Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 563 Great Ethnic Integration

Chapter 563 Great Ethnic Integration

Arnold was actually very sad. His father had just been killed by the imperial army, but he still had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the entire Zhuang tribe.

To be honest, she really wanted to bite this bastard to death, but she still had to smile. It was a kind of irony to say it.

However, she knew very well that in order for the entire Zhuang people to survive, she had to cooperate with Lu Hao in order to give the Zhuang people a chance of survival.

For the Chinese Empire, which had weapons such as rifles and grenades, it was almost effortless to eliminate the Zhuang people.

Therefore, she must now endure the humiliation and bear the burden before she can lead the Zhuang people to fertile land.

She didn't even have time to pay her respects at her father's grave, so she started visiting the major families in Wancheng and gained their support.

Now it seems that as long as those generals with heavy troops support her, the position of the clan leader will be secure.

She didn't want to be the clan leader, but she had to be the clan leader. If the new clan leader could not reach peace talks with the empire, the Zhuang clan would be in a life-or-death situation. This was not what she wanted to see.

strong!Be strong!

Arnold kept encouraging himself and reminding himself to forget hatred and accept this cruel reality.

"Very good! As long as you are a good leader of your clan, I will give you a piece of fertile land and I will never make mistakes!"

Lu Hao's words were still powerful.

"What about other ethnic groups?"

Arnold asked.

"If they are willing to move away, I can also give them a fertile land. The premise is that they must integrate into the Chinese Empire and achieve national integration."

Lu Hao agreed wholeheartedly.

"Then I contact the Moyi, Kanbi and other ethnic groups to hold a conference in Wancheng. What do you think?"

Arnold asked for his advice.

"No problem, let them come here so I don't have to run around."

Lu Hao agreed wholeheartedly.

Anuo immediately contacted other ethnic minorities as the leader of the Zhuang people and informed them that the emperor of the Chinese Empire would allocate a piece of fertile land to them.

The news quickly spread to all major ethnic groups, and all ethnic groups immediately came to come and want a share of the pie.

Since Lu Hao is going to allocate land to these guys, the empire's residents in the Qiannan Plain will have to migrate in the other three directions. This is not a simple migration.

However, Lu Hao had already prepared for this group of people to move around Yandi City to enrich the human resources of the Imperial City. As for the source of income, Lu Hao could let them work in the factories in Hengyang City to earn money.

Of course, these relocated people can also receive part of the resettlement allowance.

These people also became the first real workers in the empire, working in factories to support their own working class.

Of course, the empire plans to establish an energy base in the Yunmeng Mountains. Like the southwest, Lu Hao will locate the empire's heavy industry here to increase coal and steel production.

The most important thing is that there are large gold mines that can be mined here, and the empire is a sure-profit business.

As for Yandi City, the imperial capital, expansion is about to begin. The best direction is to the north, which used to be the emperor's autumn hunting paddock and can now be expanded.

Further north is the Misty Forest. The Misty Forest is very large and extends to the north, connecting to the Dark Forest through the Dark Swamp.

As the empire expands to the north, it will naturally be able to accommodate more people, sell a lot of land resources, and build satellite cities of the imperial capital.As one of the satellite cities in the west, Hengyang City will also begin to expand. The direction of expansion is naturally towards the imperial capital, connecting Hengyang City and the imperial capital.

The large-scale production of cement is already imperative. However, Hengyang City cannot expand cement production without restrictions because the pollution is too serious.

Therefore, Lu Hao thought of locating the new cement factory in Yunmeng Mountain District.

Not only can the natural mining resources here be utilized, but environmental protection issues can also be solved.

As for various metal processing plants, they are naturally located in such mountains. The only problem is transportation. It is necessary to build a highway, which is somewhat difficult.

Therefore, Lu Hao chose to place this newly built heavy industrial city at the connection point between the Yunmeng Mountains and the Qiannan Plain.

The Liuyang River passes through there, and water resources can be used unlimitedly. It is a good heavy industry production base.


At noon the next day, Xuanyuan Lingyu returned to Wancheng with a large amount of weapons, equipment, and food.

This time, more than 4000 war horses, various weapons, and a lot of food and grass were seized.

Lu Hao asked people to send war horses and weapons to Hengyang City. After all the weapons were melted, they could be used to make guns and ammunition. The war horses were sold to the merchants and used to pull carriages.

There was no way, Lu Hao had captured too many war horses on the battlefield, and he didn't need so many now. Therefore, he could only sell them to merchants to pull carts.

Fortunately, after the empire's official roads were opened, many merchants switched to horse-drawn carriages, the transportation volume greatly increased, and trade in various places became more prosperous.

As for the food and grass, they were naturally left behind and used by the imperial army themselves.

Because they didn't bring much food and grass, they could only use local materials and solve the problem on the spot. Now they can relax a little.

Lu Hao has been staying in Wancheng these days. Several generals who came from Yucheng also knew that they were no match for the Imperial Central Army and chose to be loyal to Patriarch Arno.

After all, Patriarch Arno can save their lives now, otherwise, even the bravest warriors will eventually become the dead souls snatched away by the imperial army.

The chiefs of other ethnic minorities came to see His Majesty the Emperor of the Chinese Empire, hoping to get a piece of fertile land.

In the past ten days, Lu Hao has been busy meeting with the clan leaders and at the same time handling some of the empire's more difficult issues through Tantai Mingyue.

Liu Mu met with General Dong Xiaojun of the Third Army of the Imperial Central Army, and was handing over the defense of Yanjing City and taking over the reorganization of the 20-strong army in Yanjing City.

It is said that Liu Mu is preparing to retreat to Wangchuan City. On Chen Lin's side, Chen Yuhuan sent a generous gift on behalf of his father, which was considered to be a great favor to Liu Mu.

Of course, this generous gift was provided by Lu Hao from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Liu Mu in the north was solved, no war broke out, and 20 troops were reorganized. The northern border of the empire was much safer.

The problem now is that Dong Xiaowan is about to give birth, and Lu Hao plans to return to the empire to accompany Dong Xiaowan after finishing the matters here.

In Lu Hao's heart, giving birth to a child is a big deal for a woman, and he must be by his side to make Dong Xiaowan feel more at ease.

In the hall of the city lord's palace, the windows are bright and clean. It has been rearranged in preparation for the alliance meeting between the empire and the ethnic minorities.

In the backyard, Lu Hao was sorting out his clothes with the help of Xuanyuan Lingyu.

Although I did not bring the emperor's dragon robe with me on this expedition, I still wore something a little more formal to show off the imperial style when meeting the chiefs of these ethnic minorities.

(End of this chapter)

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