Chapter 537 Cabinet Restructuring
Liu Shushu naturally knew that breaking into the emperor's palace without permission was a capital crime, so she directly denied it.

what's the situation?This little girl actually dares to quibble?

"Liu Shushu, just rushed into the inner room...did you see..."

When Lu Hao said this, he couldn't hold himself any longer.

"No, the little girl didn't see anything."

Liu Shushu refused to admit it.


Lu Hao was really speechless.

"Your Majesty, if nothing happens, the little girl has resigned."

After Liu Shushu finished speaking, she quickly ran away.

Lu Hao stared blankly at the beauty's disappearing back, staying where he was with the snack in his hand, as if he had lost his mind.

Today I finally saw a little woman who told lies with her eyes open, and a scoundrel who didn't act according to common sense.

"Damn it! Why did I just let her go?"

Lu Hao said angrily.

"Your Majesty, Miss Shu Shu has left. Do you want to call her back?"

asked a court lady.

"Forget it, I'm not as experienced as a little woman."

After Lu Hao finished speaking, he stuffed the snack into his mouth.

Liu Shushu on the other side, after exiting the main hall, trotted towards the backyard, her little heart beating wildly.

She pretended to be calm just now, but in fact she was so panicked that she almost lost control.

Fortunately, she has helped her father obtain the greatest benefit, which is the gold medal to avoid death.

Therefore, she immediately sent someone to spread the news out of the palace, asking Zhang Liang to notify his father in time and surrender to the empire as soon as possible, so that Lu Hao would not regret it later.

Originally, this kind of verbal promise had no formal document. If Lu Hao refused to accept it, it would be troublesome.

Although Liu Shushu is young, she has learned a lot from her cunning father, including cheating, refusing to admit credit, and telling lies.

Lu Hao didn't want to be serious with her. After all, there were so many soldiers guarding the border that it was impossible to treat them all across the board.

As long as Liu Mu takes care of the overall situation, Lu Hao might as well spare his life!

Back to the second day of the imperial capital.

Lu Hao took the Queen to hold the first morning court in Zhengyang Palace.

All the civil and military officials were in high spirits and went to court one by one wearing new court uniforms, looking particularly festive.

In the past, the imperial attire of the Great Yan Empire used many retro attires. The civil servants were a little better, but the clothes of the military attachés were simply not too ugly.

According to Lu Hao's request and the drawings he sent, Shen Yiyi's Yiyi Clothing Store produced a batch of brand new official uniforms.

All military attachés changed their uniforms into new standard military uniforms. The number of stars and stripes on the shoulders was used to determine the size of the official position, gradually moving towards a modern military rank system.

The title of general is still the same, but a few more stars have been added. Five-star general is the highest level, and the next higher is the imperial marshal, which is concurrently held by Emperor Yongtai.

The empire's army began to undergo a series of reforms, including the promotion mechanism for soldiers, and also transformed into a modern military rank system.

Military ranks from top to bottom are called general, lieutenant general, major general, colonel, colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, captain, lieutenant, second lieutenant, sergeant, sergeant, corporal, private, private, etc.

The official uniforms of civil servants have also been changed into soft fabrics, which are very comfortable to wear, and the previous official hats have been removed, making everyone more relaxed.The civil service system also abandoned its previous titles and was completely modified into a modern management system. Villages, towns and counties are three levels of local government, and the top level is the governor of each state.

The empire abandoned the original six ministers and established an imperial cabinet system, which was divided into six major departments and was responsible for the original six ministers. The chief minister of the cabinet was Tantai Mingyue.

In addition to Tantai Mingyue and the six ministers, the imperial cabinet also has several important ministers and generals from the empire who can participate in discussions.

The five ministers are the heads of the Imperial Imperial Guard, Wenyuan Pavilion, Imperial College, Qin Tian Prison, and Shang Lin Yuan Prison.

Wenyuan Pavilion is in charge of the empire's education system, Guozijian is the highest institution of higher education in the empire, and almost all of them are bachelors of the empire, Qintianjian is the department that manages meteorology and weather, and Shanglinyuan is the department that manages livestock cultivation.

The newly-established Privy Council Supervision Department under the cabinet was headed by Wu Qingyu as the Imperial Privy Council Supervision Department, in charge of the imperial intelligence system and espionage network, and reported directly to Tantai Mingyue.

Therefore, Wu Qingyu also has a seat.

The six selected imperial generals are Xuanyuan Lingyu, Liu Ruxu, Dong Xiaojun, Situ Tianyin, and Ding Rumo. The remaining one spot is reserved for the Second Navy Fleet formed in Crescent Port.

The Second Fleet of the Navy has not yet been formed, mainly because Hengyang City is still training the second batch of 1 marines.

Only after this part is trained can the Second Fleet of the Navy be truly established. As for this leader, Lu Hao has not yet decided.

The governors of various regions are responsible to the imperial cabinet, and the imperial cabinet is responsible to the emperor. These governors have a privilege, that is, they can directly submit memorials to the emperor to avoid problems in the cabinet.

After Lu Hao went to court, he immediately asked Xiao Xizi to read out the imperial edict, which mainly involved the reorganization of the cabinet. In the future, there would be no need for civil and military officials to go to court every day.

They should stay in their own yamen and work instead of coming here to meet the emperor every day.

However, Lu Hao stipulated that the cabinet must go to the side hall of Zhengyang Palace to work every day. Every Monday, all civil and military officials must come to attend the court meeting and must not be absent without excuse.

From now on, all memorials will be centralized in the cabinet for processing. Small matters will be resolved by each ministry. If they cannot be resolved, everyone will discuss and brainstorm, and finally send them to the Chongyang Hall behind for the emperor to stamp the jade seal and take effect.

Lu Hao's idea is that when he becomes famous, he will lead Qianyuan Continent into a constitutional monarchy with a cabinet-parliamentary system.

In this case, the royal family of the empire can always enjoy the respect of the empire, enjoy the glory and wealth, and do not have to manage the country and work hard.

Of course, all of this is estimated to have to move from the steam age to the industrial age and eventually to the electrical age.

Seeing that the empire's civil and military officials had no objections, Lu Hao looked at Lord Dong Bifang.

"Master Dong, you have made great achievements in building the Grand Canal this time. What reward do you want?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"Reporting to your Majesty, the opening of the Grand Canal was all thanks to the experts invited by the Emperor to split those two mountains. How dare I take the credit!"

Dong Bifang said loudly and humbly.

"Hahaha... If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. In fact, that master is my sworn brother, and his name is Jiujianxian!"

Lu Hao announced loudly.

Wine Sword Fairy?He's actually the emperor's brother?

Everyone was completely shocked!
With such an elder brother who is a swordsman, it is no wonder that the emperor's martial arts improved so quickly and he quickly seized the throne of the empire.

"Speaking of this brother, I promised to give him a gold medal and free room and board anywhere in the empire. Don't forget this."

Lu Hao added with a smile.

He turned to look at Tang Yu, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, and said loudly: "Tang Aiqing, you use gold to make a gold medal, and write four words on it, 'I am exempted from the order'."

"Your Majesty, how big should this gold medal be?"

Tang Yu took a step forward, bent slightly and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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