Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 397 Assassination of Yan Xi

Chapter 397 Assassination of Yan Xi
Lu Hao believed that even if there were a hundred or a thousand ninth-level masters, none would be as powerful as a grandmaster-level master.

Unless, like his sniper rifle, it is enough to break through the enemy's defense, or the enemy simply has no time to react.

Grandmaster-level masters rely on the power of the soul, and their reaction speed is many times faster than that of ninth-level masters.

Therefore, it is more difficult for a ninth-level master to kill a master-level master than to reach the sky.

The reason why Lu Hao was able to succeed was that he could withstand the large-area coverage of bullets, which distracted Patriarch Murong. At the same time, it was because he was arrogant and too careless.

Circles of soul power were released, and with a thought in Lu Hao's mind, the two pistols inserted in the holsters began to tremble slightly.

The two pistols seemed to become extensions of Lu Hao's arms. Lu Hao felt excited and distracted, so he inserted the pistols back again.

Lu Hao tried two more times in succession, but finally failed, and could no longer find the wonderful feeling he had before.

"Master Prime Minister, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Liu Rufeng walked in slowly.

"Rufeng, I feel uneasy in my heart. I always feel that something is going to happen, but I can't tell what is going on."

Lu Hao told the truth frankly.

"Feeling uneasy? Really or not? Do you need your sister to be with you so that you can sleep?"

Liu Rufeng pursed her lips and smiled evilly, her eyes as charming as silk.

"No! I'm really feeling uneasy!"

Lu Hao confirmed.

"What could it be? Do you think it could be Yan Xi?"

Seeing how serious he was, Liu Rufeng's face darkened.

"If you say that, it may really be related to her, because this feeling only appeared after meeting Yan Xi."

Lu Hao groaned.

"Yan Xi is now living in the back room of the City Lord's Mansion. I am also watching her secretly. She can't cause any trouble."

Liu Rufeng thought.

"Then you should pay more attention to her tonight. The truth is, you are mainly worried about her..."

Lu Hao's voice became smaller and smaller.

After all, Yan Xi is Liu Mu's subordinate. After joining Lu Hao now, it will take time to test whether he is sincere or false.

Liu Rufeng was obviously worried that Yan Xi would do something, so he immediately went down to arrange defensive measures.

Lu Hao sat cross-legged and continued to meditate. The sword of Jiujianxian kept replaying in his mind?
This is the advantage of having a strong memory. You can enter the cultivation state anytime and anywhere and copy the artistic conception of the Wine Sword Immortal.

Liu Rufeng always thought that Yan Xi might betray her, but Yan Xi was in her private room, and even though she hadn't slept yet, she had put on her pajamas.

"Did the prime minister make a mistake?"

Liu Rufeng was also puzzled.

At this moment, a voice rang in her mind.

"Rufeng, more than 30 masters have come to the northern city gate. Go and have a look..."

This voice actually came from Lu Hao, which surprised Liu Rufeng.

"Is this soul transmission? Or some kind of technique?"

Liu Rufeng was guessing in her mind, but she had already spread out her body and headed towards the north.

At the north gate of Hengyang City, more than 30 masters dispatched by Zhang Liang, led by General Liu Cong, sneaked in near the city gate.

The purpose of this trip was to kill the traitor Yan Xi.

A figure descended from the sky, dressed in ordinary people's clothes, and landed next to General Liu Cong and others.

"Liu Qing, how is the situation?"

General Liu Cong asked anxiously.

"Reporting to General Liu Cong, the investigation has revealed that the traitor Yan Xi is hiding in the City Lord's Mansion. It is said that he lives in the wing at the back. This is the map..."

Liu Qing reported in a low voice. "Well, you did a good job! Didn't you arouse the enemy's suspicion?"

Liu Cong smoothly took over the map of the City Lord's Mansion.

"No, Mo Jiang disguised himself as an ordinary citizen and sneaked into the city to work. Not only did he have a place to live, the food was good, but he also earned three times his wages."

Liu Qing said smugly.

Lu Hao was the one who initiated this triple wage. After all, during the Chinese New Year, workers are asked to come back and work overtime without overtime pay. Who would be willing?

Under the reward, there must be a brave man!
It was with the support of money that Liu Rufeng had the confidence to complete the task assigned to her by Lu Hao within fifteen days.

"Three times the salary? The treatment in Chengyang City is so good?"

General Liu Cong said casually while looking at the map of the city lord's palace.

"Yes, that traitor Lu Hao is very generous to the people who work. I want to stay and work."

Liu Qing was envious.

"Liu Qing, your idea is very dangerous. If the prince finds out, you will be doomed."

General Liu Cong warned.

"Hehehe... I just said it casually, don't take it seriously..."

Liu Qing looked embarrassed.

"Okay, everyone, come over and start assigning tasks."

General Liu Cong said loudly.

More than 30 experts gathered here, listening to Liu Cong arrange their respective tasks.

Yan Xi has been living in the City Lord's Mansion since she surrendered to Lu Hao. It is not difficult to find out this.

However, there is a ninth-grade master living in the city lord's palace. Once exposed, these people will die without a burial place.

Therefore, the battle plan this time is to find a way to transfer Liu Rufeng away, or attract her to another place, and then sneak into the city lord's mansion, kill her with one strike, and then escape.

The best candidate to mobilize the tiger away from the mountain this time is undoubtedly Liu Qing, who was the first to infiltrate, and the one who carried out the assassination mission was General Liu Cong.

The two of them led a team of people respectively. After Liu Qing's group of people entered, they were mainly responsible for setting fires everywhere and causing chaos, so as to transfer Liu Rufeng away.

General Liu Cong and others climbed over the wall from behind to enter the city lord's mansion, and went directly to the backyard to assassinate Yan Xi.

However, there are many wing rooms in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, and I don't know which one Yan Xi lives in specifically.

Liu Rufeng stood on the high building of the city gate. Behind her were more than 100 masters, and they were also equipped with pistols.

These masters are killers who were specially selected and trained by her, and each of them has at least level seven martial arts.

Although she has not seen the enemy until now, since Lu Hao said it was at the north gate, it should not be wrong.

Only at this moment did Liu Rufeng understand Lu Hao's terror.

Because Lu Hao could feel a sense of uneasiness from Yan Xi, indicating that these people were here to assassinate Yan Xi.

However, Lu Hao was able to feel uneasiness several hours in advance. This super ability to predict made Liu Rufeng terrified.

"It seems that Lu Hao has been in seclusion for three days and has already begun to reach the master level."

Liu Rufeng secretly guessed.

Suddenly, figures appeared outside the north gate, approaching quickly towards the city gate.

"Surround them!"

Liu Rufeng issued the order.

Hundreds of masters hiding in the dark surrounded the figure in front from all directions.

Liu Cong and Liu Qing led their men to the bottom of the city wall. They were about to divide their troops into two groups, but they found countless figures appearing around them.

"No! There's an ambush! Escape immediately!"

General Liu Cong was shocked and immediately ordered a retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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