Chapter 521
Yu County is a small county that borders ethnic minorities.

Since these ethnic minorities rebelled, it has been occupied by these ethnic minorities, and now there are approximately more than 1 people inside.

There are many ethnic minorities in the Yunmeng Mountains, but the largest, the Zhuang, Moyi, and Kambi, are more than a dozen ethnic minorities. They have formed an alliance called the Xinimo Alliance.

The purpose of this alliance is to get rid of the rule of the empire and establish its own political power.

No one wants to be ruled by foreigners. This is the reason why all ethnic groups struggle to survive. These small ethnic groups also think this way.

Originally, they didn't have much confidence, but the weapons, equipment and food and supplies shipped with the Sui Empire greatly increased their confidence.

What's even more disgusting is that these guys are so audacious that they dare to ambush the Minister of the Chinese Empire, and even dare to ambush their own father.

Tolerable or unbearable!
Xuanyuan Lingyu's eyes were shining with hot anger, as if she was going to burn Yu County in front of her to nothing.

The problem now is that Yu County is a mountainous county, and the most indispensable thing here is boulders. Therefore, the city wall in Yu County is very high, about ten meters long.

A city wall of this height does not have much defensive power for a rifle. If you want to get in, you need to blow open the city gate.

Fortunately, the city gate here is not made of iron, but of wood. As long as the explosive package is sent up, the door is guaranteed to be blown to pieces.

"Reporting to General Zhenguo, the Zhuang tribe has sent people to say that those who attacked the old general are not their people."

Cao Ming came in a hurry.

"What? Not from them? Not from them. Could it be that they are from the Moyi tribe, the Kambi tribe? Or from other tribes?"

"Now that I see that the general is about to attack the city, I will say that it was not them! Do you think the general will believe their lies?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu's face was full of evil spirits.

"General, are we ready to attack the city?"

Cao Ming asked loudly.

"The emperor issued an order to launch a full-scale attack on these ethnic minorities and kill them without mercy! Even if they are not responsible for it, I, the general, must let them know that if they dare to rebel, they will die!"

"All soldiers obey the order and launch the attack in a quarter of an hour. Zhou Yuan, you lead the people to suppress the enemy. Cao Ming, you lead the demolition team to blow open the city gate. Wang Mian, you attack the other city gate..."

Xuanyuan Lingyu said loudly with murderous intent.


All the soldiers knelt on one knee and responded loudly.

A big battle is about to kick off.

Seeing the imperial army being mobilized, the Zhuang people and other ethnic minorities in Yuxian City immediately began to busy mobilizing troops and generals to deal with the upcoming siege battle.

In such a small county, there is almost no difficulty for Xuanyuan Lingyu's First Army of the Central Army of the Empire. They just need to see how to chase these guys when the time comes.

After all, this is a mountainous area. Once these guys escape into the mountains, it will be too difficult to chase them.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Lingyu surrounded the entire Yu County from all sides and must annihilate all enemies.

"Blow the charge! Attack the city!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu issued the order to attack the city.

bang bang bang...

A series of gunshots rang out, and Zhou Yuan led the soldiers to snipe the targets on the city wall 500 meters away.

Most of the defenders were Zhuang warriors. They were shouting and waving swords and spears, but they could only watch as bullets penetrated their chests.

"Conceal! Defend!"

The Zhuang leader on the city wall yelled.

Many shields came up, and many people hid.

Since these people were no longer on defense, Cao Ming led the demolition team and pounced directly on them.

To be honest, if the enemies in the city attacked at this time, they could resist for a while longer, but they never thought that the thick city gate would be breached in an instant.

After the explosive package was placed, the fuse was ignited, followed by a deafening explosion.Rumble...

A big hole was blown into the entire door, and the powerful impact forced the door over.

The heavy door fell to the ground, like a giant collapse.

"Kill! Kill..."

Cao Ming led his men into the city.

In a hand-to-hand encounter, the soldiers from the ethnic minority groups were unable to rush forward and were shot dead on the spot.

Street fighting broke out throughout the county. Countless ethnic minority soldiers knew they were no match and began to flee for their lives.

Totally one-sided slaughter!

"The whole army raid!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu issued the final combat order.

The loud charge horn sounded!

The soldiers of the Empire's First Legion who were lying in ambush poured into Yuxian County and started a brutal and bloody massacre.

The strong smell of blood could be smelled more than 30 miles away in Yu County. One can imagine how many people were killed in this battle.

Xuanyuan Lingyu, filled with rage, rode a war horse and walked slowly towards the county government office, stepping on the corpses of countless people.

The first main force of the Central Empire's Central Army took Yuxian County almost effortlessly, annihilated all enemies, and completely liberated the original imperial people in the city.

Cao Ming and his men were cleaning up the battlefield. They also confiscated a lot of gold, silver and jewelry, and moved them all to the courtyard of the Yamen.

Once these gold and silver jewelry are sold, a large amount of military expenses will be received.

Xuanyuan Lingyu ordered to set up camp on the spot, light a fire to cook, and sent out reconnaissance cavalry to detect the enemy's situation, waiting for Lu Hao's arrival.

Yuxian County, where the ethnic minority alliance headed by the Zhuang people was stationed, fell into the hands of the Imperial Central Army in just half an hour, which immediately shocked the Xinimo Alliance.

Xinimo means friendship and unity in Zhuang language, but now they have differences and are completely unfriendly.

Some ethnic minorities feel that they should not continue to fight against the empire, but should negotiate with the empire to achieve their ethnic autonomy. Others believe that tooth for tooth and blood for blood should be met.

It was not until evening that Lu Hao arrived at the county seat of Yu County and landed in the inner courtyard of the Yamen.

Lu Hao was dressed in black clothes, wearing a black cloak, and carried a black box on his back. Inside was the super sniper artifact AWM that had just been built.

To be honest, if he hadn't been looking for a box with a sniper rifle on the road, he would have arrived in Yu County half an hour earlier.

"The final general will see the emperor!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu recognized Lu Hao at a glance and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"Meet the emperor!"

The other generals quickly knelt down and worshiped.

"The general who governs the country is exempt from courtesy! All generals are exempt from courtesy!"

Lu Hao said loudly.

"Reporting to your Majesty, the general has successfully captured Yu County, and the foreign soldiers who are fully guarding the city are cleaning the battlefield and burying the corpses..."

"Now the whereabouts of old General Xuanyuan are unknown. The general has sent people to search and rescue him. There is still no news..."

Xuanyuan Lingyu reported loudly.

"General Zhenguo, I will personally search for Old General Xuanyuan, so don't worry. As for the next military action, what are your ideas?"

Lu Hao walked slowly and entered the county government office directly.

(End of this chapter)

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