Chapter 334
"Yes, the emperor just passed away, and we didn't recognize the queen. It's heartbreaking. I think that no matter whether the queen is pregnant with a dragon or not, he should be taken back to the imperial capital. At worst, we will only support the prince pregnant by Dong Guifei. !”

Xuanyuan Dingyuan, Minister of the Ministry of War, also expressed his views.

"Prime Minister, the empire is currently in civil strife. If the queen wants to return to the palace, she will have to go through many mountains and rivers. If something goes wrong along the way, she will be in trouble."

The Minister of Household Affairs said worriedly.

Dong Bifang, Minister of Industry, was Dong Xiaowan's father. Although he was delighted that his daughter was pregnant with a dragon, he was also worried that his daughter's status would be threatened.

However, he is in this position now, and it is difficult to say anything. He can only let the Prime Minister make his decision.

"Well, tell Chen Lin that the empire is currently in civil strife and the queen has a long way to go back to the palace. The truth cannot guarantee the queen's safety. If he can guarantee the queen's safety, let him send someone to send the queen back to the palace. If he is unwilling to protect the queen , then wait until the prime minister calms down the civil strife, and then go to Baowo Plain to take the queen back to the palace."

"As for whether the queen is pregnant with a dragon? We don't have to worry about it. We only need to support the prince pregnant by Concubine Dong Gui. What do you think?"

Lu Hao expressed his solution.

"So good!"

Several adults nodded slightly.

"The second thing is that General Situ of the Sui Empire surrounded Xiangfan City but refused to attack. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Sui Empire has led 20 elite troops from the east capital of the imperial city. There are various signs that he wants to fight with General Situ joined forces and captured Xiangfan City in one fell swoop."

"Judging from their marching speed, it will take at least half a month to reach Xiangfan City. The Prime Minister asked the Ministry of War to send 25 troops from Yanshan Camp to the south to reinforce Xiangfan City. It is estimated that they will reach Xiangfan City in about ten days. "

Lu Hao said lightly.

"The 40 elite divisions of the Sui Empire are approaching fiercely. Although we are comparable to them in terms of military strength, the Yanshan Camp is basically composed of new soldiers. It is estimated that it will be difficult to stop the elite divisions of the Sui Empire."

Xuanyuan Dingyuan said with a bitter face.

"Lord Xuanyuan, although it is difficult for the empire to stop the elite troops of the Sui Empire on the plains, it should not be a big problem if we stick to the strong Xiangfan City."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Don't worry about this. Your subordinates have secretly ordered Xuanyuan Hongzhi not to come out and to wait for help."

Xuanyuan Dingyuan responded quickly.

"Master Xuanyuan, you don't have to worry. With Xiangfan City's 20 troops and the strong city wall, as long as we can't hold on, the Sui Empire will not be able to capture Xiangfan City even if it invests 40 troops."

"As for the 25 troops in the Yanshan Camp, slow down their march and stop in Yizhou City. They will wait for the prime minister to take care of Liu Mu before going to deal with the elite divisions of the Sui Empire."

Lu Hao comforted with a smile.

"The Prime Minister wants to..."

The eyes of several adults suddenly lit up.

"Yes, it's time for the truth to come out!"

Lu Hao nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Liu Mu has led an army of more than 30 people across the Yuanma River and will soon reach Ruyang City. The Prime Minister will personally lead the army to intercept Liu Mu's army. You must guarantee the imperial capital. of stability.”

"Please rest assured, Prime Minister, we will definitely defend the imperial capital."

Several adults bowed respectfully at the same time and said Zhan Jin Jie Tie.

"Very good. From today on, if there is any major event in the empire, we will report the truth through the technique of 'Thousand Miles of Spiritual Sound'. The leader of the Meiyue Clan, Tantai Mingyue, will cooperate with you all."

Lu Hao said loudly.

At this time, Tantai Mingyue and his wife walked out slowly.

"Tantai Mingyue greets you all!"

Tantai Mingyue and his wife bowed slightly.

"Clan leader, great elder, you two are so polite!"

Several adults quickly bowed in return.

These two people are the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the Prime Minister. They don't dare to make mistakes, lest they die in the future without knowing.

"I believe all of you adults know that I have decided to marry Tantai Xiyao. These two are my father-in-law and mother-in-law. I hope that you will take good care of me in the future." Lu Hao said with a smile.

"The Prime Minister is serious. We will definitely cooperate with the patriarch and the great elders."

Several adults quickly saluted respectfully.

"In this case, I will leave tomorrow. If there is any situation, I will report it in time."

Lu Hao slowly stood up.

He walked to the window and looked at the sunset in the distance, his eyes as sharp as knives, exuding a cold murderous aura.

"From today on, the truth will be known to the entire Qianyuan Continent, and no one can stop the truth."

Lu Hao was so domineering that his voice shook the sky.

I saw him slowly walking out of the military aircraft, getting into a carriage, and disappearing under the sunset.


Hengyang City.

Lu Hao stood on the tower and looked at the [-] new troops below, his eyes becoming even colder.

Standing around him were all the main players of his group.

Military advisor Liu Rufeng is responsible for overall planning, coordination, helping Lu Hao make plans and leading all powerful warrior legions.

This is a thousand-man army, including killers from the Blood Clothes Sect, as well as recruited masters and masters drawn from the three major defense armies of the Imperial City.

This group of people are equipped with pistols and strong martial arts, and serve as Lu Hao's attack force.

Tantai Mingyue and Wu Qingyu are mainly responsible for intelligence work, commanding and mobilizing the army with the "Thousand Miles of Spiritual Sound".

Of course, if something happens in the imperial capital, it can be quickly reported to Lu Hao for the fastest response.

Situ Tianyin led the masters of Tianyinfang and was responsible for the legion's logistical support and the mobilization and supply of military supplies.

The "Nanyu Legion" led by Xuanyuan Lingyu, as Lu Hao's first legion, has cavalry equipped with rifles and pistols.

The "Red Wind Legion" led by Liu Ruxu, as Lu Hao's second legion, has cavalry equipped with rifles and pistols.

Of course, there are also the [-] city defense troops led by Dong Xiaowan's brother Dong Xiaojun as the aftermath.

More than 2 people led by General Mei followed Situ Tianyin's orders and were mainly responsible for logistics and material supply.

For such a huge legion, if the logistics cannot keep up, it will definitely affect the speed of the army.

Especially the regiment of the two beauties also needs horses and food.

"Soldiers, starting from today, I will lead you to conquer the world and dominate the continent. Your names will be resounding throughout the continent, and your heroic names will be engraved on the monuments of history!"

Lu Hao's voice resounded through the sky and shook the world.

"The Prime Minister is mighty! The Prime Minister is mighty..."

The soldiers roared in unison.

"Sirs, it takes a thousand days to raise troops and use them for a while. Beiyuan King Liu Mu and Lanling King have crossed the Yuema River and are approaching the imperial capital. They want to conquer the Central Plains. The prime minister is leading the army today to complete his victory in one battle. On the Qianzhong Plain , Destroy Liu Mu! Destroy King Lanling!"

"General Situ of the Sui Empire also captured Liuyang City, and their Crown Prince has also come and wants to share the pie. As soldiers of the empire, can we agree? Can we agree?"

Lu Hao was full of murderous intent and domineering.

"No promise! No promise..."

All the soldiers shouted in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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