Chapter 52
"To be honest, Prime Minister, the corruption case was handled well this time. The emperor rewarded me with countless gold, silver and jewels. I now have everything I need."

Lu Hao looked like he had a lot of money.

Everyone says that eunuchs love money. Why doesn't Mr. Lu like it?
He could have given the beauty as a gift, but since Lu Hao was an eunuch, how could he give it to her?

Yu Qian felt a headache and didn't know what to bring out to make Lu Hao tempted.

"Sir Lu, the treasure house at my old minister's house contains many precious things. Would you like to take a look?"

Yu Qian can be regarded as spending a lot of money.

Because if this matter is not clarified, the emperor will definitely deal with him, which will be troublesome.

Although they are now arranging for people to poison Murong Yuan, they must not cause the emperor's dissatisfaction before this is carried out.

Of course, the reason why he lowered his identity and came to Lu Hao to seek peace was to paralyze this kid so as not to cause further trouble.

"Oh! Are you willing, Prime Minister?"

Lu Hao smiled evilly.

"Master Lu is joking. As long as you like it, you can take it as you like!"

Yu Qian gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I'm a little busy today, so I won't go there for the time being. Let's go tomorrow."

Lu Hao made an appointment for tomorrow.

Because he had to go to Jintao Pavilion in the evening, and after the auction there, he was still waiting to get real money.

As for the treasure house of the Prime Minister's family, I am a little interested but not very interested.

After all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs controls the royal treasury, and there are probably many rare treasures in it.

However, the Prime Minister's mention made him want to take a look at the treasure house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Lu Hao personally escorted the Prime Minister out to the carriage, watched him go away, and concentrated on listening to the situation inside the carriage.

Because, he had already heard that there was another person in the car.

Sure enough, not far away from the carriage, there was a sound.

"How? What did the dead eunuch say? Did he believe it?"

It was actually Yu Wenji.

"I guess I believe it. I guess Lu Hao won't be our enemy anymore for the time being."

Yu Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is he so easy to talk to?"

Yuwenji was a little surprised.

"I invited him to the mansion's treasure house to select treasures, and he promised to come tomorrow."

Yu Qian said frankly.

"It seems that Mr. Lu is also a man who loves money. If this is the case, it will be easy to handle."

Yu Wenji was overjoyed and relaxed a lot.

"Are you thinking too much? This Mr. Lu doesn't care about money at all, and you don't know if he will come tomorrow?"

"Originally, I wanted him to explain it to the emperor, but I didn't expect this guy to speak in an official tone to me."

Yu Qian was a little depressed.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether he comes or not. We didn't do this anyway, so there's nothing to worry about."

Yuwenji complained angrily.

Lu Hao overheard this and already knew the truth, but he seemed even more solemn.

If it wasn't Yu Qian who did it, then who was the mastermind behind it?
The carriage went further and further away, and the sound gradually disappeared.

Lu Hao returned to the hall and took the Yi sisters to the Guangchu Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Guangchu Division specializes in storing the royal family's gold and silver jewelry, furs, porcelain, silks and satins, as well as rare treasures donated from various places.

Liu Bingyan personally accompanied Lu Hao to the royal underground treasure house.

"Master Manager, every item here will be recorded whether it is leaving or entering the warehouse..."

"Of course, these things are divided into categories and stored in different treasure houses..."

"Gold and silver are stored in warehouse No. [-], gold and silver jewelry are stored in warehouse No. [-], and pearls and jade are stored in warehouse No. [-]..."

Liu Bingyan introduced as he walked.

"Is it safe here?" Lu Hao was a little worried.

After all, so many treasures are stored here, what if they are stolen or robbed?
"Master Manager, there are many agencies here and they are heavily guarded. There are senior experts working in shifts to protect you 24 hours a day."

As he spoke, he approached Lu Hao and whispered in his ear: "It is said that there is a ninth-grade master who is here all year round. Who dares to come here to seek death!"

"What? A ninth-grade master?"

Lu Hao exclaimed in surprise.

Liu Bingyan quickly held his mouth and made a shushing gesture, obviously very frightened.

Several people continued to move forward.

"The collection here is all silk and satin..."

"This treasure house is basically full of precious porcelain..."

"The collection here is full of weapons and martial arts secrets..."

Mr. Liu introduced them one by one again.

"What? Martial arts secrets?"

Lu Hao suddenly became interested.

"Sir, should we go in and take a look?"

Master Liu asked with a smile.


Lu Hao nodded slightly.

The huge and heavy iron door slowly opened.

What came into view were rows of weapon racks with various weapons placed on them.

In the innermost part are rows of bookshelves with many books on them, probably martial arts secrets.

No way!So many martial arts secrets?

Aren’t all the martial arts secrets in this world valuable?
Never had the Yi sisters seen so many martial arts secret books, and they rushed in excitedly.

Lu Hao was assassinated last night and narrowly escaped, which made him interested in martial arts again.

Although the Yi sisters are protecting her, what if something unexpected happens?
Lu Hao felt that he had to be able to protect himself no matter what.

"Master Manager, practicing martial arts requires talent. I don't have talent and I can't learn it no matter what."

Mr. Liu said with a grimace.

"It's okay, I don't know martial arts either."

Lu Hao didn't hide anything.

Although he was born as a special soldier and could deal with a few ordinary people, facing real martial arts masters, he was just a piece of cake.

Of course, if he had a pistol, that would be a different matter.

There was no other way. He was in the special operations team and practiced the most with pistols, throwing knives and various assassination techniques.

It's a pity that there are no pistols in this world, let alone bullets!
Lu Hao casually picked up the sword on the weapon rack and took a quick look at it. He found that it was incomparable to the Emperor's Sword.

The Emperor's Sword, as an emperor's sword, is not an ordinary sword.

Lu Hao picked up another martial arts secret book, read it, and put it back.

The martial arts secrets here are divided into sword techniques, knife techniques, stick techniques, palm techniques, etc.

After asking, I found out that even if there is a secret book on martial arts, it would be in vain if there is no master to lead you in.

It turns out that in movies and television, it is completely unreliable that one can develop unrivaled magical skills through any chance encounter.

It's like everyone gives you a book of advanced mathematics. There is no teacher to teach you. You just study on your own and see how long it takes you to learn it.

Even if you are gifted and talented, you are one in a million and can learn it, but you are only half-assed. Real geniuses are rare.

Only then did Lu Hao realize that the basic skills taught to him by Eunuch Hai were completely deceiving him.

No matter how talented you are, if a martial arts secret book is given to you, it will be difficult for you to achieve anything.

It is said that these secret books were collected by the founding emperor of the Great Yan Empire from all over the Qianyuan Continent.

According to Mr. Liu, there are not many truly peerless martial arts. There are probably more than a dozen types. If you want to practice, you must obtain the emperor's consent.

(End of this chapter)

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