Chapter 357 Sea Fleet
"Master Prime Minister, these drawings you drew have simply subverted our understanding. Although I have some doubts, judging from the drawings, it is not difficult to build..."

"But what kind of steam engine is the Prime Minister talking about? What is it?"

Wan Qingliang, the most powerful shipbuilder among them, asked loudly.

"What about the steam engine? It is a powerful power newly developed by the original phase, which can propel such a huge ironclad ship..."

Lu Hao began to explain.

General Ding Rumo, Xuanyuan Hongzhi, and other shipbuilding masters heard about this kind of thing for the first time, and they felt it was novel and mysterious.

Of course, what Lu Hao said was completely beyond their knowledge.

They only occasionally heard that the Prime Minister had great martial arts skills and killed Patriarch Murong. Then they heard that he had great literary talent and was a veritable contemporary poet.

Privately, some people still call him the Prime Minister of Poetry, and there are even many romantic legends about him.

Until later when he led the army to the expedition, everyone was still laughing at him, thinking that he was a bit arrogant. After all, he was facing Liu Mu, the king of Beiyuan.

This is a famous general who can defeat the imperial military god Chen Lin.

However, news soon came that Liu Mu was defeated, abandoned his helmet and armor, and fled back to the north.

Later, Lu Hao rushed thousands of miles to aid Xiangfan City and wiped out 40 elite troops of the Sui Empire overnight.

What they never expected was that Lu Hao actually knew something as advanced as shipbuilding, and was explaining how to build ironclads to several master shipbuilders.

Of course, the most surprised person was Tantai Xiyao. She did not expect that Lu Hao also had knowledge of shipbuilding, and what Lu Hao said completely subverted her knowledge.

Wu Qingyu was well aware of Lu Hao's abilities and admired him with all his heart. Hearing him talk about shipbuilding knowledge, he was secretly glad that he had followed the right master.

After Lu Hao's eloquent explanation, several shipbuilding masters understood a little bit, but the others were completely confused.

"This kind of steam engine has been successfully tested and can propel such a huge ironclad ship. In the future, cannons will be placed on the ironclad ship..."

"The placement of the cannons is just under the side of the ship. They are all designed as windows and can be pushed out for combat."

"Down below, there is the cabin, where soldiers can rest and store guns and ammunition..."

"The steam engine is arranged at the bottom, which can be used as the power of the propeller to push the ironclad forward..."

Lu Hao pointed to the drawings and continued to explain.

"Prime Minister, what is a propeller?"

Master Wan Qingliang asked.

"A propeller is something similar to a windmill. This propeller must also be made of steel, and its diameter must be more than five meters to have enough power..."

Lu Hao explained.

"Master Xiang, I understand!"

Wan Qingliang nodded slightly, his eyes suddenly bright.

"The operation of the steam engine is actually very simple. In the future, people can be sent from Hengyang City to take charge. You just need to build the ironclad ship according to the requirements of the drawings."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, I am confident that I can build an armored ship."

Wan Qingliang was confident and responded loudly.

"As for the funds required, they will be allocated by the Imperial Ministry of Finance. In addition, to expand the shipyard, at least four shipyards of this size are needed to ensure a production scale of hundreds of ironclads every year..."

Lu Hao added.

"Prime Minister, as long as we have sufficient funds, we can build shipyards along the Pearl River and the seaside to ensure sufficient production capacity."

General Ding Rumo responded with a smile.

Over the years, the empire has not paid much attention to the navy. Now the prime minister of the empire attaches so much importance to the navy, allowing General Ding to see the light.

That is to build an invincible maritime fleet!

As long as we have a strong naval fleet, we can threaten the Western Chu if we go west, we can fight the Sui Empire if we go east, and we can deter the Wei Empire if we go south.

Qiongzhou Port is the estuary of the Pearl River. It is a water town where shipyards can be built along the river. Moreover, the half-moon-shaped Qiongzhou Port also has natural seaport advantages.

The deep-water port here is just right for berthing ironclad ships.

Next, Lu Hao gave detailed answers to the questions raised by the shipbuilding masters, and then everyone left with satisfaction.After lunch, Lu Hao, accompanied by two generals, visited Qiongzhou Port.

Facing Qiannanhai, the magnificent sea surface made Tantai Xiyao ecstatic and ran happily on the beach.

Until this moment, she didn't know that there was such a big sea. At the same time, she was secretly glad that she could follow Lu Hao and appreciate the great rivers and mountains.

"General Ding, Qiongzhou Port is still too small. It needs to continue to expand, and the port needs to be dug deep to ensure that the armored ships can dock for supplies..."

"In addition, Qiongzhou Port needs to strengthen its defense and build new forts at several commanding heights..."

"On the periphery of Qiongzhou Port, some defensive dark networks need to be set up..."

"As for the fishing boats of nearby people, a dedicated area needs to be set aside and set up as a civilian port. The military and civilians must be separated..."

Lu Hao pointed out many problems.

"The general will understand what to do."

General Ding responded.

"As for the funds required to renovate and build these facilities, you need to prepare a budget and report it to the Imperial Military Aircraft Department..."

Lu Hao added.

"Prime Minister, I guess the cost is a bit high. I'm worried about the empire..."

General Ding is worried about budget overruns.

"Don't worry, General Ding. The truth is that we want to build an invincible new naval fleet, and we can still afford this amount of money!"

Lu Hao responded with a smile.

"The general would like to thank the prime minister for his support of the navy!"

General Ding Rumo bowed slightly and saluted, his eyes dim with tears, and he almost shed tears.

"General Ding, you also need to train some battleship commanders, a large number of sailors, and a large number of soldiers. Please report these budgets together, and then the Prime Minister will allocate funds to you."

Lu Hao added with a smile.

"Thank you again, Mr. Prime Minister!"

General Ding bowed again, deeply moved.

"Okay, don't worry, you will know later that I am a man of great talent and lofty goals, which cannot be matched by ordinary people."

Lu Hao's face was filled with embarrassment.

"The final general will follow the prime minister to the death!"

General Ding quickly expressed his loyalty.

"Okay, you go and do your work. I'm going to go to the beach for a walk."

Lu Hao looked at Xiyao girl in the distance and felt that he should accompany her.

"The general will hold a banquet at my residence tonight to entertain the Prime Minister, and I also invite the Prime Minister and several adults to come to my humble residence."

General Ding invited.

"The truth will definitely arrive on time!"

Lu Hao readily agreed.

He waved to everyone and walked towards Tantai Xiyao who was picking up shells at the beach.

On the beach at the seaside, girl Xiyao was wearing a white skirt and barefoot, happily picking up colorful shells.

"Xi Yao..."

Lu Hao strode over and shouted loudly.

"Master Prime Minister, come quickly, there are so many shells here!"

Hearing the sound, Tantai Xiyao raised the shell in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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