Chapter 545 Two Idiots
"Nothing to make a fuss about. Hengyang City is the imperial arsenal, and all forces want to test it out. This is normal."

Lu Hao said calmly.

"Your Majesty, I will go make arrangements immediately."

Liu Rufeng appeared behind him.

"How do you... OK, you go."

Lu Hao originally wanted to say, why are you up?He held back the words.

After all, Liu Rufeng didn't want to follow him, so she still had to think about the beauty.

Since the identity of the two people has not been disclosed, Lu Hao will keep it a secret until the day when the beautiful sister becomes famous.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to help my sister face the enemy!"

Situ Tianyin took the initiative to ask for help.

"Let's go, let's go see where these two ninth-grade masters come from? What do they want to do?"

Lu Hao was also going to take a look.

Two ninth-level masters from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu, who were tasked with a major mission, came at full speed and landed directly on the top of a mountain outside Hengyang City.

It is almost dawn now, and it is also the time when everyone sleeps best. Therefore, there are only a dozen lanterns shining faintly on the main streets of Hengyang City.

Such a large military base would have a different scene during the day.

Several night watch soldiers on the city wall were also drowsy now. Two ninth-level masters quietly landed and spotted several soldiers in an instant.

The two of them thought that their martial arts were enough to walk sideways in Hengyang City, so they headed towards the city lord's mansion without stopping or making inquiries.

When they landed at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, the door of the City Lord's Mansion suddenly opened.

What's happening here?
The two ninth-level masters were completely confused.

"Two distinguished guests have come from afar. I don't know where they come from? What do you mean?"

Lu Hao walked out slowly.

Behind him were Situ Tianyin and others. At this time, Liu Rufeng had appeared, and the figures shaking around were all holding rifles and pistols.

In just an instant, the two of them were surrounded.

There are two guys, one is slightly taller and is wearing the clothes popular in Western Chu. Although it is not much different from the Empire's clothes, the belt is wider than the Empire's.

The shorter guy had a smile on his face and seemed not to take these people seriously at all.

Isn't it funny to surround two ninth-grade masters?

" discovered us a long time ago?"

The person who came actually spoke the official language of the empire and the language commonly used in the mainland.

"You guys came in with such a big fanfare, it's hard for us not to notice!"

Lu Hao laughed dumbly.

"That's true. We are too bold. Are you the lord of Hengyang City?"

the taller guy asked.

Lu Hao quickly gave Mr. Liu a look, and the latter walked out slowly.

"I am Liu Zhihong, the lord of Hengyang City. I wonder who you are?"

Master Liu asked.

"Oh, you are the city lord? That's easy to handle. My name is Gan Luo, from the Western Chu and Later Han dynasties, and the other one is called Shen Zheng, from the Great Zhou dynasty."

The tall man took the initiative to introduce.

"You are from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu? You don't know what it means?"

Mr. Liu frowned slightly, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Actually, it's nothing. We would like to ask how your empire's new weapons and rifles are made?"

Gan Luo didn't hide anything.

"Are you here to steal my master?"

Master Liu asked. "It doesn't count as stealing, but I was entrusted by the king to see how the rifles of the Chinese Empire were made?"

Gan Luo said frankly.

"Yeah, how are your rifles made? Take a few out and play with them."

Shen Zheng also laughed happily.

They didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all. Instead, they ignored the black muzzles surrounding them in a joking manner.

Lu Hao looked at these two idiots and was speechless for a while.

The two dynasties had obviously realized that the rifles of the Chinese Empire posed a great threat to them, so they sent people to test them, or to steal their troops.

Whether it was what he said about taking it out for fun or the questions he asked, they were all made for the rifle.

Could it be that they have the same idea as Liu Mu and want to study rifle manufacturing and produce rifles to compete with the empire?

"Rifles are controlled items in the Chinese Empire. Anyone who manufactures, sells or steals them privately will be punished by death!"

Master Liu responded coldly.

"Death penalty? Hahaha..."

Gan Luole laughed and said, "I just asked you to take it out and take a look. Why are you so stingy? Besides, I can give you money."

"That's right, I just took it out to see, hey... are they holding rifles?"

Only then did Shen Zheng realize that the soldiers around him were holding a very strange "stick" in their hands.

"Yes, they had rifles."

Lu Hao nodded slightly.

"In that case, I'll take over and play."

Shen Zheng was the first to take action. He stepped forward and found a person standing in front of him.

This person is none other than Lu Hao!

Facing Lu Hao's shrinking speed, no matter how fast he went, it would be useless and a joke.

When Shen Zheng realized that he was being stopped, he moved his feet, spread out his body skills, and turned to grab another soldier.

Lightning fast!

Unfortunately, Lu Hao moved and stood in front of him again.

Everyone stared blankly at the emperor in front of them, completely shocked by his hand.

All along, they only knew that this emperor was highly skilled in martial arts, outstanding in literary talent, and had invented and created countless products that spanned the ages.

In particular, his understanding of firearms, the use of steam engines, and the new material cement and rubber impressed several subsequent students.

I originally thought that he had great martial arts skills, but everyone was praising His Majesty the Emperor. To put it bluntly, they were flattering him.

Unexpectedly, the shrinking effect he performed today completely subverted everyone's understanding and shocked everyone.

Even Liu Rufeng and Situ Tianyin saw him perform such terrifying movements for the first time. They were simply breathtaking and shocking.

As ninth-level masters, Gan Luo and Shen Zheng were naturally knowledgeable people. They knew that they had met some terrifying super masters, so their expressions suddenly changed.

"Hey! It turns out there are experts here!"

Shen Zheng was suddenly startled and pulled out his sword with his backhand.

He was seen holding the knife in both hands, squatting slightly, with his legs in a lunge, ready to attack at any time.

Gan Luo, who had been joking all the time, now realized that something was wrong, and his face suddenly darkened.

Because he has never seen Shen Zheng's expression so serious and he takes his opponent so seriously. Even if he competes with him, he always looks carefree.

The two of them are free and easy in nature and have similar odors, so they came together as a team.

"You... who are you?"

A large bead of sweat slipped quietly from Shen Zheng's forehead.

Gan Luo also drew out his nine-section whip with his backhand, his face was extremely solemn, and his energy and spirit were rising rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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