Chapter 475 Understand geography
"On the road in the dark forest, you can still use stone burning and blasting to deal with the rock layers. As for the death swamp in the east, I will give you a specific plan..."

"In fact, the formation of the Death Swamp was mainly due to the north-south trend of the Nudes Mountains. The meandering rivers in the middle flowed into the dark forest. The water flow around them had no time to drain out, resulting in the formation of silt deposits on large areas of land, and eventually the swamp was formed."

"As for this swamp, we need to use dredging methods to guide the water flow from the Nudes Mountains. As long as there is no water, the Death Swamp will eventually disappear slowly..."

Lu Hao said eloquently.

No one has dared to say that the death swamp that has existed for thousands of years can be cured. However, what Lu Hao said was reasonable and well-founded, and it was obvious that he had conducted on-the-spot investigations.

The most terrifying thing is that he will also come up with a specific plan to manage the death swamp.

This prime minister was a versatile man in both civil and military affairs. He knew everything from astronomy to geography. His breadth of knowledge made all the civil and military officials dumbfounded and shocked.

Only such people with great talents, great strategies, and far-sighted vision can win the support of civil and military officials and the support of the subjects of the empire.

"Master Prime Minister, even your geographical knowledge is so rich, I admire you!"

Master Dong felt something and bowed slightly again to show respect.

"Geographic knowledge is a science. The empire should set up special colleges to study geographical knowledge and teach students this knowledge."

As Lu Hao spoke, he turned to Du Ze, the Minister of Rites, and asked, "Master Du, I have asked you to establish various colleges in the empire. Is there any progress in this matter?"

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, this matter is already being done. However, it is not clear yet what kind of education system the Prime Minister wants to establish. What I want to say is that we draw up a first draft and submit it to the Prime Minister for review and finalization."

Du Ze responded loudly.

"Let's do this. Your Ministry of Rites will take the lead and ask the imperial bachelors from the Wenyuan Pavilion and the Imperial Academy to come to the Military Aircraft Department tomorrow to discuss matters. The prime minister will give a detailed explanation of this and help you establish and improve the imperial education system."

Lu Hao thought for a while and said.

If you want the civilization of the entire continent to progress, it is impossible to achieve it by yourself. More talents are needed.

The cultivation of talents is inseparable from the Imperial Academy. These institutions were originally only controlled by the imperial nobles, but Lu Hao is ready to open them to civilians.

In order to avoid class conflicts, Lu Hao planned to divide this kind of college into a civilian college and an aristocratic college.

However, as long as they are outstanding talents, they will be reused in the empire.

Just like the talents selected by the imperial examination this time, Lu Hao also reused them, and several of them were from poor families.

"Prime Minister, the top priority now is to hold the enthronement ceremony. Can this matter be slowed down a little?"

Du Ze said with a grimace.

"I know you are quite busy. Send a deputy to bring the Grand Master here. Only after telling them the truth can they formulate a new plan."

Lu Hao said with a smile, expressing his understanding.

"Prime Minister, the main roads in the Imperial Capital have been poured with cement, and the various lanes and alleys are being poured. The subjects of the Imperial Capital like it very much and are very cooperative with our project..."

"It's just that the continuous construction of projects in various places has cost immeasurable money. The preliminary funds allocated by the Ministry of Household Affairs to our Ministry of Works have bottomed out!"

Mr. Dong continued to report.

"Don't worry, Mr. Dong, the empire is not short of money. Take a look at how much the second phase of appropriation is needed. I will ask the Ministry of Revenue to allocate it for you."

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"Preliminary estimates indicate that the second phase will require [-] million taels of silver."

Mr. Dong said directly.

Two hundred million taels of silver?
In the eyes of civil and military officials, this is an astronomical figure, and it is only the second phase. No wonder Mr. Dong said that the money spent is immeasurable. "Two hundred million taels of silver is not much, it's true!"

Lu Hao nodded slightly, turned to look at Tang Yu, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, and said with a smile: "Master Tang, let the Ministry of Revenue allocate [-] million taels of silver to the Ministry of Industry. Is there no problem?"

"Of course there is no problem. This matter will be handled immediately after the official meeting."

Tang Yu responded loudly.

"You don't have to worry. This time I went on an expedition to the East Turks and brought back a lot of gold and silver jewelry. Later, I destroyed the pirates and got a lot of gold and silver jewelry. The value of these things is at least... [-] million taels of silver. Waiting for Jintao Pavilion After the auction, all the money can be collected into the national treasury.”

Lu Hao added with a smile.

What?Eight hundred million taels of silver?
All civil and military officials were immediately dumbfounded!
"Master Prime Minister, do you really have so much money?"

Tang Yu was extremely pleasantly surprised and smiled flatteringly.

"Of course, these are just small amounts of money. It turns out that the horses, cattle and sheep obtained during this expedition are worth hundreds of millions, not to mention the various rich mines and the marine fishery resources of Tuotuohai..."

Lu Hao talked with great eloquence and knew everything from his family's treasures.

To be honest, war is the most profitable, because the essence of war is plunder and robbery.

Lu Hao made a lot of money during this expedition. How could the empire's finances be short of money?

"By the way, the Queen held a celebration banquet. Did she reward those who made meritorious service in this battle?"

Lu Hao finally asked.

"The Empress said that the prime minister should come back to reward meritorious ministers, but we can't say anything."

Xuanyuan Dingyuan interrupted.

His daughter Xuanyuan Lingyu should be credited with the first contribution to this expedition. The Queen just hosted a banquet to entertain her, without anything substantial.

Now that Lu Hao is back, he naturally has to fight for his daughter.

Of course, Chen Yuhuan also had her own considerations. Only by leaving the opportunity to commend soldiers and civil and military officials to Lu Hao could he gather more people's hearts.

"Let's do this. There will be a banquet in Changqing Palace tonight to entertain all the soldiers and civil and military officials. It turns out that I have a mysterious gift for everyone tonight."

Lu Hao made a prompt decision and held a banquet to reward the soldiers and civil and military officials.

He turned to look at Xuanyuan Dingyuan and said with a smile: "Master Xuanyuan, you are the Minister of the Ministry of War. I will leave this matter to you with full authority."

"The subordinate takes orders!"

Xuanyuan Dingyuan responded quickly.

"In addition, Lord Xuanyuan, the new army currently formed by the empire uses very advanced weapons, and the number of soldiers must also be reduced. The troops that can be disbanded will be compensated on the spot, so that they can return home in fine clothes and avoid the suffering of war..."

Lu Hao explained that he was ready to continue disarmament.

In the previous era of cold weapons, manpower was the largest cost, but in the era of hot weapons, military supplies were the largest cost.

Take the amount of guns and ammunition consumed in this expedition to the East Turks, which is an astronomical figure.

Without enough financial support, the Lu Jiajun is just an army with fire sticks, so what kind of fighting power does it need?
"Prime Minister, I have prepared a disarmament plan, but I don't know the compensation for each soldier..."

Lord Xuanyuan hesitated to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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