Chapter 349
"Of course!"

Lu Hao smiled.

"Okay! Then be careful!"

Situ Tianyin finally agreed.

As a martial arts prodigy, she naturally knew the world-famous "Huan Tian Yu Feng Jue", so she felt more at ease with Lu Hao.

Of course, there was another reason why Lu Hao wouldn't let her in.

That is, since he absorbed the inner elixir of the golden python, his hearing has been able to reach a range of five kilometers.

The vision can also reach one kilometer in the dark. If it is broad daylight, it is at least five kilometers away.

With such terrifying hearing and vision, he can quickly search for the enemy's location so that he can take timely measures.

If you take Situ Tianyin with you, you will bring a burden, which will easily expose you.

Lu Hao was seen soaring into the sky, like a roc flying across the sky, riding the wind, leaving only an afterimage in the air.

Situ Tianyin was also amazed by such a terrifying light skill, and secretly thought about how to get this kid to teach her this skill.

Lu Hao moved like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he quickly approached the Chinese army's tent.

At this time, Nangong Wuhen and General Situ were planning tonight's night attack.

"Your Royal Highness, Lu Hao's army is stationed in the elm forest. We are divided into four groups. From here... and here, we will surround the elm forest... Let's catch turtles in an urn!"

General Situ said something happy with a smirk on his face, as if he had already secured victory.

"General Situ, I think that since it is an elm forest, then we should set a fire when the time comes. Wouldn't it be quicker?"

Nangong Wuhen had a sly smile on his face.

"Your Highness, if you want to set a fire, you must prepare kerosene..."

General Situ said in a deep voice.

"God is really helping me! The kerosene was just shipped today. There are hundreds of barrels. If the elm forest is set on fire, the Lu family's army hiding in it will be wiped out! Hahaha..."

Nangong Wuhen laughed happily.

Lu Hao was secretly frightened when he heard the two people's tricks. After all, he was a little careless and never believed that Nangong Wuhen dared to attack.

However, now that he got the news, it was not too late.

Since the enemy wants to make a sneak attack, let him do it. The truth will definitely prepare a big meal for you.

To be honest, if it wasn't for luring the enemy into a trap, Lu Hao would have really wanted to rush in and kill the two of them.

Situ Tianyin waited for half an hour before Lu Hao came quietly.

"how is the situation?"

Situ Tianyin asked anxiously.

"Nangong Wuhen sent General Situ to sneak attack us tonight. We need to go back and deploy as soon as possible."

Lu Hao responded.

"What? Are they really planning a sneak attack?"

Situ Tianyin was also shocked.

"It's not a big deal. They took advantage of our lack of men and horses to launch a night attack. It is also a good strategy."

Lu Hao pulled her and jumped into the air.

The two quickly disappeared into the vast night sky.


The hour has not yet come.

In the military camp of the Sui Empire, General Situ had prepared his army for war.

Pairs of soldiers gathered together, with neat military appearance and murderous intent.

Nangong Wuhen watched the troops dispatched, and when he thought of being able to beat Lu Hao to pieces, he suddenly felt elated.

"General Situ, I am waiting for your good news."

Nangong Wuhen said with a smile.

"Prince, don't worry, the general will definitely fulfill his mission and wipe out the Lu family's army in one fell swoop!"

General Situ clasped his fists in salute and assured.

"Tonight's night attack, be careful!"

Nangong Wuhen warned again. "I will finally understand!"

General Situ responded solemnly.

The 20-strong army was divided into four groups and took advantage of the darkness to sneak into and ambush around Yulin Village.

Logically speaking, the spies arranged by Wu Qingyu should have used fireworks as clues, but there was no movement at all.

On the contrary, after General Situ sent troops to surround Yushulin, he used fireworks as a signal to launch an attack on the Lu Family Army.

A firework soars into the sky, making it even more dazzling in the dark night.

After receiving the news of the attack, the army divided into four directions immediately launched an attack on Yulin Village from four directions.

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

General Situ also personally led the army and charged towards Yulin Village.

Unfortunately, there was no obstacle along the way. When General Situ rushed into the depths of the elm forest, there was still no sign of anyone.

"General Qi, these camps are all empty, there is no one left!"

Several soldiers reported loudly.

"What? No one? How come there is no one?"

General Situ suddenly woke up and shouted: "No! We have fallen into a trap!"

"The whole army retreats! Retreat!"

General Situ ordered loudly.

Unfortunately, it was too late!
The Lu Jiajun surrounded them from the outside, as if they were closing the door and beating the dog.

bang bang bang...

A series of gunshots rang out, and a large section of the Sui Empire's elite who had just rushed out of the woods fell to the ground after being shot at by a volley.

"Get out of here, General!"

General Situ roared angrily.

He led the army to charge again, but was met with another round of gunfire and bullets.

bang bang bang...

Another continuous gunshot fired General Situ and others back.

Lu Jiajun came from all directions and surrounded them. The soldiers of the Sui Empire who rushed into the elm forest were all forced back into the elm forest.

Unfortunately, the soldiers who had rushed into the elm forest had already set the elm forest on fire with kerosene.

The guy who originally wanted to burn Lu Jiajun to death was now jumping up and down in the fire. Many people were trampled to death, some were burned alive, and some were smoked to death.

General Situ wanted to attack the Lu family army at night, but Lu Hao took advantage of him and fell into a trap carefully laid by Lu Hao.

They originally wanted to eliminate the Lu family army in Yushulin, but unexpectedly, Lu Hao eliminated them in Yushulin.

"Soldiers, follow this general and fight out!"

General Situ organized his men and prepared to rush out at all costs.

bang bang bang...

Gunshots continued to be heard from all around, and the soldiers who rushed out fell again, and the surrounding area had been set ablaze by Lu Jiajun's kerosene bombs.

The 20-strong army fell into the elm forest, which was a dead end.

The wind helped the fire, and the elm forest had turned into a sea of ​​fire and a purgatory on earth.

The miserable screams spread far and wide, making people's hair stand on end.

This real killing continued until the entire elm forest was reduced to ashes, leaving only the skeletons inside.

The only army that was not completely wiped out broke out from the north after capturing Yulin Village and found it was besieged. The survivors were estimated to be less than a thousand.

This is an unprecedented victory.

General Situ didn't know whether he was shot or burned to death. All in all, he probably died in the elm forest.

Lu Hao stood on the hills in the distance, looking at the burned elm forest in the distance. There was no joy or sorrow in his eyes, and his expression was indifferent.

"Prime Minister, we have won this battle, do you want to pursue Nangong Wuhen?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu and Liu Ruxu both came on horseback.

(End of this chapter)

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