Chapter 547 Attacking Negese

General Anguo of the Chinese Empire is different. He is domineering in his entire being, and his whole person exudes an aura of invincibility and invincibility.


Lu Hao laughed loudly and said, "Well said! Let them know that we are not just talking!"

His laughter subsided, his eyes swept over all the generals, and he loudly ordered: "General An Guo, Liu Ruxu, accepts the order!"

"Liu Ruxu accepts the order!"

Liu Ruxu, in full military appearance, knelt down on one knee and responded loudly.

All the other generals of the second main army of the Imperial Central Army knelt on the ground along with the general.

"I order you to lead the second main force of the Imperial Central Army to capture Negese! There is no need to report the specific combat deployment, you can decide by yourself. I will not interfere with the specific operational deployment."

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

"The commander's decree!"

Liu Ruxu and all the generals accepted the order in unison.

"Besides, you don't have to worry about logistical support. Situ Tianyin, the general of the auxiliary country, is personally escorting the guns and ammunition. He is on his way here. You can just go to me and call me without any worries."

Lu Hao added loudly.

"Your Majesty is wise! Long live, long live, long live!"

All the generals shouted in unison.

Liu Ruxu led the second main force of the Empire's Central Army to garrison the small village. It was not that they were incapable of fighting, but they were worried that their logistics supplies would not be able to keep up after the lone army penetrated deeper.

If there were no bullets, they would be living targets and they would definitely die ugly.

However, now that the emperor has come in person and brought logistical supplies, they no longer have any worries and can flex their muscles.

Liu Ruxu held a military meeting with the generals in the Chinese army's tent. Instead, Lu Hao hid in the military tent prepared for Liu Ruxu and went to sleep.

Lu Hao did not interfere with the specific combat deployment and completely let go, which made all the generals' eyes brighten.

After all, many emperors are people who are very happy with their achievements. After they come, they want to point fingers, but in the end, they disrupt the entire combat plan.

At the same time, it also shows that Lu Hao trusts them so much that he boldly delegates power and allows them to show their talents and shine.

Of the current four main legions, the first main legion has made great achievements. However, they also encountered life-and-death resistance from the Zhuang people in the southeast and failed to achieve even an inch of success.

Now that the emperor has given them a chance to make meritorious deeds, how could they let it go?
Attack the Qiang's frontier main city of Negese, and then divide the troops to attack. Let the Qiang know the power of the empire, and these short-sighted guys will be truly honest.

It is only two hours' journey from here to Negese. The Imperial Central Army can capture Negese before dusk as long as it speeds up.

At this time, Wang Rui, who had been staying at the Qiang tribe, came back.

"General Qi, the leader of the Qiang tribe finally agreed to negotiate with us."

Wang Rui announced the good news loudly.

Liu Ruxu and all the generals looked at him in bewilderment. They really wanted to slap this bastard to the ground.

All military deployments for combat operations have been issued, and this guy actually brought back news that peace talks are possible. Doesn't that mean the fight can't be won?
"Vice General Wang Rui, is your news really false?"

Liu Ruxu asked weakly.

"Of course it's true. The leader of the Qiang tribe seems to have figured it out and wants to negotiate with us!"

Wang Rui nodded heavily, like a chicken pecking at rice.

"However, we have deployed combat missions and are preparing to attack Negese!"

Liu Ruxu said.

"What? Attack Negese?"

Wang Rui was shocked.

"Yes, you brought this news back at this time, what should we do now?"

Lieutenant General Zhou Hongbin looked depressed. "You brat, did you come here to cause trouble on purpose?"

Lieutenant General Kong Xin also echoed.

"Forget it, I'd better go and ask the Emperor about this matter."

After Liu Ruxu finished speaking, she was about to turn around and leave.

"You don't have to ask me what I mean. Just say that Wang Rui is lost and start operating according to the original combat plan."

Lu Hao's voice came from next door.

"Follow the emperor's will!"

Liu Ruxu responded loudly.

Sure enough, that boy Wang Rui was really lost. Liu Ruixu arranged for him to go to the back to feed the horses.

He said that he didn't want to see his face before this battle was over.

Wang Rui felt aggrieved. He had to feed the horses in the stables and clean up the horse manure.

After Liu Ruxu arranged the combat deployment, the second main army of the Imperial Central Army immediately launched into action. Zhou Hongbin served as the vanguard, leading 2000 troops to clear the way for the large army in the front.

Kong Xin and Jiang Li, two beautiful lieutenants, each led 3000 troops to bypass Negese and invade the hinterland of the Qiang people.

Go all the way north to enter the holy land of the Qiang people, Yigama, and go all the way west to enter Xindituo, the home of the Qiang people.

Zhou Hongbin's main task is to cooperate with the main army to capture Negese, which serves as strategic support for the other two armies and is also a logistical support supply point.

Fortunately, now that we have entered these main cities, we can still ride horses on every road, so we can still take advantage of the rapid maneuverability of the cavalry. As for attacking those small mountain strongholds in the future, it will probably be difficult.

After more than two hours of horse riding, the vanguard of the second main army of the Empire's Central Army arrived at Negese, the frontier main city of the Qiang people, with just a quick gallop.

This is a defensive fortress with solid walls. It is built between two mountains. It is a solid city that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The only good thing is that the Qiang people's smelting technology is not up to standard, so the city gate does not use iron gates, but wooden gates.

No matter how strong a wooden door is, it is still a wooden door. Zhou Hongbin prepared eighteen explosive packets for this door, which will definitely blow the door into pieces.

As for the Qiang warriors in the city, there are currently about 3 people. Liu Ruxu has already sent people to investigate clearly.

To be honest, if it was the cold weapon era, at least 10 people would be needed to capture such a solid city.

However, when it comes to thermal weapons, that's a different matter.

It is still the simplest, most direct, and most brutal way of fighting, relying on the range of the rifle to suppress the enemies on the city wall, then blowing open the city gate, swarming up, and starting a street fight.

The Imperial Legion, which has rifles and pistols, fights against these guys with swords and spears, one shot at a time, how fast it is.

The flag of the Second Main Army of the Imperial Central Army and the flag with the word "liu" written like catkins quietly appeared on the mountain opposite Negese, making a rustling sound in the mountain wind.

Zhou Hongbin has led the vanguard to arrive 500 meters outside the city wall of Negese.

500 meters away, which is beyond the bow and arrow range of the Qiang warriors defending the city.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack..."

The Qiang soldiers on the city wall discovered the enemy and immediately ran to tell each other, causing chaos.

Zhou Hongbin led 2000 troops in a line, with their guns pointed at the city wall.

"Blow the trumpet! Give the order! Attack!"

Liu Ruxu in the distance shouted an order.


A loud charge horn sounded.


Zhou Hongbin gave a loud order and pulled the trigger first.

(End of this chapter)

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