Chapter 354
However, Nangong Wuhen had already thought of a countermeasure, but the prerequisite was to protect the remaining [-] troops.

Of course, if these [-] troops could be saved, he would be considered proud of his defeat.

As for the night attack on the elm forest, he could completely blame it on General Situ and fight to the death without any evidence.

"I am not asking you to do your best, but I am asking you to bring them back to Liuyang City!"

Nangong Wuhen gave the death order.

"The general has taken the order! They must be brought back to Liuyang City, otherwise, the general is willing to die to apologize!"

General Du responded loudly.

"Very good! The prince has high hopes for you. If you complete the task, the prince will definitely reward you heavily!"

Nangong Wuhen drew a big cake for him.

"The final general must fulfill his mission!"

General Du once again expressed his loyalty.

In fact, he knew very well that these soldiers were exhausted and their eyes were black from hunger. How could they escape the pursuit of those cavalry?

Naturally, letting Nangong Wuhen leave the army was to save the prince's life.

Nangong Wuhen was also a man who was afraid of death and had long wanted to leave the army. However, he was a little embarrassed when so many soldiers looked at him.

Now that General Du has brought it up as so many soldiers, he naturally goes along with the flow.

"Don't worry, I will distract the enemy and buy you time to escape."

Nangong Wuhen actually told such a shameless lie.

If he dared to do this, these soldiers would definitely be able to escape. However, these words were just to comfort General Du and these soldiers.

Next, Nangong Wuhen left the large army and fled south, hoping to escape back to his home country through Qiannanhai.

General Du summoned several remaining generals for a meeting.

"Generals, I believe you are well aware of our current situation. In view of the current war situation, I propose to break it into parts and preserve our vitality."

General Du put forward his own ideas.

"General Du, do you mean that we should act separately?"

one of the generals asked.

"Yes, let's break up into pieces and flee in all directions to prevent the entire army from being destroyed if this continues!"

General Du nodded slightly.

"Well, what General Du said is true, I agree!"

"Now we can only escape for our own lives. I agree with this plan!"

"I have no objection! Act quickly."


Several generals agreed, thinking of escaping for their lives.

With the Sword of Damoris hanging over their heads, can each of them not be anxious?

Now that a consensus was reached, all the generals immediately dispersed and fled with their teams.

When Xuanyuan Lingyu chased her here, she looked at the footsteps scattered on the ground and suddenly became a little confused.

"General Xuanyuan, the enemy fled in five directions. What should we do now?"

a captain asked loudly.

"Since the enemy has divided his forces, we can only divide our forces to attack. Now I order our troops to divide into five groups and continue to pursue the enemy!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu made a quick decision.

A group of 2000 men, led by two captains, pursued the enemy in five directions.

As a result, the entire Gannan Plain was in complete chaos. There were enemies everywhere, including members of the First Army.Xuanyuan Lingyu immediately reported to Lu Hao and asked for the next action plan.

"The enemy troops fled in five groups. There is Liu Ruxu's army in the north. They can only escape to the sea..."

Lu Hao groaned.

"Please tell me, Prime Minister, the distance from Liuyang River to the seaside is about 100 miles. Therefore, it is not easy to escape to the seaside. Moreover, we can mobilize naval warships to intercept them."

Xuanyuan Hongzhi said loudly.

"Okay! Inform the navy warships to sail out and search along the coastline to prevent the enemy from escaping from the sea!"

Lu Hao made a prompt decision and issued the order.

General Ding Rumo, who is currently stationed in Qiongzhou Port, immediately mobilized all warships after receiving the order and began patrolling along the coastline.

Once enemy ships at sea are discovered, they will be sunk.

At the same time, Lu Hao learned that Liu Ruxu had captured Liuyang City, cutting off all retreat routes for the soldiers of the Sui Empire, and literally caught a turtle in a jar.

Lu Hao immediately ordered Xuanyuan Lingyu to continue pursuing in five directions, making sure to wipe out all the enemy troops.

Of course, Liu Ruxu also sent troops from Liuyang City and surrounded them in reverse, leaving the enemy with no way to escape.

The most important thing is that the Sui Empire's logistics support army, which has about 10,000+ people, is now fleeing for its life, and some of them have been captured.

This pursuit battle lasted for five days before all the main army and logistics troops of the Sui Empire were wiped out and captured.

Of course, there were also a lot of people who surrendered. They came down one after another, and almost 20 regular army and logistics soldiers of the Sui Empire became prisoners.

This news spread back to the eastern capital of the Sui Empire, and Sui Yang Emperor Nangong Kun was so angry that he vomited blood.

What no one expected was that His Highness the Crown Prince Nangong Wuhen actually escaped and returned to the Eastern Capital City safely.

"Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince is so happy with his achievements! Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died in battle in a foreign country, and the old minister proposed to abolish the Crown Prince!"

The Prime Minister of the Sui Empire, Han Dexian, stood up.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I really cannot blame this prince for this matter. It was entirely because General Situ disobeyed orders and insisted on going his own way that led to the disastrous defeat of our army!"

Nangong Wuhen argued.

"However, according to what I know, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince learned that General Situ's night attack failed, so he actually abandoned the camp overnight and fled for his life. As a result, the 20-strong army was passively beaten and was ultimately defeated!"

"20 imperial soldiers were hunted down by the enemy, resulting in more than 10 surrendered soldiers, and [-] logistics support troops were arrested. Doesn't His Highness the Crown Prince have any responsibility for this?"

Han Dexian shouted sharply.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, I did not say that I have no responsibility, but how can the biggest responsibility be placed on me? This is obviously unfair!"

Nangong Wuhen is really thick-skinned.

Sui Yang Emperor Nangong Kun was sitting on the emperor's throne, his face was as dark as ink, and his eyes were shining with murderous rage.

The 40 elite troops were just gone, which was a huge blow to the empire.

His Highness the Crown Prince was unrepentant and still making excuses in the court, which really chilled him.

"Shut up! You beast! How did you promise me in the first place?"

Nangong Kun shouted coldly.

"Father, I..."

Nangong Wuhen's heart trembled, secretly thinking that it was not good.

"You beast, you told me that you are well versed in military literature and will have no problem commanding a war. You also said that you can win the Qiannan Plain. What now?"

Nangong Kun was so angry that he really wanted to slap this unlucky guy to death.

"Father, it was really General Situ who proposed the night attack... I... also thought at that time that while Lu Hao's army was depleted, I could give him a head-on attack..."

Nangong Wuhen felt that he was wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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