Chapter 325
"Xiu Ting, take the princess to Yiquan Palace and let Concubine Dong arrange her residence. I still have things to deal with."

Lu Hao waved his hand and told Nangong Ruoxue to rest.

"Prime Minister, this princess has gone to rest. If there is any news about my father, you must inform me as soon as possible."

Nangong Ruoxue warned.

"I know, go and have a good rest."

Lu Hao comforted.

After the two left, the real meeting had just begun.

"My lords, there is civil strife in the Sui Empire. We don't know the specific situation yet..."

"My lords, Liu Mu has now reached an agreement with King Lanling. The two armies are in overwhelming strength and are preparing to march south. What do you think we should do?"

Lu Hao looked at the adults and asked lightly.

"Prime Minister, Liu Mu deceived and defeated Chen Lin. He really thought he was invincible. I feel that I must show him some humiliation."

Xuanyuan Dingyuan, Minister of the Ministry of War, stood up first.

He has been fighting all his life, and he has no fear of facing a direct battle. Therefore, he is an unwavering leader in the war.

"Lord Xuanyuan, but... Liu Mu now has more than 50 troops. If the empire sends troops, it will definitely be a lose-lose situation..."

Zhang Zhongwei said in a deep voice.

"Yes, this guy is such a thief. He actually conspired with King Lanling to attack Chen Lin. Now Chen Lin is also seriously injured. I guess only the Prime Minister can deal with Liu Mu?"

Du Ze looked at Lu Hao with a smile.

"Do you think Chen Lin has no way to deal with Liu Mu?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"Chen Lin was seriously injured, and the Yu Lin Army also suffered an unprecedented defeat and suffered heavy losses. Chen Lin should not be able to launch a counterattack, right?"

Xu Liting was puzzled and interrupted.

"The truth is that he has not been dismissed from his post. Chen Lin is still the Grand Marshal of the Empire. With his influence, he should have summoned his subordinates to counterattack. There is no doubt about this."

Lu Hao smiled calmly.

"Prime Minister, if Chen Lin behaves like this, wouldn't the empire's soldiers be killed and injured countless times? What should we do?"

Tang Yu became worried.

"Tomorrow, in the name of the Military Aircraft Department, we will stamp the seal of the Ministry of War and draw up two orders. One is for Liu Mu, condemning him for cooperating with King Lanling to deal with the Imperial Generalissimo, and at the same time ordering him to annihilate King Lanling..."

"The second one is for Chen Lin. He is condemned for ignoring the overall situation and disobeying the orders of the Military Aircraft Department. This is a serious dereliction of duty. According to the emperor's decree, he is revoked from the post of general marshal of the empire and ordered to destroy King Huainan and Prince Hao..."

Lu Hao ordered in a deep voice.

"Prime Minister, these two guys, can they obey orders?"

Xuanyuan Dingyuan was also a little worried.

"The truth is that I don't want them to obey orders, but to create a rift between Liu Mu and Prince Lanling, and at the same time, to make Chen Lin a sinecure..."

Lu Hao said calmly.

This imperial marshal used to be quite popular, but since his relationship with Liu Mu, it has had a great impact on his reputation.

Of course, the most fatal thing is that Liu Mu and King Lanling colluded to attack Chen Lin's Yulin army, which also broke his undefeated myth.

After this series of operations, Chen Lin, the general, has come to an end.

In fact, it was Chen Lin who found King Lanling at that time and was preparing to attack Liu Mu's army. Unexpectedly, King Lanling changed sides and caught Chen Lin off guard.

"Is there any news from General Pingxi?"

Lu Hao suddenly asked.

"According to the Prime Minister's wishes, we are withdrawing troops from the border. However, there is bad news."

Wu Qingyu responded.

"What bad news?" Lu Hao asked.

"This time we intimidated the Xixia Kingdom, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Western Chu. The Xixia Kingdom is lobbying other dynasties to unite to deal with our Great Yan Empire. However, there is no definite news yet. After all, the people over there are The messaging was just too slow.”

Wu Qingyu reported the report with a grimace.

"Then, have you sorted out our intelligence network and military command system?"

Lu Hao asked.

"According to the Prime Minister's wishes, in conjunction with the Meiyue Clan's 'Thousand Miles of Spiritual Sound' technique, a new intelligence network has been set up. The transmission speed will definitely increase exponentially..."

Wu Qingyu gave a general report.

The adults were surprised and happy when they heard that Lu Hao had invited the Meiyue Clan to help out.

Of course, this legendary "thousand-mile spiritual sound" technique has also made several adults full of expectations.

As for the previous empires' pursuit of the Meiyue Clan, after so many years, it is no longer important.

"Master Dong, our cement has been successfully developed and is about to be mass-produced. Therefore, from now on, you have to re-plan several main roads of the empire..."

Lu Hao assigned new tasks to Lord Dong, Minister of Industry.

"The subordinate understands!"

Lord Dong responded.

"In addition, the Imperial Navy warships must be built into ironclad ships in the future. Moreover, the original steam engine has been successfully developed and can be applied to the Imperial Navy warships as the power plant of the ship..."

"You arrange this matter. After I draw the drawings, I will go directly to the shipyard in Qiongzhou Port in the south to help design and manufacture large ironclad ships..."

Lu Hao continued to explain.

Qiongzhou Port is located in the Qiannan Sea south of the Qiannan Plain. There is a vast sea area. To the east is the Great Sui Empire, and across the sea is the Great Wei Empire.

If you want to attack the Wei Empire, it is naturally very good to have the support of the navy.

However, the empire still has a large sea area in the east, and it also needs ironclad ships, so as to form a strong deterrent to the Eastern Turks.

Starting from the imperial capital, the Qianyuan River extends all the way to the East China Sea, where there is Crescent Harbor, the largest port in the eastern part of the empire.

Of course, there is also the East China Sea Shipyard, the largest shipyard in the empire, which is enough to build the largest five-story ship in the empire.

"Prime Minister, is it really okay if an armored ship is forged from steel?"

Mr. Dong also has some questions.

"Of course there is no problem. The construction of ironclad ships can improve troop transport capabilities and equip them with large artillery, which is enough to sweep across the entire continent."

Lu Hao is very domineering.

"The Prime Minister has great talent and great strategy, and the officials and others are willing to follow the Prime Minister to the death!"

Several adults said in unison.

They are really convinced by Lu Hao now!
With the full support of these people, it is only a matter of time before Lu Hao said he would sweep across the continent.


Under the leadership of Tantai Mingyue, the Meiyue Clan is rushing to Hengyang City at full speed.

However, in order to help Lu Hao establish the communication system this morning, Tantai Mingyue ordered her daughter to rush to Hengyang City with the 500 people in advance.

Lu Hao was extremely happy when he heard the news.

Ask Wu Qingyu to arrange them in Hengyang City to start military training. Of course, the most important ones are shooting training and equestrian training.

According to Lu Hao's idea, these spies and messengers must be equipped with pistols and be able to ride horses in order to escape in time.

Accompanied by Liu Rufeng, Tantai Xiyao came towards the imperial capital.

Situ Tianyin left the large group because of something going on at Tianyin Pavilion. Only Jiujianxian was still secretly protecting the Meiyue tribe's large group.

(End of this chapter)

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