Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 368 The heroic soul remains forever

Chapter 368 The heroic soul remains forever
Qianyuan calendar [-], winter.

Ruixue, good luck.

Yandi City is covered with white snow. The thick snow heralds a good harvest next year, and every household is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations.

Firstly, the Chinese New Year is about to come, and secondly, it is to welcome the Lu family army's triumphant return and defeat the Sui Empire.

Since the Lu Jiajun's expedition, they have defeated more than 30 troops of Beiyuan King Liu Mu and Lanling King.

Immediately afterwards, they went south to reinforce Xiangfan City, fought in Yulin Village, burned General Situ's 20 troops, and pursued Nangong Wuhen, the crown prince of the Sui Empire.

In the end, more than 20 prisoners were harvested from the Sui Empire. Therefore, the Sui Empire was forced to send the princess to negotiate peace with him, and he also obtained a lot of war preparation materials.

With so much money entering the Great Yan Empire, I can have a prosperous New Year this winter.

The Lu family army returned triumphantly from the expedition. Concubine Dong Guifei, along with all the civil and military officials, went to the city gate to greet the Prime Minister in person.

"Congratulations to the Prime Minister for his triumphant victory and return to the court!"

All civil and military officials knelt down and shouted in unison.

Lu Hao jumped off the carriage and glanced at the civil and military officials kneeling on the ground in front of them, as well as Concubine Dong Gui and Concubine Xiao Shu in the front.

Since the last time they served Lu Hao together, the relationship between the two sisters has grown day by day, and now they are like sisters.

"Congratulations, Lord Prime Minister!"

The two beautiful ladies bowed slightly.

"Wei Chen pays homage to the two empresses. It's so cold, so don't come out. If you get cold, wouldn't it be Wei Chen's fault?"

Lu Hao bowed slightly and said distressedly.

Especially since Dong Xiaowan was pregnant with his child, how could he let her come out in such a cold weather?
"The Prime Minister has worked hard for the empire. On behalf of the subjects of the empire, I would like to thank you, Prime Minister!"

The two empresses expressed their thanks again.

"You two ladies, please be polite. This is my duty."

Lu Hao was extremely humble. He turned to look at Xiao Xizi and said loudly: "Xiao Xizi, send the two empresses back to the palace. Later, Weichen will go to visit the two empresses in person."

"Minions take orders!"

Xiao Xizi said loudly.

Lu Hao then looked at the civil and military officials on the ground and said loudly: "My lords, there is no need to be polite. Everyone, please get up. Let's go to Changqing Palace to discuss matters..."

"The subordinate takes orders!"

Everyone stood up collectively and followed Lu Hao towards the palace.

The two main armies were arranged in the military camp outside the city. Concubine Dong Guifei had already arranged for people to send good wine and food to reward the three armies.

Xuanyuan Lingyu, Liu Ruxu and other senior generals followed Lu Hao into the palace to discuss merit and rewards.

Changqing Palace was a celebration palace where the emperor would reward the soldiers for their merits and encourage them after each victory.

Now carefully decorated, it is now filled with all kinds of wine and delicacies, and musicians and dancers have also been arranged to celebrate the victory of the Sui Empire.

Lu Hao and the two empresses were sitting on the high platform, which was originally a special seat for His Majesty the Emperor.

Now that the emperor has passed away, Lu Hao is in charge of the empire's government affairs and has power over the whole government. Naturally, he can only take the seat.

Nangong Ruoxue and Tantai Xiyao, as the two wives of Lu Hao who had almost been exposed to the public, therefore sat on the high platform on the left.

Further down are Xuanyuan Lingyu and Liu Ruxu, Situ Tianyin, Wu Qingyu and other core members of the Lu family army.

Opposite were a hundred civil and military officials headed by the six ministers, as well as Tantai Xiyao's parents, and several elders of the Meiyue clan.

As for the seats at the back, they are for the next-level generals and officials. "My lords and generals, the Prime Minister led his army south to reinforce Xiangfan City and defeated His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Sui Empire. He achieved a brilliant record. I would like to propose that we all raise a toast to the Prime Minister!"

Concubine Dong stood up slowly and said loudly.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister!"

Everyone stood up and toasted.

"I would like to thank you for your love, my lords, for sticking to the rear, and for your generals for killing the enemy on the battlefield. Let's drink this cup together and wish the Great Yan Empire more and more prosperity!"

Lu Hao said loudly.

"I wish the Great Yan Empire will become more and more prosperous!"

Everyone shouted in unison, clinked their glasses, and drank together, and the scene suddenly became extremely heated.

"My two empresses, my lords, and your generals, you have fulfilled your mission and defeated the Sui Empire. You relied on your lords' concerted efforts. The generals were not afraid of sacrifice and killed the enemy bravely..."

"This time when the Prime Minister returns to the court, in accordance with the empire's wartime laws, rewards will be based on merit, and we will never treat you adults and generals badly..."

Lu Hao's voice sounded slowly, attracting everyone's attention.

"The prime minister is clear about rewards and punishments and understands the righteousness of justice. I am very happy and fully agree with this!"

Concubine Dong Guifei expressed the royal family's attitude.

"My lords and generals, before that, I would like you all to raise a toast to General Xue Yue and to the soldiers who died in Hulugu Valley..."

After Lu Hao finished speaking, he looked to the northeast and gently poured the wine in his glass onto the ground.

"Respect General Xue Yue!"

Everyone shouted in unison, extremely sad.

"General Xue Yue died in battle. The truth is that it was King Yu who rebelled and cut off the army's food and grass behind his back, which led to General Xue Yue's hasty withdrawal and fell into the enemy's trap..."

"I swear here that I will take off King Yu's head and pay homage to General Xue Yue and the soldiers who died in Hulu Valley..."

Lu Hao's murderous intent burst out, his voice cold and bone-chilling.

"Kill King Yu! Kill King Yu..."

The crowd was excited and the sound of killing was loud.

"The dead are gone, and the living mourn! We pay tribute to General Xue Yue and the warriors of the Great Yan Empire who died in battle!"

"Today, we are here to pay homage to General Xue Yue and the imperial warriors who died on the battlefield. May their heroic souls and majesty last forever!"

Lu Hao said loudly.

"The heroic spirit remains forever! The majesty lasts forever!"

Everyone shouted in unison, and the sound shook the sky.

Lu Hao slowly raised his hands to signal everyone to quiet down and start today's celebration.

"My lords, generals, Xuanyuan Lingyu, Liu Ruxu and Dong Xiaojun, three generals, in the battle at Yulin Village, destroyed the Sui Empire's 20-strong army. Later, in the process of pursuing Nangong Wuhen, they recruited 20 more Tens of thousands of prisoners..."

"Therefore, the prime minister hereby announces that Xuanyuan Lingyu will be granted the title of General Zhenguo, Liu Ruxu will be appointed General Dingguo, and Dong Xiaojun will be appointed General Anguo. They will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold. Each of the generals under the three generals will be promoted by two levels. …”

"In this battle, the truth was able to win, and the Meiyue clan contributed indispensably. The clan leader Tantai Mingyue was promoted to the assistant minister of the Military Aircraft Department, Tantai Xiyao was promoted to join the imperial army, and the rest of the Meiyue clan rewarded them based on their merits... "

"Situ Tianyin has worked hard for the Imperial Army's logistics. The truth is here to announce that Situ Tianyin will be granted the title of General of the Auxiliary State, with a reward of ten thousand taels of gold, and will be responsible for the procurement and mobilization of materials, food and grass for the Imperial Army's logistics..."

"During the battle with Liu Mu, Liu Rufeng made plans and strategized. He is truly a talented military advisor. From now on, he will serve as the national advisor of the Great Yan Empire, commanding the Imperial Heavenly Prison, and will be rewarded with thousands of taels of gold..."

(End of this chapter)

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