Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 519 The old general is attacked

Chapter 519 The old general is attacked

In order to accompany Chen Yuhuan, Lu Hao ordered that nothing should disturb him.

Perhaps because of Lu Hao's company, or perhaps because of the natural delivery, Chen Yuhuan recovered quickly and was able to get out of bed and walk two days later.

Seeing that Chen Yuhuan's complexion improved, Lu Hao was ready to head south to Qiongzhou Port.

After all, if he wanted to land from the sea to attack Zheng Guo and Yue Guo, he would definitely have to do it himself.

The empire's four-pronged army, the east-route army, is led by Pei Yong, and is currently stationed in Liaoyang City, waiting for Lu Hao's next order.

Of course, this army is mainly to prevent instability in the Far Eastern Prairie and can provide timely reinforcements.

The army on the northern route slowed down its march because Liu Mu sent the young princess to come for peace talks, but its destination was still directed towards the city of Yanjing.

Liu Ruxu in the southwest is also actively negotiating with the Qiang, Yi and Miao people, hoping to turn hostility into friendship.

The situation in the southeast became somewhat unclear. Xuanyuan Dingyuan was rushing to meet the leaders of the ethnic minorities. Xuanyuan Lingyu led the first main army to hold the rear.

Once they dare to harm Xuanyuan Dingyuan, with Xuanyuan Lingyu's violent temper, they will definitely massacre the city with blood in order to appease her anger.

However, Lu Hao gave Xuanyuan Dingyuan full authority to handle this matter, letting him make his own decision whether to fight or negotiate.

The problem now is that Zheng Guo and Yue Guo are causing trouble behind the scenes, which makes Lu Hao feel very uncomfortable and wants to send troops from the sea to frighten the two countries.

Lu Hao was dealing with the memorials that had accumulated in the past few days in Chongyang Hall, when Tantai Mingyue and Wu Qingyu came in a hurry.

"Let me tell you, Your Majesty, something bad has happened!"

Wu Qingyu fell to his knees with a plop.

"Get up and talk."

Lu Hao's face darkened,
"Your Majesty, General Xuanyuan was attacked on his way to negotiate with those ethnic minorities, and his whereabouts are unknown!"

Tantai Mingyue reported loudly.

"What? The old general was attacked? Didn't he ask the national adviser to send experts to protect him?"

Lu Hao stood up suddenly.

"It is said that Old General Xuanyuan refused the protection of the experts, thinking that he had some friendship with the leaders of the ethnic minorities, so he would not secretly assassinate him. Unexpectedly..."

Wu Qingyu responded quickly.

"Then where is Old General Xuanyuan now?"

Lu Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Although Old General Xuanyuan refused to be protected by many experts, General Xuanyuan Lingyu still sent several experts to secretly protect him, and there were also people from our Meiyue Clan for the purpose of transmitting information..."

"However, there were too many enemies ambushing Old General Xuanyuan. Our members of the Meiyue Clan were killed. The last message that came was that the Old General was being hunted, and his approximate location was in Yunmeng Mountain..."

The Tantai Mingyue direction map points to the Yunmeng Mountain area.

Lu Hao slapped the table, and the table suddenly cracked and fell into pieces.

"The Minister of War who dares to attack the empire really doesn't want to live anymore. Send an order to Xuanyuan Lingyu to launch a full-scale attack and kill without mercy! In addition, we sent experts to look for the old general Xuanyuan. We will see him alive or dead!"

Lu Hao made a prompt decision and issued the order.

Tantai Mingyue immediately took out the soul crystal ball and sent a message.

Lu Hao stood in front of the map of Yunmeng Mountain District, and his scalp felt numb for a while.

In the Yunmeng Mountain Area, almost all mountains stretch vertically and horizontally. The height of the mountains ranges from 2000 meters to 5000 meters, extending all the way east to the seaside.

In this chaotic mountainous area about [-] kilometers long and [-] kilometers wide, dozens of ethnic minorities, large and small, live.

These people live in the mountains, with backward productivity and backward thinking. In the past, they basically relied on the empire's aid and support to barely survive.

However, the terrain here is difficult, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and is not suitable for large-scale marches at all. Moreover, the ethnic minorities here take advantage of the terrain to occupy major transportation fortresses and checkpoints.

It is more difficult to pass through here than to reach the sky, which is why the Sui Empire is unwilling to send troops from here.

Seeing the destruction of the Great Yan Empire, these ethnic minorities immediately became rebellious, formed an alliance, and attacked several small counties in the empire, hoping to establish themselves.The question now is, who ambushed Old General Xuanyuan?Are these really ethnic minorities?Or is there a shadow of the Sui Empire in this?

Lu Hao couldn't tell, but he still issued the order to kill without mercy.

If these ethnic minorities hadn't been flirting with the Sui Empire, Xuanyuan Dingyuan wouldn't have gone out in person, let alone been ambushed.

Regardless of whether they were ethnic minorities or not, Lu Hao was prepared to kill one to scare others, kill chickens to scare monkeys, and give them a warning.

Don't think that the empire is a soft persimmon. If it doesn't hit you, it doesn't mean that it can't hit you. It doesn't dare to hit you, it just means that it doesn't want to hit you.

"The Empress is here!"

The eunuch's voice came from outside.

Tantai Xiyao came in a hurry and said, "Meet the Emperor!"

"The queen is free!"

Lu Hao was not in a good mood and did not take his eyes off the map.

"What happened?"

Tantai Xiyao looked at her mother and Wu Qingyu and asked in a low voice.

Tantai Mingyue quickly explained to her daughter.

Wu Qingyu stepped forward and pointed out the general location of Xuanyuan Dingyuan to Lu Hao, and had already sent people to support him.

"Your Majesty, if Old General Xuanyuan really escapes, there are many high mountains and ridges in the Yunmeng Mountains. It is not difficult to hide. Moreover, if there are several people hiding in such mountains, it will not be easy to find them. matter."

Wu Qingyu quickly comforted him.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but since the enemy can't find Old General Xuanyuan, it might be difficult for our support people to find Old General Xuanyuan."

Lu Hao nodded slightly, still a little worried.

"That's true!"

Wu Qingyu responded with a grimace.

"Well, let me go there myself and see if I can find Old General Xuanyuan as soon as possible?"

Lu Hao was ready to go and see for himself.

After all, Xuanyuan Dingyuan is Xuanyuan Lingyu's father and his father-in-law. If anything happens, Sister Lingyu will definitely blame him.

Besides, Xuanyuan Dingyuan went there in person for the sake of the stability of the empire. Now that something happened, how could the empire ignore it?
"Queen, after I leave, you will review the memorials sent to me. If you don't understand, just ask a few ministers."

Lu Hao turned to look at Tantai Xiyao and explained.

"But I have never done this before... I'm afraid I won't do it well!"

Tantai Xiyao said with a bitter face.

"It's okay. These memorials are basically small things. If it's a big thing, just use your soul crystal ball to contact me."

Lu Hao comforted with a smile.

"Queen, don't worry, Lord Mingyue is still here?"

Wu Qingyu echoed.

"Yes, mother will help you."

Tantai Mingyue also responded with a smile.

"After I leave, the queen still needs to take good care of Concubine De and Ji'er. If Liu Mu's daughter comes, you can test her tone and see Liu Mu's attitude. However, the prerequisite is that she must submit to the empire..."

Lu Hao added.

(End of this chapter)

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