Chapter 469: Soul Curse Technique
After using the soul crystal ball many times, it was only now that he discovered that the soul crystal ball's greatest ability was not to cast thousands of miles of spiritual sound, but to assist in cultivating the power of the soul.

Every time you are immersed in the soul crystal ball, the soul's perception range will gradually increase, and if you can practice advanced soul spell techniques.

This method of relying on the power of the soul to attack the enemy is quick and unpredictable. However, once you encounter an enemy whose soul power is stronger than your own, you may suffer a backlash, with disastrous consequences.

The soul seeped into the soul crystal ball, and Lu Hao seemed to be in a huge void with countless white light spots.

These light spots are the soul imprints of the Meiyue Clan’s people scattered throughout the country.

However, Lu Hao did not want to get in touch with them, but to use the soul crystal ball to release the power of his soul with all his strength.

At this moment, the soul crystal ball was like an amplifier, forcibly amplifying Lu Hao's soul power.

At this moment, the acupuncture feeling in Lu Hao's mind completely disappeared.

Suddenly, the soul crystal ball emitted bursts of white light, rapidly expanding, forming a transparent white barrier around his body.

With a transparent barrier formed by his internal force and a white barrier formed by his soul power, Lu Hao now seemed to be wrapped in two white eggs.

Lu Hao relied on the soul crystal ball and was barely able to resist the magical power.

The cultivation of soul power is actually very similar to the cultivation of the body, that is, constantly tempering one's soul power. The pressure of this magical power on Lu Hao is a kind of tempering.

Lu Hao calmed down and began to fight against this force. After impact and repeated impact, his soul power began to grow.

As his soul power became stronger, Lu Hao's soul power began to rise rapidly, and the white barrier also began to expand toward the outside...

One minute and one second, one day and one night, three days and three nights...

Lu Hao immersed himself in it and found that his soul power began to sink. However, the bottom of the sea was endless, and he did not know how deep this trench was.

Humans are curious animals, and Lu Hao is also very curious. He wants to know how deep this trench is?What's down there?
An hour later, Lu Hao's soul power extended down more than 100 meters.

Three days later, the downward extension speed of Lu Hao's soul power suddenly dropped by half, only about 50 meters per hour.

Seven days later, the speed at which Lu Hao's soul power extended downwards dropped again, only about 20 meters per hour.

On the tenth day, Lu Hao felt that the power of his soul could reach 5000 meters below.

His current location is about 3000 meters away from the sea surface, which means that the depth of this trench has exceeded 8000 meters.

According to Lu Hao's guess, if this trench can reach [-] meters, it will be almost as deep as the trench in the Pacific Ocean in the previous life.

Lu Hao would stop every three days to deal with imperial government affairs and use his soul crystal ball to inquire about the situation in various places.

The Meiyue clan has now entered the Great Yan Empire's espionage network, and all of this espionage is in Lu Hao's hands.

Lu Hao only spent a small amount of time, and after finishing the government affairs, he began to practice soul cultivation.

The government affairs of the empire are not much, it can be said to be step by step, and since the Eastern Turks were merged into the territory of the Great Yan Empire, the major forces in the surrounding areas that were clamoring have also become silent.

Lu Hao asked Pei Yong to bring the army back to the imperial capital, and asked the Queen to host a banquet in Changqing Palace to entertain the soldiers and commend the first main army.

The situation in Hengyang City is getting better and better. Liu Rufeng has trained another 1 troops, and selected [-] people to form the main navy corps.

Lu Hao appointed Dong Xiaojun as the general of the third main army and Pei Yong as the general of the fourth main army.

Cao Ming, who was sent from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, was assigned to Xuanyuan Lingyu's account as her general and entered actual combat training.Another Wang Rui arranged to work under Liu Ruxu's account and became her soldier.

The remaining people all entered the four main legions and began real combat training. They were waiting for Lu Hao's return and were ready to sweep the entire continent.

Dong Bifang, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, has the busiest work. Three of the four official roads have been basically connected, and the remaining road in the west has been somewhat obstructed.

The construction of the Grand Canal has already begun. It is being built from both sides to the middle. It is just the two mountains in the middle that will be dealt with after Lu Hao returns.

As for the road that runs through the dark forest, the road to the west is under construction, but the section of the Death Swamp in the east needs to wait for Lu Hao to come back to find a solution.


Ten days later, Lu Hao felt that the speed of soul power cultivation had dropped again, reaching about ten meters per hour.

In the past few days, he has begun to practice the Meiyue clan's soul spell technique and has made great progress.

In fact, the soul curse technique only has three moves, the first move is to break the soul, the second move is to destroy the soul, and the second move is to capture the soul.

The first move to break the soul is a simple and direct soul shock wave. The purpose is to break the enemy's soul defense.

Of course, this can only touch the soul level in a duel between masters.

The second move is to destroy the soul. As the name suggests, it destroys the enemy's three souls and seven souls, and finally kills the enemy completely. Even if it cannot kill the enemy, it can still make the enemy fall into a deep sleep.

The third move is Soul Seizing. As the name suggests, Soul Seizing is used to completely suppress and control the enemy. It implants a powerful soul imprint into the enemy's soul, making the enemy his soul servant.

In fact, it cannot be said to be a soul servant. It can only be said to leave a deep imprint in the depths of people's souls so that people will not betray themselves.

Only now did Lu Hao understand why the entire continent was hunting down the Meiyue clan?

Who wouldn't be afraid of such a terrifying soul curse?

As the soul power skyrocketed, Lu Hao was surprised to find that the soul's penetrating power was so terrifying that it could actually penetrate deep into the soil underground.

"Hey! The power of the soul can really penetrate into the soil..."

"Hmm! I think it's because of the surge in soul power that the soul power can penetrate into the soil..."

Lu Hao secretly guessed.

Since it can penetrate into the soil, how deep can its soul power penetrate?

As Lu Hao's soul power penetrated into the soil, the depth of the scan increased from tens of meters to a depth of thousands of meters...

It continues to explore the conditions in the soil, and can sense rocks and various minerals in the soil.

Lu Hao released his soul power with all his strength and extended it to a depth of about 500 meters. Only then did he reach the end of his soul power.

The strength of his current soul power is at least three times that of his previous soul power.

In other words, if he were on the plains now, the range of his perception would be at least 45 kilometers to [-] kilometers.

(End of this chapter)

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