Chapter 436 Parallel goods

"Princess, let's not fight fearlessly. We are no match for the Prime Minister. I am willing to surrender to the Prime Minister."

Prince Wu Erhai said loudly.

"Uncle Wang, how could you do this? You are betraying!"

Ashi Zenmei roared angrily.

"Betrayal? If we don't surrender, the Prime Minister will kill all of us, and by then our entire Turkic clan will probably be exterminated."

Prince Wu Erhai retorted coldly.

"Kill the tribe and wipe it out! Uncle Wang, do you think that if we surrender, that devil Lu Hao will give us Turks hope to survive?"

Princess Ashi Zenmei roared angrily.


Lu Haole laughed and said: "The Prime Minister said that as long as you are willing to surrender to the Prime Minister, I will give you a way to survive. This sentence is valid at any time."

"Prime Minister, I have a suggestion. In this case, the Turks will be more willing to submit to the Prime Minister."

Prince Wu Erhai turned to look at Lu Hao and said.

"Oh? What advice?"

Lu Hao became interested.

"As long as the Prime Minister is willing to let us live, we Turks can let Princess Shanmei marry the Prime Minister, and then no one will object."

Prince Wu Erhai responded with a smile.

"Uncle Wang, what are you talking about? Even if I kill this princess, I won't marry such a devil!"

Princess Ashi Shanmei decisively opposed.

"What the prince said is absolutely true. As long as I marry the princess, I will be the Prince Consort of the Turks. When the Turks surrender to me, there will not be so many obstacles in their hearts."

Lu Hao nodded slightly and actually agreed with his proposal.

"Lu Hao, if you want to marry this princess, you are just dreaming!"

Princess Ashi Shanmei said fiercely.

"Wrong, it's not me who married you, but you who married me, or committed yourself to me, in exchange for a life for you Turks!"

Lu Hao said coldly.

To be honest, he didn't want to marry this lioness, lest he fall asleep at night and not know how he died.

However, in order for the Turks to surrender to him, Lu Hao felt that it didn't matter if he married this princess.

"Lu Hao, don't even think about getting me. The worst that can happen is that I will bite my tongue and commit suicide!"

Asami Zenmi is indeed a very good character.

"What? Bite your tongue and commit suicide? Okay, you can commit suicide now, and you'll see the truth."

Lu Hao actually turned over and dismounted, as if he wanted to see how she committed suicide.

"You...don't think that I dare not! Let me tell you, if you dare to marry me, I will kill you when you fall asleep!"

Princess Ashi Shanmei said coldly.

"Hehehe...what? From your tone, do you still want to sleep with me?"

Lu Hao joked happily.


Princess Ashi Shanmei was so angry that she could not speak.

"What are you doing? Let's do this. You can wait for me to go to bed tonight, and let me see if you, the princess, are a cheap commodity?"

Lu Hao smiled evilly.

"Lu Hao, you... don't even think about it! If you... you dare... I will kill you!"

Ashi Zenmei was so angry that she almost hit the wall.

"It's nothing to be afraid of. However, judging from the fact that you stink all over, you really don't have much appetite."

Lu Hao covered his nose, as if he thought the girl stunk.

What?Does this princess stink?

Princess Ashi Shanmei was so angry that she fainted, perhaps because she was tired and hungry.

"Princess, princess..."

Prince Wuerhai and other Turks surrounded the beauty.

"What's going on? Are you fainted from anger?" Lu Hao frowned.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, the princess is very frail. She didn't eat anything for a day and a night and passed out."

Prince Wu Erhai said to Lu Hao with a bitter face.

"Are you fainting? Someone, open the door."

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

The cage was opened, Lu Hao got in, and immediately hugged Princess Ashi Shanmei.

"Prince Wu Erhai, tell your people that I am going to marry the princess, and from now on I will be the Prince Consort of the Turks. Let everyone else surrender to me, or I will send them to hell."

After Lu Hao finished speaking, he hugged the beauty and left.

In the Chinese army tent, Lu Hao placed the beautiful woman on the couch, poured some water, supported her body, and fed her.

Maybe she was too thirsty. After the beauty drank some water, she opened her eyes leisurely.

"Devil! I want to kill you!"

Princess Ashi Shanmei punched her hard.

Lu Hao stretched out one hand, grabbed her pussy, and grinned, "What? Do you want to flirt with me?"

"I'll kill you!"

Lord Ashimei bit his tongue.

The beauty bit Lu Hao's arm all at once, causing Lu Hao to frown in pain.

This bite was the beauty's way of venting her anger. The bite was very hard and deep, and her teeth penetrated directly into the flesh, immediately leaving two rows of teeth marks.

"You bit me so hard, do you want to leave a souvenir for me?"

Lu Hao joked with a smile.

Princess Ashi Zenmei raised her head and looked at the man in front of her. She really wanted to beat this bastard to death.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

The beauty waved her small fist and punched Lu Hao on the chest.

Lu Hao did not evade, but let her beat him until he couldn't hit him anymore, letting her vent her grievances.

"Princess, hit or bite, make your people surrender to the truth, otherwise, the truth will never be merciful."

After Lu Hao finished speaking, he walked over, brought her some food and drink, and placed them beside the couch.

"You eat something first, and then go and persuade your tribe."

Lu Hao looked at her deeply before turning around and leaving the tent.

After being hungry for so long, the beauty was already starving. When she saw something to eat, she started to eat.

Unfortunately, as she was eating, tears started flowing down again, and she actually burst into tears.

"Lu Hao, you devil! I...I don't want to marry you! Even if you beat me to death, you won't marry me either!"

Princess Ashi Shanmei said as she ate, her tears seemed to flow endlessly.

Lu Hao left the camp and went to see Prince Wu Erhai. The latter was persuading the tribesmen, but the effect was not very good.

I just saw Lu Hao defeat Juli Khan and massacre so many Turkic warriors. How could these people surrender to him?

However, Lu Hao was not in a hurry. Let these guys starve for a few days and they would be fine.

As for the princess, he wanted to conquer her physically and mentally so that she would be willing to help him persuade the tribesmen to surrender.

Xuanyuan Lingyu and others pursued the remaining defeated troops of Juli Khan and returned with a great victory, annihilating all [-] of Juli Khan's cavalry. Unfortunately, Juli Khan escaped by chance.

"Master Prime Minister, what should we do with so many horses?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu came over with a smile.

"Such a large number of horses will naturally be sent back to the Great Yan Empire, preferably to Situ Tianyin for logistical transportation."

Lu Hao responded with a smile.

"Prime Minister, these are only one-of-a-kind war horses. They are used to transport logistics supplies. Are they overqualified?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu said with a bitter face.

"Well! What you said is indeed inappropriate, but if we don't use so many war horses, wouldn't it be a waste of natural resources?"

Lu Hao nodded slightly and looked at the horses approaching in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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