Chapter 578 Crescent Building

Cheng Yujie walked over slowly, thought for a while, and actually sat down next to Lu Hao.

The two sat side by side on the chairs in the pavilion, looking at the sparkling lake at the same time, enjoying each other's moment of tranquility.

"Miss Cheng, if not, please tell me about your life."

Lu Hao said.


Cheng Yujie began to talk endlessly about her life.

Lu Hao was just an observer, but he felt her different life, as well as her joys and sorrows.

These things that seemed to be the most ordinary to others were something Lu Hao didn't dare to mention to others.

Should I tell the beauty that I don’t belong to this world?Or does it not belong to this time and space?
I don’t know when the beauty sent him back to the attic?I don’t know when the beauty left?
In short, Lu Hao had another good sleep and felt that his energy and energy had been completely restored.


The next day, after breakfast, General Cheng Meng was going to take Lu Hao to the Donghai Shipyard.

As soon as he went out, Cheng Yujie chased him out.

"Grandpa, I want to go with you."

Cheng Yujie hurriedly chased him out.

"Silly girl, grandpa is accompanying the emperor on official business. Why are you, a girl, following along?"

Old General Cheng Meng said with a cheerful smile.

"Grandpa, you are not in good health. My granddaughter will take care of you!"

Cheng Yujie came up and took his hand to act coquettishly.

Old General Cheng Meng naturally knew that his granddaughter was a drunkard and was not interested in drinking, so he turned to look at Lu Hao.

"If Miss Cheng wants to go, then let's go together."

Lu Hao smiled and agreed.

"Okay, since the emperor has agreed, then you can go together, but don't run around."

General Cheng Meng said with a cheerful smile.

As soon as Lu Hao boarded the carriage, Cheng Yujie quickly followed. General Cheng Meng shook his head helplessly, dumbfounded.

The women's college is not in the middle!

The group set off in a mighty manner, heading towards the Empire's Donghai Shipyard.

"If you don't write poems and paint at home, what are you doing with me?"

Lu Hao looked at the beautiful girl opposite and asked.

Today, Miss Cheng specially dressed up, wearing a cool white dress, and her whole body exuded a holy light.

"Who wants to follow you? Grandpa is getting older, and I'm going to take care of him."

Facing Lu Hao's question, she felt confident.

Although Cheng Meng is over 60 years old, he is a martial arts practitioner with a very strong body, and today he is wearing armor and riding a war horse, looking full of energy and getting stronger with age.

Such a strong old man needs someone to take care of him?

Lu Hao squinted his eyes and said nothing, nor did he deny her. He just looked at her beautiful face with a smile.

Cheng Yujie was flustered when he saw her, and her pretty face turned red with embarrassment.

"Okay, I just want to follow the emperor to see what's going on?"

Cheng Yujie said in a delicate voice.

"You can't tell from the little girl's movie, but she's quite brave!"

Lu Hao smiled and praised.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you brought some blueprints for an ironclad ship. Do you know how to build ships?"

Cheng Yujie asked with a smile.

"Of course, the drawings of these ironclad ships were all drawn by me."

Lu Hao nodded slightly and was very angry. "Your Majesty, the armored ship you are talking about is made of steel, won't it sink?"

Cheng Yujie said in confusion.

"The reason why an ironclad ship cannot sink is because the inside of an ironclad ship is hollow, so it is buoyant..."

Lu Hao began to explain.

Cheng Yujie listened with great interest, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

The dock of Donghai Shipyard is located upstream of Crescent City, on the bank of Qianyuan River. It took half an hour for the group to reach their destination.

The largest shipyard in the empire used to be larger than the shipyard in Qiongzhou Port, but now it has never manufactured large ships due to its age and disrepair.

The current warships of the East China Sea Fleet are basically products from ten years ago. They are enough to fight pirates and suppress bandits. However, it is probably not enough to engage in large-scale naval battles.

Lu Hao, accompanied by General Cheng Meng, walked inside and found that the craftsmen here had lined up to welcome the emperor.

"Meet the emperor!"

Everyone fell to their knees.

"Free gift!"

Lu Hao waved his hand to excuse himself.

Under the leadership of General Cheng, Lu Hao got to know each other and exchanged greetings with the craftsmen at the shipyard, and then took a tour of the largest shipyard in the empire.

In fact, in terms of talent pool, Donghai Shipyard has great potential and advantages.

After Lu Hao took out the blueprints of the armored ship, everyone said that it could be built. However, they were worried that such a big thing would have big power problems.

"Don't worry, I will solve the power problem and install a diesel engine on the stern to power the ironclad..."

Lu Hao said loudly.

"Your Majesty, what kind of machine can this really propel a behemoth like an ironclad?"

Mr. Cui from the shipyard asked.

He is the person in charge of the shipyard and a veritable shipbuilding expert. Lu Hao has a particularly good impression of him.

"Theoretically, no matter how big a ship is, it can be pushed. It's just a question of what speed it can reach after being pushed..."

Lu Hao started to explain again.

Cheng Yujie was nearby and found that Lu Hao was so handsome when he was explaining to these craftsmen.

The questions raised by these shipbuilders were very professional and pointed directly to the center of the problem. However, Lu Hao could always give them a perfect answer, which made the beautiful woman look at him even more with admiration.

Such a versatile emperor could actually build ships?

Cheng Yujie's heart sank as she watched Lu Hao talk endlessly and face various problems.

In the middle of the journey, General Cheng Meng left due to urgent matters, but this did not affect Lu Hao's lectures to the craftsmen at all.

At noon, Lu Hao finally solved the final problem.

Mr. Cui promised that the armored ship could be manufactured according to the blueprint design, but it would only require time and funds. Lu Hao had already allocated [-] million taels of silver to them for this problem.

As for steel, the empire will also smelt it from several iron ore mining areas.

The two left the shipyard, escorted by a team of people, and prepared to go to the largest seafood restaurant in Crescent Harbor for lunch.

The Crescent Tower built along the river is the landmark building of Crescent City. It is located on the riverside but can see the sea. It can be said to be a geomantic treasure.

With a seven-story design, it can be said that it is the tallest building in the entire empire.

Cheng Yujie, the daughter of the lord of Crescent City, brought Lu Hao here and went directly to the top floor.

Standing here and looking at the river in the distance, I saw rows of boats parked on the riverside, densely packed like crucian carp crossing the river.

Further on the sea, many ships were going out to fish, and many ships were returning with full loads, which looked very busy.

At this time, there was a noise from the stairwell.

"Cheng Yujie, you are so proud. If you want to book the venue, just book it. Do you think you run the Xinyue Tower?"

A very unhappy voice came from below.

(End of this chapter)

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