Chapter 606
The front part is full of compliments, and some of the advantages of education reform are also pointed out in it.

"However, the educational restructuring has been too drastic, and local governments are under great pressure, especially local states and counties. They have to build primary schools, middle schools, and then set up institutions of higher learning in each state. This makes them exhausted, but the effect is not very good!"

"My suggestion is to gradually start restructuring. On the one hand, the local government only needs to build primary schools and middle schools, and set aside a piece of land east of Yandi City to build various institutions of higher learning..."

Yi Zhongxu did not suffer from stage fright and expressed his thoughts.

"Your idea is very good! I will follow your wishes and set aside a piece of land east of Yandi City to build the empire's university city."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, do you think my idea is good?"

Yi Zhongxu was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Hehehe... That's a good idea. Not only do I want to build a university town, but I also want to build a professional research institute."

Lu Hao laughed happily.

"Your Majesty, it's better to leave the task of building a university city to a villain."

Yi Zhongxu said quickly.

"It's okay to leave it to you! But if you don't do it well, then I will chop off your head!"

Lu Hao's voice was suddenly as cold as frost.

"I'm not afraid of beheading. I will be beaten to death by Bingbing sooner or later anyway."

Yi Zhongxu looked bitter.


Lu Hao suddenly laughed loudly.

"Don't be afraid, Bingbing has a bad temper, but she has a good mind and a kind heart!"

Xia Wei quickly comforted her.

"Kind at heart? Why didn't I see it?"

Yi Zhongxu glanced at Xia Bing secretly and muttered.

"Look at what to look at, and then look at it and dig out your eyeballs."

Xia Bing glared at him fiercely.

"Look, Bingbing is so cruel. I just thought about it clearly. If Bingbing really hates me, I will never pester her again."

Yi Zhongxu looked aggrieved.

"It's better not to come, so as not to be upset when you see me."

Xia Bing shook him off, but felt a little disappointed.

"Yi Zhongxu, a manly man, don't be in love with your children all day long. You won't achieve great things like this. Listen to me and build the university town. Bingbing will naturally look at you with admiration in the future."

Lu Hao gave pertinent suggestions.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

Yi Zhongxu quickly thanked him.

"Yi Zhongxu, I will now grant you the title of Bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion to assist Mr. Meng in building the university city. You will decide on the specific plan and I will make the final review."

Lu Hao stood up and announced the appointment loudly.

"Wei minister leads the order!"

Yi Zhongxu quickly knelt down to receive the order.

"Okay, Weiwei, I've finished eating. You can continue to eat. I'm going to Tianyin Pavilion to meet someone."

Lu Hao said goodbye and left.

"Congratulations to the emperor!"

Everyone immediately stood up and saw each other off.

After Lu Hao went out, Yi Zhongxu looked at the Xia family, then at Xia Bing, with a look of reluctance, and finally chose to leave.

As the emperor said, there is no need for a real man to have a wife. Since Bingbing doesn't like him, then he should make contributions to his career, which is the right way.


Tianyin Pavilion.

These days, Jiujianxian has been working hard in a wing at the back.

Because he promised Lu Hao to help him guard Yandi City to prevent Dugu Sword Master from coming to cause trouble.

Perhaps due to the pressure from Dugu Sword Master, Jiu Sword Master's strength suddenly improved a lot in a short period of time.

Lu Hao came here quietly without disturbing anyone, and went directly to the side room.


The door to the wing opened automatically.

"Brother, did you know I'm here?" Lu Hao walked in with a jar of wine, his head held high.

"Can you not know? Your soul is so strong now, I can detect it from afar."

The Jiujianxian laughed happily.

"Brother, I'm going to the north. I'm afraid I have to help me keep this family business!"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"Brother, go ahead. If Dugu Sword Master dares to come, I will definitely make him look good!"

Jiu Jianxian's confidence greatly increased.

"From what big brother said, it seems that my strength has improved!"

Lu Hao put down the wine jar, opened two bowls, and filled them with wine.

"I have some understanding. If I use wine to support my sword, even if Dugu Sword Master comes, it will be enough for him."

The Wine Sword Immortal replied cheerfully.

"Come on! Done!"

Lu Hao toasted to invite him.

The two of them went back and forth, and soon the jar of wine was empty.

"Brother, you have traveled all over the world and must have been to many places. Can you help me see where this drawing is?"

Lu Hao took out the parchment.

Jiu Jianxian took it and took a look. He immediately frowned and asked in confusion: "Brother, where did you get this drawing?"

"To tell you the truth, this blueprint was obtained from Ancestor Nangong."

Lu Hao didn't hide it.

"Ancestor of the Nangong family? How did you meet him? The relationship between the two countries is so tense now. Is he here to kill you?"

Jiujianxian made a bold guess.

"Yes, he came to chase me, but he was killed by me!"

Lu Hao lowered his voice and said.

"What? killed him?"

Jiujianxian was also shocked.

"It's a fluke! It's just a fluke!"

Lu Hao said modestly.

"As far as I know, this ancestor of Nangong should be at the level of the free world. Unexpectedly, he was killed by you. Could it be that you have advanced to the free world level?"

Jiujianxian analyzed it for a moment and was stunned.

"No, you won't believe it when I tell you. That Nangong Patriarch relied on his own absolute defense to resist my bullet attacks. You also know that my gun has enough bullets. He kept attacking and wasted all his life. Kill him!"

Lu Hao explained with a grimace.

"I remember that Patriarch Nangong had a pair of sun and moon wheels, which were soul attack weapons. They were very powerful..."

The Jiujianxian frowned slightly and said in deep thought.

"Yes, the sun and moon wheels are very powerful. I also picked them up, but they just stayed in the palace."

Lu Hao nodded slightly.

"It seems that your soul power is very strong, otherwise, you would not be able to withstand the double-wheeled attack of the sun and the moon!"

It was the first time that Jiujianxian realized how powerful Lu Hao was.

Even if he faced Patriarch Nangong, it would be difficult to defeat him, let alone kill him. Unexpectedly, Lu Hao's weapons took advantage of him and actually killed Patriarch Nangong alive.

It has to be said that after entering the Tao with a gun, Lu Hao's bullets continued to flow, and he could naturally kill any strong man.

In fact, even if he couldn't defeat him, Lu Hao could still shrink into an inch and escape.

"Brother, take a closer look at this parchment. What's the mystery behind it?"

Lu Hao asked again.

The Jiujianxian calmed down and tried to search his memory for the map drawn by this drawing, but still found nothing.

"Since this parchment belongs to Ancestor Nangong, it will definitely not be that simple. For a moment, it may not be that simple to understand the secrets in it."

Jiujianxian shook his head with a grimace.

"Then leave this parchment here with brother and read it carefully. I'm going to the north."

Lu Hao came this time to say goodbye to him.

(End of this chapter)

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