Chapter 559 Hybrid

"The patriarch of the Zhuang tribe is dead! The patriarch of the Zhuang tribe is dead..."

"Soldiers, the time has come to attack the city. Follow my general and enter the city!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu's voice echoed throughout the world.

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

The first main legion of the Empire's Central Army was full of morale and headed towards Wancheng.

"The patriarch is dead! The patriarch is dead..."

The Zhuang warriors on the city wall roared.

What?The patriarch is dead?

Many people froze in place, many people thought of retreating, and many people had already begun to retreat...

"The patriarch was killed by them, and we fought with them!"

Some Zhuang warriors were still a little bloody. After coming to their senses, they immediately clamored to fight for their lives.

"The patriarch is dead! Let's retreat!"

There were also some Zhuang warriors who were scared to death and wanted to escape quickly.

"What? Retreat? You coward! We must hold on to Wancheng!"

Others want to give it a try.

In short, at this time, the Zhuang warriors found out that their clan leader had been killed, and they were all gibbering and yelling, and they were completely in chaos.

The Imperial Central Army, led by Xuanyuan Lingyu, rushed towards the west gate of Wancheng. Once they broke through the gate, they would be able to level Wancheng.

Lu Hao ignored what happened next, but concentrated on slowly disassembling the sniper artifact and putting it into the box.

To be honest, he originally needed an eight-power optical lens, but his eyesight was so strong that he didn't need a magnifying glass.

Xuanyuan Lingyu led her men to the city gate and threw a grenade at it. The city gate was blown open by such an explosion.

The Imperial Central Army rushed into Wancheng and carried out a bloody massacre.

There were many brave Zhuang warriors, armed with swords and spears, shouting and attacking the Central Army.

bang bang bang...

Gunshots rang out, and under a volley of fire, the guys who rushed up fell down like pieces of wheat.

The outcome of the battle between hot weapons and cold weapons is clear at a glance.

"Soldiers, anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu issued a kill order.

In fact, this is what Lu Hao meant. If the Zhuang people don't show how powerful the empire is, they won't know how powerful the empire is.

In fact, the best way to suppress the rebellion is massacre. Only real massacre will scare these Zhuang people.

Lu Hao's patience was limited. If he couldn't suppress these rebellions with thunderous means, wouldn't it be a joke to other empires?How can we unify the continent in the future?

Xuanyuan Lingyu received Lu Hao's order and was well aware of Lu Hao's temper, so she issued a kill order.

The Imperial Central Army quickly cleared away the enemies on the city wall, occupied the entire city tower, and began to divide its troops into three groups to attack the other three city gates.

Cries of killing, roars, and roars, mixed with gunshots, soon flooded the entire Wancheng.

There are fewer and fewer Zhuang warriors who can resist, and many of them simply throw away their weapons and flee immediately, knowing that they will surely die.

This is a battle without any suspense and an unprecedented massacre!

Lu Hao rode his horse slowly into the city and looked at the piles of corpses on the ground without any emotion on his face.

If you want to unify the world, bloodshed and sacrifice are necessary. To wipe out a small Zhuang clan, even if it means annihilation, is not a big deal.

Lu Hao went directly to the Wancheng City Lord's Mansion. Now there are no Zhuang warriors here, only some imperial soldiers staying behind.

"Meet the emperor!"

All the soldiers immediately knelt down to worship.

"Free gift!"

Lu Hao waved his hand and walked towards the backyard.

In the backyard, there were several corpses, apparently those who had just been shot.

Blood stained the ground red, and the strong smell of blood filled the entire yard.

Suddenly, Lu Hao frowned slightly, looked towards a bedroom in the back, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The people in the room seemed to be aware of the movement outside, and they quickly retreated in fear.

Lu Hao pursed his lips and smiled, slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Come out! There is no one here!" Lu Hao's voice came.

Unfortunately, the person in the cabinet still didn't come out.

"What's going on? Aren't you coming out?"

Lu Hao turned around and looked.

" are you?"

A head was exposed from the cabinet, and it turned out to be a stunningly beautiful woman, and from the look of her outfit, she looked like a girl from the Zhuang ethnic group.

"You ask me? I also want to ask you, who are you? Why are you hiding in the closet?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

The beauty slowly opened the cabinet door and walked out, looking at Lu Hao with a wary look on her face and holding a knife in her hand.

"Are you from the Zhuang ethnic group?"

Lu Hao asked again.

"Yes, my father is from the Zhuang ethnic group and my mother is from Xiangfan City, so I also know the imperial language."

The beauty responded.

"So, you are of mixed race? Is that why you are so beautiful?"

Lu Hao pursed his lips and smiled.

"I...I am half of the empire. You won't kill me, right?"

the beauty asked timidly.

"Don't worry, no one will kill you. I have the final say here. My name is Lu Hao, what is your name?"

Lu Hao asked casually.

"They all call me Aino, so just call me Arnold."

The beauty introduced herself.

"Arnuo, you are obviously not an ordinary person for being able to hide in the city lord's mansion. Tell me, who is your father? Is he the city lord of Wancheng?"

Lu Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, my father is the lord of Wancheng, but then the clan leader came..."

Arnold didn't hide it.

It turned out that the patriarch was worried that her mother would betray the Zhuang people, so after arriving, she asked Aino's father to imprison her mother, saying that she would not be released until after the war.

Suddenly, Arnold rushed out like crazy, hugging a corpse and crying bitterly.

It turned out that his father, the city lord of Wancheng, had been killed by imperial soldiers.

It was probably the Imperial soldiers who rushed in. The Lord of the City resisted and was eventually shot dead on the spot.

"Arnold, there is no resurrection for dead people! Just show your condolences."

Lu Hao said loudly.

However, his will was very firm and he showed no trace of womanly kindness.

"Did you kill my father? Even if it wasn't you, it was the person you brought, right? Why? Why did you kill my father?"

Arnold asked Lu Hao angrily.

"If the Zhuang people had not risen in rebellion, would the empire have sent troops to quell the rebellion? This is the fault of the Zhuang people themselves!"

Lu Hao's voice was still cold.

"I knew it was you, and I fought with you!"

Arnold rushed forward, grabbed Lu Hao, and punched him hard on the chest with his small fists.

bang bang bang...

The beauty's fists were banging, but Lu Hao didn't move at all, allowing her to vent her dissatisfaction.

Several soldiers rushed in and were about to pull the beauty away, but Lu Hao waved his hand, pointed at the body on the ground, and motioned for them to carry the body away.

"Why? Why did you kill my father? Wuwuwu..."

Arnold burst into tears.

"War is inherently cruel! This war was started by the Zhuang people. The empire sent people to sue for peace. The Zhuang people must resist to the death and never compromise. However, the empire will never allow secession. Therefore, the empire sent troops to quell the rebellion! "

Lu Hao's voice was still calm and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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