Chapter 501 Enthroned as Emperor
Lu Hao admires one kind of person very much, that is, a normal person who commits suicide.

A normal person can end his life by committing suicide, so what else should he be afraid of?
Dugu Jin, who is in his 40s, is already ranked as a ninth-level master. Although his arm is broken, his internal strength and realm are still there. Even without a sword, he is still a first-class master.

As for swordsmanship, doesn’t there still be an arm?You can practice left-handed swordsmanship!

Lu Hao could tell that Dugu Jin didn't want to die yet, he was just talking.

"Lu Hao, today I, Dugu Jin, have admitted defeat. I will definitely get back the revenge of my broken arm in this life!"

Dugu Jin was also strong. He struggled to his feet, grabbed Nie Yunzhou and flew away in the air.

"Lu Hao, he will definitely find Dugu Sword Master to deal with you!"

Nangong Ruoxue said worriedly.

"What? Are you worried about your husband?"

Thief Lu Hao chuckled.

"No one else? You deserve to die!"

Nangong Ruoxue has a tough mouth.

"Dugu Sword Master, one of the four great masters in the mainland, is said to be attacking the land of immortals. If such a person wants to kill me, he is really dead!"

Lu Hao looked bitter.

"What should I do?"

Nangong Ruoxue suddenly became anxious and said, "Otherwise, I will write a letter back and ask my father to come forward. However, Dugu Sword Master may not give the royal family face!"

"Don't worry, you won't be a widow."

Lu Hao joked.

"It's so urgent now, but you're still in the mood to joke. I don't know where you got the courage?"

Nangong Ruoxue said angrily.

"Okay, don't go back tonight. Go in and stay with Xiyao. She should be awake."

Lu Hao comforted with a smile.

Such a big movement not only woke up Tantai Xiyao, but also alarmed all the concubines in the harem.

When they learned that the assassin had been brought to justice, everyone felt relieved.

Yi Ruyan is directing the personnel to repair the ground that was smashed just now and the areas damaged by bullets.

Wu Qingyu hurried over, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he felt that he had neglected his duty.

"Greetings, Prime Minister! It's my fault that I didn't discover these assassins!"

Wu Qingyu knelt down on one knee to apologize.

"Three of the top ninth-grade masters from the Great Sui Empire are here tonight. It's not something you can notice, so you don't have to blame yourself too much."

Lu Hao waved his hand, gesturing for him to get up and talk.

"Three ninth-grade masters?"

Wu Qingyu was shocked.

"He was sent by Emperor Sui Yang. He killed one and crippled two. It's no big deal."

Lu Hao said calmly.

"The Sui Empire actually came to cause trouble again. Do you want to send someone to warn them?"

Wu Qingyu said in a deep voice.

"It's not necessary. You should focus on tomorrow's enthronement ceremony, do a good job in defense of the entire imperial capital, and keep an eye on those ambitious guys who are afraid of chaos in the world. If anyone wants to fish in troubled waters, kill them without mercy!"

Lu Hao explained coldly.

"Prime Minister, the entire emperor is already under the control of the Supervision Department. I have just received news that Mr. Xu's family and some veterans of the empire are plotting to put pressure on the Prime Minister during the enthronement ceremony tomorrow. The specific content is not clear yet. …”

Wu Qingyu reports.

"To put pressure on the truth? Okay, let's arrest him first, so as not to affect the enthronement ceremony later."

Lu Hao gave the order decisively.

"Master Prime Minister? Do you want it?" Wu Qingyu made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"That's not necessary. We'll lock these people up and wait until the truth comes to the throne before we make a decision."

Lu Hao shook his head and said thoughtfully.

"The subordinate understands, so let's do it."

Wu Qingyu took the order and left.


The sun rises in the east, and the sun is as hot as fire.

A red sun rises in the east, indicating that the Great Yan Empire is about to enter a new era.

Zhengyang Palace was the place where the emperor usually went to court. Large red carpets were spread inside and outside the main hall, as well as on the straight road to the palace.

Today was a great day for Lu Hao to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. All civil and military officials were waiting outside the palace gate early in the morning, preparing to enter the palace to meet the new emperor of the empire.

Lu Hao wore a dragon robe today, and Queen Tantai Xiyao also wore a phoenix robe, and they came hand in hand.

One is that a new emperor ascends the throne, and the other is that a new emperor establishes a queen and ennobles concubines in the harem. It can be said to be a double happiness.

The Empire's Qin Tian Jian is an important department for divination and astrology, and for calculating the empire's national destiny. The national counselor Liu Rufeng is in charge of the Qin Tian Jian, and is also the host of this enthronement ceremony.

At this grand and solemn moment, two rows of civil and military officials entered the palace from Zhengyang Gate and entered the Zhengyang Hall, preparing to pay homage to their new emperor.

Xiao Xizi is now the largest eunuch leader in the palace and Lu Hao's confidant.

"The Emperor is here!"

Xiao Xizi's duck voice sounded.

Lu Hao and Tantai Xiyao came hand in hand and walked slowly into the Zhengyang Palace.

"Welcome to the Emperor! Welcome to the Queen!"

All the civil and military officials fell to their knees.

Lu Hao came slowly, his sharp eyes swept across the hall, and sat on the emperor's throne with the queen.

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!"

All civil and military officials shouted in unison and kowtowed.

"Everyone is flat!"

Lu Hao responded loudly.

Liu Rufeng took a step forward, took out a copy of Qin Tianjian's credentials, and began to read it out.

The general meaning is to give a detailed introduction to Lu Hao's great achievements. At the same time, the Murong royal family of the Great Yan Empire caused civil strife and was unpopular with the people. Lu Hao complied with the destiny and ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

It specifically mentions that Lu Hao fought in the north and south for the empire, and finally incorporated the Far Eastern Steppe of the Eastern Turks into the empire's territory, making the empire's territory unprecedentedly grand, and enough to lead the empire to usher in a new era.

Soon, Eunuch Xiao Xizi read out the imperial edict of the new emperor, announcing that the country's name would be changed to the Chinese Empire, the reign name would be Yongtai, and Lu Hao would be honored as Emperor Yongtai.

At the same time, it was announced that Tantai Xiyao was the imperial concubine, Dong Xiaowan was the noble concubine, Xiao Yun'er was the Shu concubine, Chen Yuhuan was the De concubine, Nangong Ruoxue was the Xian concubine, Xia Wei was Zhaoyi, and Nalan Xiuting was the concubine. Zhaorong.

The royal family members who established the Chinese Empire established the Lu family's ancestral temple to appeal to their ancestors, to provide peace to the common people, and to grant amnesty to the world to stabilize the four directions.

From then on, the Chinese Empire was officially established and a new era of the empire was ushered in.

Since Wu Qingyu captured Mr. Xu's family and a group of conservative imperial veterans, the coronation ceremony went very smoothly. However, after Lu Hao resigned as the imperial prime minister, this position was unresolved.

Of course, Lu Hao also knew very well in his heart that the position of Prime Minister of the Empire must be given to someone who is absolutely loyal. Moreover, the power of this position is too great, and he is worried that he will not be able to lose it by then.

All the tedious procedures of the enthronement ceremony were over, and most of the civil and military officials retreated. In the main hall, a few ministers and core members of the Lu Group were left behind.

"Your Majesty, we have just received news that several ethnic minorities on the southwest border have rebelled and led troops to occupy several cities..."

"In the southeast, several ethnic minorities close to the border of the Sui Empire also announced their separation from the empire and prepared to establish an independent country..."

"There is also Liu Mu in the north, and several major cities in the northwest have also announced their separation from the empire, especially Liu Mu. It is said that he wants to proclaim himself emperor..."

Tantai Mingyue reports loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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