Chapter 405

The two princes who originally organized the shield soldiers and spear soldiers thought they had scared Xuanyuan Lingyu away, but they had no idea what happened next.

I saw countless soldiers, sweeping in like a flood. The shield soldiers, spearmen, and archers who were waiting in full formation were completely in chaos.

"Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze..."

"Run away! The Lu Family Army is coming from behind!"

"Ouch... who stepped on me! Don't step on me..."

"I'll trample you to death, you idiot! I'll trample you to death..."

All kinds of insults, roars, and roars mingled together.

Seeing this chaotic situation, the two princes knew that the situation was over, and quickly fled towards the south with their personal guards.

Xuanyuan Lingyu did not expect that the enemy was in chaos, which was a good time to attack, and she led the army into the village.

From the north-south central axis, all the way down, kill directly through it!

bang bang bang...

With a series of gunshots, Lu Jiajun from all directions entered the village. The whole village was littered with corpses and rivers of blood, as if it had become a purgatory on earth.

"General Xuanyuan, the two princes fled towards the south!"

The subordinate generals will report.

"What? Two beasts actually escaped? Come here, follow this general and hunt down these two beasts!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu reined in the horse, turned its head, and began to chase the two princes.

On such a large plain, the field of vision is wide. As soon as Xuanyuan Lingyu left the village, she saw the two princes escaping from a distance.

As before, the two princes took more than 100 personal guards, all on horseback, and fled towards the south.

It's a pity that they have no chance now.

The war horses of Xuanyuan Lingyu and others are well-trained and have sufficient food and grass. How can they be compared to the frightened horses of the two princes.

The distance between the two groups of people is getting closer and closer, only about a thousand meters.

"Get ready! A volley!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu ordered loudly.

bang bang bang...

The rifle bullets from behind came at an angle like raindrops. In the first round of volley, one-third of the enemies fell from their horses.

When the two princes saw it, they were so frightened that they whipped their riding whips again.

"Chase! Don't let these two beasts escape! Shoot! Shoot..."

Xuanyuan Lingyu shouted loudly.

bang bang bang...

A series of gunshots knocked down a large number of enemies, leaving more than 30 people following the two princes.

"Scatter and escape!"

King Huainan gave an order loudly.

"it is good!"

Prince Hao responded loudly.

The two princes separated, one headed east and the other fled west.

"Split your forces! Chase!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu gave an order, and the soldiers separated automatically. The soldiers divided into two groups and chased the two princes.

After chasing for a few more minutes, Xuanyuan Lingyu saw that the distance was about the same, so she raised her hand and fired.

The rifle bullet hit the Huainan King in the shoulder, causing him to fall off his horse and fall directly onto his back.

"Xuanyuan Lingyu, you stinky bitch! I will fight with you!"

King Huainan stood up and drew his sword.

The guards who followed him turned their horses one after another, trying to rescue King Huainan.

"King Huainan, your end has come! Soldiers, shoot to death! Take the bodies back!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu sneered again and again.

bang bang bang...

A series of gunshots rang out, and King Huainan and his guards were beaten into a hornet's nest.Two soldiers stepped forward and carried King Huainan's body on horseback, and headed back home.

On the other side, Prince Hao’s body was also dragged back.

At this point, the two heinous princes have finished their criminal lives and have given an explanation to the dead people of the empire.

When Lu Hao heard the news, he immediately asked the Military Aircraft Department to issue a notice to calm the people, announcing that the Prime Minister of the Empire had killed two beasts. As for the civilians who died, all those who were still at home would be given a certain amount of monetary compensation.

During this battle, Xuanyuan Lingyu issued a killing order, and basically all the soldiers under the two princes were killed, which was regarded as revenge for the dead people.

Lu Hao secretly ordered Supervisor Wu Qingyu to send people to confiscate the homes of the three princes and exterminate their clans. The properties of the three princes must be collected into the national treasury.

Although there was a war ahead, Lu Hao had already made a fortune because the three princes' wealth was so rich.


One day later, Lu Hao's carriage finally arrived at Hangu Pass.

Faced with this cheap father-in-law, Lu Hao did not immediately issue an order to attack the city, but sent someone to deliver a letter of persuasion to surrender.

At the same time, Chen Yuhuan learned that Lu Hao was marching to Hangu Pass and rushed to Hangu Pass by car from the fiefdom.

She is now pregnant with Lu Hao's child, and she doesn't want her father to fight to the death with Lu Hao.

In the city lord's palace, Qi Hongyan came to see Chen Lin with a letter of persuasion to surrender.

"For your information, Marshal, Lu Hao sent someone to deliver a letter of persuasion to surrender."

Qi Hongyan handed the letter to Chen Lin.

"A letter of persuasion to surrender? Am I someone who will surrender? This guy Lu Hao won't ask me to hand over Hangu Pass with just a few words, right?"

Chen Lin sneered again and again.

"Marshal, Lu Hao's words were fierce. He said that we should be given three days to surrender in Kaicheng and let bygones be bygones. Otherwise, we would destroy Hangu Pass. This is really arrogant!"

Qi Hongyan was very angry.

"Lu Hao doesn't think that after destroying the two beasts, King Huainan and Prince Hao, I will just surrender and surrender, right?"

Chen Lin's face was full of ridicule.

"Marshal, we now have 2 defenders, but Lu Hao only has [-] troops, and they are also cavalry. If he wants to attack the city, he has no advantage at all. He still wants us to surrender. I really don't know if this Prime Minister is out of his mind. Already?"

Qi Hongyan said with a smile.

"Lu Hao's new army carries new weapons called rifles. The killing range is about a thousand meters, and the best defense is a large shield. Therefore, I asked Wu Cangui to transfer all the shield soldiers in his hands. It’s just to deal with Lu Hao’s new army.”

"As for the problem that their rifles have a greater killing range than archers, we have already installed strong crossbows, and use large crossbows and platoon crossbows. If fired from a high position, it will be enough to cause a devastating blow to his new army."

Chen Lin apparently also studied Lu Hao's new army weapons and found a countermeasure.

"Marshal is wise! Lu Hao still doesn't know how powerful the marshal is. Let him see who is the military god of the empire this time?"

Qi Hongyan's lips curved into a sly smile.

"Reply to Lu Hao and tell him to go back to the imperial capital, otherwise, I will crush his head!"

Chen Lin grinned.


Qi Hongyan loudly accepted the order and left.

At this moment, Chen Yuhuan came in a hurry and waved away the others.

"Daughter, why are you here?"

Chen Lin said in surprise.

"Father, I heard that Lu Hao led his army to Hangu Pass, so I rushed here immediately."

Chen Yuhuan said straight to the point.

"Look at you, why are you still running around when you're pregnant? What if you have fetal force?"

Chen Lin felt sorry for his daughter and blamed her.

"Father, you can't fight with Lu Hao, put down your weapons and surrender."

Chen Yuhuai advised.

"What? Surrender? You want me to surrender? My daughter, are you confused?"

Chen Lin was confused.

(End of this chapter)

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