Chapter 561 Runaway Mode
"What? want to destroy the entire Zhuang clan?"

Arnold was shocked.

"There's nothing surprising, and don't doubt his words, because as an emperor, he can definitely do what he says!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu knew Lu Hao very well.

"You can't destroy the Zhuang clan. Even if the Zhuang clan leaders rebelled, they were instigated by the Sui Empire. How can you destroy the entire Zhuang clan?"

"What you call...called genocide will be condemned by all mankind!"

Arnold yelled at Lu Hao.

"Condemn? Human beings have always been predators of the weak. Since the Zhuang people are unwilling to surrender to me, why shouldn't I destroy them?"

"In the history of the Qianyuan Continent, there have been no similar genocide incidents. Even at the beginning of the founding of the Great Yan Empire, didn't they also commit genocide against the Zhuang people? Didn't the Zhuang people finally succumb?"

Lu Hao didn't care at all.

"you you……"

Arnold was so speechless by him that he could only grit his teeth and glare at him fiercely.

Lu Hao was eating as if nothing had happened, with neither joy nor sadness on his face, as if he didn't seem to see her angry eyes at all.

"Arnold, don't make him angry. He is a devil! Killing is a common occurrence for him. The prince of the Sui Empire was shot to death by him."

Xuanyuan Lingyu laughed happily.

"In the first battle at Yulin Village, I destroyed the 20-strong army of the Sui Empire. Later, I destroyed the 15-strong army of Juli Khan in Gissen City. After I invaded the Far Eastern Prairie, I killed another [-]-strong army of Juli Khan. Annexed the entire Eastern Turks..."

"Do you think a small Zhuang tribe can stop the empire's army? Can it stop me?"

Lu Hao is domineering and dominates the world.

Of course, Arnold has heard many legends about Emperor Yongtai, and has always regarded him as a god-like figure.

Today I saw Lu Hao in person, and he was even stronger than the legend said.

However, Arnold knew very well that everything Lu Hao said was true and she could not refute it.

" can you let the Zhuang go?"

Arnold shouted.

"It's very simple. The Zhuang people surrender and submit to the empire, otherwise there is no need to talk about this matter!"

Lu Hao's attitude was very firm.

"But you have killed all the clan leaders! Now that the Zhuang clan has no leader, how can we still negotiate for peace?"

Arnold asked loudly.

"So, I hope that you will become the new leader of the Zhuang people and be able to negotiate peace with the empire on behalf of the Zhuang people and reach an agreement."

Lu Hao calmly stated the solution.

"What? Me as the clan leader? But, I'm just a weak woman!"

Arnold was shocked.

"Hahaha... what kind of weak woman? Didn't you just want to kill His Majesty the Emperor of the Chinese Empire?"

Lu Haole laughed.

"You...are you laughing at me?"

Arnold suddenly became shy.

"Your Majesty, do you really have a way to make Arnold the leader of the Zhuang clan?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu asked the key.

"What's so difficult about this? I am the emperor of the Chinese Empire, how can I still be unable to handle such a trivial matter?"

Lu Hao was full of confidence.

"Can you tell me the specific plan? I'm really curious."

Xuanyuan Lingyu asked.

"It's very simple. Tell all the Zhuang people that Anuo will be their clan leader from now on. The empire recognizes Anuo's status. Anyone who dares to challenge Anuo's authority is tantamount to going against the empire."

Lu Hao responded calmly.

"Is it that simple? Will the Zhuang people buy it?" Xuanyuan Lingyu looked confused.

"Of course, because they don't want to die. If any of them don't want to live, I will be happy to give them a free ride."

Lu Hao said coldly.

"If the Zhuang people don't recognize my status, are you still going to kill me?"

Arnold asked angrily.

"Don't worry, they will recognize you and your status immediately. After all, you are the daughter of the Lord of Wancheng City. This status is very important."

Lu Hao nodded slightly and said seriously.

"Then what conditions do you have? In other words, what conditions do I need to accept? First of all, let me declare that the Zhuang people cannot be exploited without a bottom line, let alone enslave my people!"

Arnold wants to gain some benefits for the Zhuang people.

"Of course, and I will also give your tribe a piece of fertile land. You can take the Zhuang tribe to the place where the Yunmeng Mountains border the Qiannan Plain, and I will draw a large enough place for you."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Really? Are you really willing to give us a piece of fertile land?"

Arnold was pleasantly surprised.

"Of course, I am the emperor, so I naturally mean what I say!"

Lu Hao said seriously.

"On behalf of the entire Zhuang clan, that little girl would like to thank the Emperor for his grace!"

Arnold was overjoyed and thanked him.

"That's not necessary! You just need to be your clan leader."

Lu Hao smiled calmly.


The next day, a piece of news came out from Wancheng.

Aino became the new leader of the Zhuang tribe and was negotiating with the empire.

Anuo sent a message to the general in Yucheng, asking him to come to Wancheng to meet him in person and collect the captured Zhuang warriors.

At the same time, Arnold, as the daughter of the city lord, came forward to appease the Zhuang people in Wancheng, and naturally became the new clan leader.

The Zhuang tribe has a new leader and is seeking peace talks with the empire, giving all the Zhuang tribesmen in the darkness hope of survival.

As Lu Hao said, no one is not afraid of death.

Seeing that the advanced weapons equipped by the Empire's Central Army are simply not something that the Zhuang people can compete with, in this case, why should they hold on to the end?
This is human nature!
Arnold started a runaway mode on the road of life.

The Zhuang warriors who surrendered have now switched their allegiance to the leader of the Arnuo tribe and have sworn allegiance to her.

There is no other way, the emperor of the empire has spoken, if they don't surrender to the Arno clan leader, they will all be pulled out and shot.

These guys who were able to surrender were basically afraid of death, so they immediately switched to Chief Arno and were reused.

As the new patriarch, Patriarch Anuo, escorted by a large number of Zhuang warriors, began to visit houses and started a face-to-face approach to the people.

These fellow Zhuang people in the village basically watched Anuo grow up and expressed their support for her becoming the leader of the clan.

After all, the previous clan leader was headstrong and fought against the empire to the end, causing heavy casualties to the Zhuang warriors, and everyone had long been dissatisfied.

Now that Arnold has become the patriarch, he is still negotiating peace with the empire, and Arnold comes from house to house just to listen to the opinions of these old people.

Of course, Arnold also said that she won a fertile land from the empire for everyone.

After hearing that there was fertile land, many Zhuang people immediately chose to support little sister Anuo.

In the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Lu Hao stood in front of the map, his eyes fell on a small town, and a cold murderous look flashed across his face.

In this small town, the Sui Empire now has [-] troops stationed, originally to deal with the Zhuang people.

However, now Nan Gongting has been killed, and Lu Hao believes that this army must still be on standby in the town.

If this is the case, how can Lu Hao let them go?

(End of this chapter)

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