Chapter 346 The Battle of Siege
The current prince of the Sui Dynasty, Nangong Wuhen rode a white horse, standing with his head held high, looking down at the world and arrogant among the heroes.


One command.

dong dong dong...

More than a dozen war drums beat slowly, like a burst of thunder on the ground, the sound shook the sky, and the thunder shook all directions.

On the wall of Xiangfan City, Nangong Hongzhi felt his scalp numb as he looked at the densely packed army in front of him.

40 elite troops, an army capable of conquering the world, have now besieged Xiangfan City.

If it weren't for the strong walls, complete defense equipment, and 15 troops here, he would have fled long ago.

However, the order given to him by the empire was to defend Xiangfan City until the prime minister came to rescue him.

Last night, he received the intelligence from the Supervision Department.

Lu Hao led a new army of 12 people and had already crossed Yueyang City, which was only one day away.

In other words, he must hold on until dark no matter what, before he can wait for reinforcements.

However, when he saw the neat rows of crossbows, bed crossbows, large trebuchets and huge city-ramming fire dragon cones, he was still a little frightened.

After all, my father used to be the one directing the battles, but now that I am in charge, the pressure in my heart naturally rises.

"Beat the drum! Meet the enemy!"

Xuanyuan Hongzhi issued the first order.

A row of war drums behind him beat at the same time, as if catering to the siege drums of the Sui Empire.

Nangong Wuhen looked at the high wall opposite and the densely packed soldiers on the wall, with a hint of secret joy in his eyes.

A large trebuchet can fully exert its powerful lethality only when it hits the center of a dense crowd of soldiers.

The problem now is that there are too few boulders available on such a large plain.

The long transportation line means that the boulders of the trebuchet have to be transported hundreds of miles from the rear. Moreover, the empire's transportation capacity must now ensure the food and grass for the 40-strong army. Therefore, the ability to transport boulders is limited.

If the morale of Xiangfan City cannot be reduced with a round of artillery bombardment, it will be very difficult to attack the city.

Of course, Nangong Wuhen prepared a powerful car to rush into the city - Fire Dragon Cone. Once it breaks through the city gate, it will be easy to attack.

In conjunction with this, there are rows of ladders that can be used to simultaneously launch operations on the city. Once a firm foothold is established, 40 troops will swarm in, even if they trample Xuanyuan Hongzhi to death.


Nangong Wuhen ordered loudly.

"The trebuchet is ready!"

"Crossbow ready!"

"Prepare the crossbow!"

"The ladder is ready!"


Countless orders resounded throughout the battlefield.


With the crisp command sound, the trebuchet launched the attack first.

Huge boulders cut through the sky, drawing a perfect parabola, and hit Xiangfan City.

bang bang bang...

Some stones were smashed on the city wall, and suddenly the ground was like blooming. Countless soldiers were smashed into meat pies, and some were directly thrown out.

Some rocks smashed into the outer wall, creating large craters. Although the city wall was not broken through, it still shook the mountain.

Some rocks also fell into the city, many houses were directly destroyed, and many people died.

The large siege equipment was indeed extraordinary. Just one salvo caused heavy losses to Xiangfan City.


Nangong Wuhen raised the sword in his hand and shouted loudly.


The order circulated among the messengers and was quickly passed on.

"Kill! Kill..."

The killing sound is shocking.

The soldiers in front began to move slowly, first with rows of ladders, rushing towards Xiangfan City.

Behind them are shield soldiers, spear soldiers, and a very large city-rushing car - Fire Dragon Cone!

"The trebuchet is ready! Let it go!"

Dozens of trebuchets fired another salvo, and countless boulders hit Xiangfan City.

At the same time, the ground troops had reached five hundred steps in front of the city wall.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi looked coldly at the charging enemy, slowly drew out his sword, and shouted an order.

"Archers, prepare!" All the archers nocked arrows and drew their bows, ready to go.

"Three hundred steps!"

"Two hundred steps!"

"150 steps!"


One command.

Arrows rained all over the sky, sweeping over the sky and covering the earth. The clouds blocked the sun and the sky became dark.


The arrows pierced the sky, and the sounds of them merged into a beautiful music.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

Countless enemies fell to the arrows, some were shot through the chest, some were shot through the thigh, and some were shot into hedgehogs.

The offensive momentum of the Sui Empire's army was suppressed, and countless soldiers retreated.

"Shield Bearer! Defense!"

With an order, countless shield soldiers came in a hurry, holding their shields high to form a defensive front.

"Archer ready!"


Following the orders on the city wall, another round of arrows fell from the sky.

"Trebuchets ready! Aim at the archers!"

"Crossbow ready!"


The Sui Empire also launched a full-scale offensive.

Stones fell from the sky, and the archers behind were knocked down in large pieces, and the ground was covered with bloody corpses.

"Spread out! Spread out...and avoid..."

Finally, the people on the city wall couldn't stand it anymore and quickly ordered to escape.

"Siege the city with ladders!"

The ladders of the Sui Empire were erected directly on the city wall, and many soldiers began to climb up.

The archers who followed immediately fired a volley at the city wall, causing heavy casualties to the soldiers of the Great Yan Empire.

"Hold on! Hold on..."

The soldiers of the Great Yan Empire roared.

"Destroy those ladders!"

Xuanyuan Hongzhi ordered loudly.

Countless soldiers picked up sleepers and stones and smashed them down hard. The soldiers on the siege ladder were knocked down, and screams and roars were intertwined.

On the city wall, the two sides engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Once the enemy came up from the ladder, they would be pushed back alive.

Archers on both sides came and went, firing round after round, causing heavy losses on both sides.

After a few rounds of the trebuchet, there were no more shells and it stopped in place, having lost its ability to attack.

However, the huge fire dragon cone slowly drove towards the city gate.

"General Yu, lead your men to keep an eye on the Fire Dragon Cone! Once you reach the city gate, pour down the kerosene, and you must find a way to burn the Fire Dragon Cone!"

Xuanyuan Hongzhi ordered loudly.


General Ning was ordered to leave.

The siege battle between the two sides entered a fever pitch. The city wall became a meat grinder, and corpses were piled under the city wall.

The Great Yan Empire was on the defensive side and had much fewer casualties than the Great Sui Empire, and it also had a steady supply of sleepers and stones.

After all, Xuanyuan Dingyuan had run Xiangfan City for so many years and left a lot of war preparation materials to his son.

Nangong Wuhen's face became darker and darker, and General Situ was also speechless.

If the city gate cannot be breached and the endless consumption continues, the Sui Empire will not be able to capture Xiangfan City no matter what.

"General Situ, what do you have in mind?"

Nangong Wuhen asked coldly.

"Your Highness, from now on, we must find a way to break through the city gate, and it depends on the Fire Dragon Cone."

General Situ responded in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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