Chapter 601
Of course, in order to increase the strength of guarding the imperial city, the Imperial Guards are basically equipped with pistols, while the Guards outside are basically equipped with rifles.

As for the city walls, there are heavy cannons transported from Hengyang City. These cannons are difficult to use in actual combat due to their heavy weight.

However, now it is used to protect the imperial city, and it is really used to its full potential.


The Shen family's residence in the imperial city.

Xiao Xizi's father-in-law came to the Shen family with an imperial edict to proclaim the title of Princess Yiyi to Shen Yiyi. He also rewarded her with a lot of gifts and could freely enter and leave the palace.

Shen Jianqiu, the richest man in the imperial capital and the head of the Shen family, led his family to kneel down to accept the emperor's imperial edict, looking flattered.

"What? My daughter has been made a princess by the emperor?"

Shen Jianqiu froze on the spot, his head was still buzzing, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Fortunately, Mrs. Shen was relatively sober and quickly asked someone to get the reward for Eunuch Xiao Xizi, and then personally sent the Eunuchs away.

"Hahaha... Yiyi was actually named the princess? It's really a shame for us, Mr. Shen!"

Shen Jianqiu laughed and almost jumped with excitement.

"Okay, didn't you say it's useless to have a daughter? Is my daughter promising?"

Mrs. Shen came back with a cheerful smile.

"Madam, the daughter you gave birth to is now the princess, and the emperor also allows her to enter and leave the palace freely. What an honor it is!"

Shen Jianqiu hugged his wife and shook her vigorously, feeling extremely excited.

"Master, you shook me unconscious!"

Mrs. Shen beamed and was very happy.

"I would like to invite everyone in the family to celebrate such a glorious event. Come, come..."

Shen Jianqiu hurriedly made plans.

Mrs. Shen couldn't help but smile when she looked at his back.

Soon, Shen Yiyi also returned home, and the Shen family fell into a sea of ​​joy again.

"Father, the emperor's brother has said that from now on all the empire's military uniforms, quilts and other business will be handed over to me, as well as the custom-made clothes for the concubines in the palace, also to Yiyi."

Shen Yiyi smiled and announced the good news.

"Okay, Yiyi is lucky enough to be in the emperor's lap. Now, our family will be prosperous!"

Shen Jianqiu was extremely excited.

"Didn't you hate the daughter I gave birth to before?"

Mrs. Shen simply rolled her eyes.

"What did you say, madam? You have made a great contribution by giving birth to a daughter."

Shen Jianqiu was extremely happy.

"Brother Emperor taught me a lot today, especially a thing called a sewing machine, which can replace manual sewing of clothes and can also customize clothes. Once mass-produced, it will make a fortune every day."

Shen Yiyi happily took out the drawings Lu Hao drew for her.

The principle of this kind of sewing machine is very simple, and the technical content required is not high, and it only needs steel materials to be built according to the template.

If sewing machines were mass-produced, Shen Yiyi would be prosperous.

"Daughter, what is this machine called? Can it really replace manual sewing?"

Shen Jianqiu couldn't understand the drawing, but he knew the value in it.

"Bring it to me to see."

Mrs. Shen snatched the drawings.

She is an expert in tailoring. When she saw this drawing, she was immediately surprised and exclaimed that her daughter was going to be prosperous now. "I didn't expect that the emperor's brother is so powerful. Even the sewing at my daughter's house can be replaced by his sewing machine. I really don't know how to thank him?"

Shen Yiyi was filled with emotions.

"Yiyi, based on the drawing the emperor gave you, I am going to donate another [-] million taels of silver to the empire to improve our education."

Shen Jianqiu was excited for a moment and directly donated another [-] million.

The richest man in the imperial capital is indeed extraordinary, and his actions are generous.

Lu Hao was also surprised when he learned about this, but he felt that giving the sewing machine drawings to Yiyi was the right thing to do.

After all, when this money is earned, it must be taken from the people and used for the people to be valuable.

Shen Jianqiu is so wise, and it is not in vain that he takes care of sister Yiyi so much.

The Imperial Ministry of Industry is planning to build [-] new schools and provide free food and accommodation for the Empire's children. One can imagine how much money will be needed.

Now someone directly spends [-] million, which is the icing on the cake and adds to the empire's education system. Lu Hao is naturally happy to do so.

The imperial bachelors, headed by Mr. Meng of Wenyuan Pavilion, are improving the distribution of schools in various places. Those who can use the previous schools will be used together.

According to Lu Hao, for children in primary and secondary schools, the school only provides free lunches and exempts them from tuition fees. All children of school age can enter the school to study.

After reaching the age of 15, outstanding children are selected to enter imperial institutions of higher learning, free room and board are provided, the children's grades are assessed, and a scholarship system is given.

If the children are worse, then they will all enter the empire's vocational technical schools to learn various professional skills.

Lu Hao estimates that it will take more than ten years for this education reform to really see results.

However, for the long-term development of the empire, more talents must be cultivated, so it is worth spending some money.

In particular, a lot of high-end knowledge must be accumulated over many generations before it can be accumulated and eventually promote the advancement of science and technology.


After Lu Hao had lunch, he went to see Dong Xiaowan and the little princess Yaoyao.

Princess Yaoyao is pink and tender. Like her mother, she has been a beauty since she was a child. Looking at Lu Hao's wide eyes, she seems not afraid of life.

Lu Hao now has a son and a daughter, and is in a good mood. He even brought a long-life lock made of gold to Princess Yaoyao.

After Dong Xiaowan gave birth to her child, she has been able to walk in the past few days and is recovering well.

Chen Yuhuan specially brought his son to visit his sister. The whole family was happy and happy.

Wu Qingyu came in a hurry.

"Informing the Emperor, Baili Tiance summoned the five northern tribes to gather at the Wolan River and hold a secret meeting. Judging from the situation after the meeting, they are preparing to set up an ambush in the Yanyun Sixteenth Prefecture to stop our army..."

Wu Qingyu reported loudly.

"Baili Tiance is not too stupid to actually know how to set up an ambush in the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun. However, I will give him a big surprise."

Lu Hao smiled calmly.

"Your Majesty, the five major tribes in the north claim to have a million-strong army. However, according to our spy reports, they estimate that the number of troops they can mobilize is around 70. However, this number is scary enough."

Wu Qingyu added loudly.

"70? It seems that the five major tribes in the north are not soft persimmons!"

Lu Hao couldn't help but frown.

The five major tribes have 70 troops, which is equivalent to an average of 15 troops per tribe, which is indeed scary.

No wonder Baili Tiance wants to go south to compete in the Central Plains. The five major tribes in the north are still powerful.

"Your Majesty, they are divided into three groups. They set up ambushes in the Backlight Valley in the east, the Twilight Lumber Camp in the middle, and the Eagle's Nest Canyon in the west to intercept our army."

Wu Qingyu added again.

(End of this chapter)

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