Chapter 618 Iron Bucket Defense
The difference between cold weapons and hot weapons is that hot weapons do not require direct contact.

bang bang bang...

The dense bullets slanted down again, like raindrops, and the Union soldiers who could not escape fell down from their horses in droves.

Many horses that had been shot and fell to the ground screamed at the top of their lungs.

Another round of offensive was defused, but how could a force of 2 be intimidated by this formation.

However, Huyan Muhua reined in the reins and did not continue to charge with the soldiers. Instead, he directed the alliance soldiers to continue attacking the imperial army led by General Wu Ling.

"The warriors of the prairie, they only have 2000 people. We have 2 people. Even if we rush up and bite them, we can kill them!"

"Charge! Charge! Kill..."

Huyan Muhua’s voice echoed throughout the prairie.

When the Alliance soldiers heard that there were so few enemies, they immediately became energetic, swept away their weakness, and rushed towards the Imperial army one after another.

More than 2000 people led by General Wu Ling, all of whom were cavalry, fired while charging towards the enemy's army.

bang bang bang...

Another line of charging Union soldiers fell to the ground, their horses spinning in circles.

"The warriors of the prairie, they only have 2000 people, and they are surrounded on three sides."

Huyan Muhua still had some brains and immediately changed his strategy.

The rifles of the Imperial soldiers are very lethal, but the two wings are absolutely empty and can be flanked on three sides.

The brave Alliance soldiers braved the hail of bullets and continued to charge. They just wanted to rush in front of Wu Ling's army and then wave the scimitar in their hands.

The enemies are densely packed like a swarm of ants.

"Stop charging! Set up a defense line of iron barrels!"

General Wu Ling changed his strategy and shouted an order.

All the war horses stopped charging and immediately lined up on the spot with staggered intervals to expose the muzzles of their shooting guns.

The impregnable defense line on all sides was assembled in an instant.

The soldiers' guns were back-to-back and all pointed outwards. Even if they were surrounded, as long as they had enough bullets, they could withstand the enemy's siege.

Wu Ling led the elite division of the first main force of the Empire's Central Army, and was surrounded in order to prevent rebellion in the Far East Prairies.

Wu Ling had evolved this type of iron barrel defensive formation countless times, and it was ready for use today.

"A salvo!"

Wu Ling ordered loudly.

bang bang bang...

The uniform volleys were indiscriminate strikes, and the enemies could not avoid them at all, and fell to the ground one after another.

With the charge after round, they still failed to get even half a step closer to the imperial army.

There is no way, this kind of defense line with iron barrels on all sides can be said to be airtight, and there is no chance at all.

Unless they ran out of bullets, no one could rush in front of them with a machete.

"Charge! I don't believe we can't break through their line!"

Huyan Muhua roared at the top of his lungs, like a madman.

Yes, watching his tribal warriors fall into a pool of blood one after another, he is completely crazy now!
He vowed to annihilate the pursuers and let the Chinese Empire know that not everyone can get their hands on the prairie.

Wave after wave of soldiers launched continuous charges, but no one could rush within 200 meters of the defensive line.

Even if he rushed within 200 meters, he would be shot to death on the spot with a pistol.

Once or twice, their large groups rushed within 100 meters, only to be greeted by grenades falling from the sky.

Continuous explosions blasted the whole brigade into the sky.

"Chief, we have suffered heavy casualties and cannot break through their defenses at all. Should we retreat?"

A subordinate said loudly.

"Order, the entire army retreats! Retreat!"

Huyan Muhua was completely desperate.

The tribal alliance army received the order not to attack, but to turn their horses around and prepare to flee westward.

"General Wu, the enemy is fleeing!" On the other side, the imperial soldiers also reported to Wu Ling.

"Change your formation and continue to chase the enemy!"

General Wu Ling immediately led the army to pursue them again.

bang bang bang...

Gunfire rang out again, and many enemies fell off their horses and were trampled to death.

This pursuit lasted for four hours before almost all [-] enemies were wiped out.

Huyan Muhua was pursued alive for several hours, and there were only more than 100 people left around him. He was hungry and thirsty, and he was still unable to get rid of the pursuers behind him.

The worst part is that the horse under him has not rested at all. Now it is foaming at the mouth and its speed is gradually slowing down.

The war horse was so tired that it fell to the ground.

Huyan Muhua also fell off his horse and rolled a few times. He was beaten to pieces and his brain was confused.

Several subordinates quickly reined in their horses, jumped off their horses, and tried to rescue him.

bang bang bang...

General Wu Ling and his men came up to kill them again.

Now their ammunition has been exhausted, but the pistol still has bullets.

"Block the enemy! Block..."

Several subordinates shouted loudly and tried to stop General Wu Ling, but eventually fell in a pool of blood.

The remaining 100 or so people rushed forward like crazy, trying to rescue Huyan Muhua who was on the ground.

bang bang bang...

Continuous gunshots rang out, and a close-range melee broke out.

The advantages of the pistol came into play.

How could the scimitar of the grassland tribe be the opponent of the pistol? One shot at a time, it was extremely easy.

After the battle, Wu Ling stepped forward to check and found that Huyan Muhua had died under random gunfire, so she had to take his body back to receive the reward.

This pursuit battle was later recorded in the history of the empire.


On the other side, Baili Feiying and Baili Tiance were killed, and the remaining troops were chased by General Pei Yong, causing all casualties.

Silver Moon Beach encountered a night attack by the Empire's central army. In this battle, not only Baili Tiance was killed, but also nearly 30 troops were wiped out.

When the other three leaders received the news, they were all stunned on the spot and could not recover for a long time.

"What did you say? The Chinese Empire captured Silver Moon Beach? How is this possible?"

Sikong Changfeng grabbed the messenger by the collar and lifted him up directly.

"Chief, this... is true. Baili... Baili's leader and... and Huyan's leader... were also killed, and the 30-strong army was also... gone."

The soldier was so frightened that he stammered and finally shook his head.

"Impossible! Our three leaders guarded the three must-pass roads. How did the Chinese Empire's army get there? Did they fly there?"

Sikong Changfeng roared angrily and threw him out on the spot.

bang bang bang...

The soldier rolled out of the tent like a rubber ball.

"I can't figure it out, how did the enemy get past? Didn't the other two leaders hold on? Or maybe they have surrendered to the Chinese Empire?"

Sikong Changfeng said to himself.

"Chief, if this is true, what should we do?"

One of Sikong Changfeng's subordinates asked.

"If Silver Moon Beach really falls into the hands of the enemy, we will be attacked from both sides. The plan for now is to escape quickly..."

Sikong Changfeng suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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