Chapter 337
"General Xuanyuan, if you want to surrender your troops, it's up to you to do what you want. If you can gather them, we'll gather them. If you can't, we'll kill them without mercy! As for the confiscated war preparation materials, give them to the military advisor for the time being and let her coordinate them!"

"This time, we are able to achieve a great victory in the first battle. General Xuanyuan and all the soldiers have worked hard. Each of them will be rewarded with 100 taels of silver..."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Thank you, Prime Minister, for the reward! I will obey the Prime Minister's orders!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu loudly accepted the order.

blah blah...

Horse hooves were flying, and Liu Ruxu led a large group of people to come. It was obvious that they had gained a lot.

"Prime Minister Qi, you were right. Liu Fan's deserters have been wiped out and more than 2000 horses have been obtained."

Liu Ruxu responded loudly.

"Thank you for your hard work, General Liu. You have completed the blocking mission well. Each of you will be rewarded with 50 taels of silver..."

Lu Hao still did not treat these soldiers badly.

"General, on behalf of all the officers and men, I would like to thank the prime minister for the reward!"

Liu Ruxu quickly clasped her fists and saluted.

"Soldiers, you have worked hard! Now rest where you are and turn on the stove to cook..."

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

He turned to Liu Rufeng and added with a smile: "Strategic advisor, send spies to pay close attention to the movements of Liu Mu's army."

"It has been arranged a long time ago, Prime Minister, you'd better go into the Chinese army's tent and rest."

Liu Rufeng responded with a smile.


Lu Hao left happily.

The first legion of the Lu Family Army, a group of [-] people, annihilated the [-]-strong army led by Liu Fan, which immediately boosted the morale of the entire army.

The most important thing is that this news spread back to the imperial capital, making the originally panic-stricken Yandi City suddenly calm down again.

In the Chinese army's tent, all members of the Lu family army were in place and the first military meeting was held.

"Prime Minister, Liu Mu's army is currently stationed on the front line of Longjiawan. The specific deployment..."

Liu Rufeng pointed at the map and began to explain.

It must be said that the reconnaissance team sent by the military adviser was very capable and quickly figured out the enemy's specific military deployment.

Know thyself, ever-victorious!
Understand the enemy, grasp the enemy's movements, and have such a fast command system that you can completely defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

"Tell the soldiers to rest now and launch an attack before dawn. The two main armies will be divided into four directions and spread out in a fan shape to attack Liu Mu's Chinese army camp..."

"Dong Xiaojun, you lead the army to follow the main army and are responsible for cleaning up the battlefield. If anyone refuses to surrender, all of them will be killed without mercy!"

"Military advisor, you must pay close attention to Liu Mu's movements to prevent the enemy's spies from investigating our situation. In addition, we need to rest for a few hours so that the soldiers can recover their strength."

Lu Hao ordered loudly.

Having just experienced a big battle, the soldiers needed a good rest before they could launch the next round of attack before dawn. Therefore, spying during this period was particularly important.

Once someone attacks you at night, you will be very passive.

However, these spies are real martial arts masters, and the minimum qualification for selection is level six or above. Therefore, there is no doubt about the safety tonight.

Lu Hao sat in the Chinese army tent, looking at the map in front of him, his eyes became deep and quiet, like a deep pool.

In his opinion, even if the vanguard army had been wiped out by Lu Hao, it would not dissuade Liu Mu from his ambition to dominate the world, and it would not affect his determination to destroy Lu Hao at all.

As a God of War who is comparable to the God of War, Liu Mu is not a simple person.

At this time, Liu Mu was also thinking, when will Lu Hao launch an attack?Where is the direction of the attack?Which direction should I focus on defending?
All the problems were placed in front of him like a huge mountain, but Liu Mu seemed a little excited.

If he led an army of 30 people to the south and captured Yandi City without encountering any obstacles, it would seem that something was missing.

Now, Lu Hao personally led an army of 14, blocking his way, but it made him excited and full of fighting spirit.

"Come here, please order the three armies to sleep in their clothes. Be careful of enemy sneak attacks tonight."

Liu Mu issued the order.

"Follow the order of the prince!"

Several generals responded loudly. "In addition, we sent out spies to pay close attention to the Lu family's movements. I want to know what Lu Hao is doing at the first possible moment."

Liu Mu turned to look at his dog-headed military advisor Zhang Liang.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, my subordinates have sent spies to monitor the Lu family army in Xifengling to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

Zhang Liang bowed slightly.

"This is a battle of life and death. We must not be careless. A little carelessness will lead to catastrophe!"

Liu Mu warned.

"My subordinate understands!"

Zhang Liang bowed again.

"Liu Fan is dead, Liu Qian. Tomorrow you will lead an army of [-] as the vanguard to attack Xifengling."

Liu Mu ordered loudly.

"The last general takes orders!"

Liu Qian said with great joy.

In his opinion, Liu Fan was dead, and the opportunity to make meritorious deeds fell on him.

Thinking of this, Liu Qian was excited and almost knelt down and kowtowed to Liu Mu.

"Military advisor, why did you say that Liu Fan's entire army was destroyed this time?"

Liu Mu looked at Zhang Liang and asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the prince, Liu Fan is the vanguard, and the soldiers must be a little tired, and they haven't had time to build defenses in a hurry, so they were caught off guard by Lu Hao."

Zhang Liang explained.

"It is said that Liu Fan ran a long distance and after discovering Lu Hao, he immediately stood still and stood firm at Xifengling. The strategy was completely correct. However, how did Lu Hao defeat Liu Fan? Is it really a so-called new weapon?"

Liu Mu analyzed in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, this new weapon is equivalent to a hidden weapon, and it must be very lethal. I think the soldiers should make some preparations, such as putting on heavy armor? Put on a helmet or something?"

Zhang Liang suggested.

"Yeah! You're right, you should do this quickly."

Liu Mu nodded slightly.

"Subordinates take orders!"

Zhang Liang responded loudly.

In their opinion, heavy armor and iron helmets could protect them from rifle bullets. However, they did not know that Lu Hao had also prepared fireball bombs, kerosene bombs, poisonous smoke bombs, as well as grenades that had just been successfully tested.

Of course, in addition to these extremely lethal thermal weapons, there are also earthen cannons that have just arrived.

The black lacquered cannon barrel with a diameter of more than one meter, equipped with earthen shells, is definitely not as powerful and lethal as a real cannon, but it is still [-]% as powerful.

However, this [-]% power was enough to tear Liu Mu's army apart and disrupt its position.

Lu Hao believed that with powerful weapons, he could defeat Liu Mu's army of hundreds of thousands.

"Master Xiang, are you still awake?"

Tantai Xiyao walked slowly over and had already put on a lavender nightgown.

"Xiyao, you are so beautiful tonight!"

Lu Hao smiled and praised.


Tantai Xiyao gently sat on his lap.

A burst of girlish fragrance penetrated Lu Hao's nose, refreshing his heart and mind, and made him feel nervous.

"of course it's true!"

Lu Hao stretched out his big hand and held the beautiful woman in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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