killed Baili Tiance, and also wiped out the 30-strong army of the Grassland Tribe Alliance.

What's even more incredible is that a few days later, Lu Hao attacked Yingyuetan at night and wiped out all the remaining 30 grassland allies.

With such strong fighting power, Liu Mu was glad that he had made the right decision, otherwise, he would have been killed by Lu Hao.

Liu Mu had been fighting against Baili Tiance for so long, and he knew that Baili Tiance was a handsome man, resourceful, brave and good at fighting. Unexpectedly, Lu Hao killed him instantly as soon as he made a move.

This Lu Hao is really terrifying!

The question now is, how to hug Lu Hao's lap?

Lu Hao went all the way south, diverted to Wangchuan City, and landed directly at the City Lord's Mansion.

"Who is it? Dare you break into the city lord's mansion without permission?"

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion directly surrounded him.

"I am the Emperor Lu Hao, calling Liu Mu out."

Lu Hao said lightly.


Several guards were shocked.

"You look like this? Are you the emperor? You're not lying to us, are you?"

asked one of the guards.

(End of this chapter)

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