Chapter 306
Wait until Yuan Chong and other soldiers leave.

"How's it going? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Lu Hao started to yell.

"I didn't expect you to be the Prime Minister of the Empire at such a young age. It's really unbelievable!"

Little Princess Meiyue said.

"You promised to take me to Xingyue Valley. You won't break your promise, right?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"However, no outsider has been to Xingyue Valley for so many years. This princess is worried that once you show up, you will be killed by the family's law enforcement team!"

Little Princess Meiyue said with a bitter face.

"You don't have to worry about this. If I can't protect myself, how can I protect you?"

Lu Hao is full of confidence.

"Okay, those soldiers have entered here anyway. Once they pass through the magic circle, Xingyue Valley will be exposed."

Little Princess Meiyue reluctantly agreed.

"That's right!"

Lu Hao grinned.

Young Master Meiyue rose into the air, used Qing Kung Fu, and flew deep into the forest.

Lu Hao followed closely and inadvertently left a mark.

Soon, the two came to a bigger mountain, and the mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist, which gave it a bit of a trance formation.

"This is the entrance circle of Xingyue Valley. You'd better follow me closely. If you get lost, I won't care about you!"

Little Princess Meiyue reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm the best at Qinggong!"

Lu Hao smiled calmly and immediately left a mark to wait here.

Little Princess Meiyue suddenly jumped into the air, like a big bird landing on the top of a big tree.

Pointing his toes on the treetop, he flew to the top of another big tree.

The landing point continued to change, and finally it swept away into the distance.

In fact, as long as someone steps on the wrong footing, this formation will be touched and people will be trapped in it.

About half an hour later, the two fell from the treetops and walked into a narrow gap between two mountains.

"This is a line of sky and the entrance to Xingyue Valley. There are two elders guarding it."

Little Princess Meiyue introduced.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, two figures appeared in front of her.


A cold voice sounded.

"Uncle Li, Uncle Zhong, I am Xiyao!"

Little Princess Meiyue responded loudly.

"It turns out to be Her Royal Highness the Princess. I wonder who the one with you is..."

Uncle Li asked in a deep voice.

"This is my princess's savior. His name is Lu Hao. He wants to see the patriarch."

Tantai Xiyao didn't hide anything.

"Want to see the clan leader? If he is from outside, please forgive Uncle Li for not letting him in."

Uncle Li said in a deep voice.

"Uncles, he is my savior, can you let us in first? We will make a decision after consulting the clan leader!"

Tantai Xiyao begged loudly.

"Xiyao, the clan leader is your grandmother. If she softens her heart and lets this kid go, then our Xingyue Valley will be exposed."

Uncle Li's attitude was very firm.

"Uncles, please."

Tantai Xiyao begged again.


The attitude of the two is the same.

"Hey! Your name is Tantai Xiyao! It's a good name! It sounds nice!"

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Lu Hao, what time is it now, and you still have the heart to talk about my princess's careful! The two uncles are probably going to catch you!"

Tantai Xiyao said worriedly.

"Don't worry, you bring the truth here and let me do the rest."

Lu Hao walked out slowly, blocking her behind him. "The two of them are eighth-grade masters, you are no match!"

Tantai Xiyao reminded.

"An eighth-grade master doesn't take his true form seriously."

Lu Hao said, taking off his sniper rifle.

The sniper rifle wrapped in cotton slowly unfolded in front of Tantai Xiyao.

To be honest, Tantai Xiyao originally thought he would draw his sword, but unexpectedly he took out a strange thing, and she immediately became interested.

"What are you?"

Tantai Xiyao asked curiously.

"This is a hidden weapon! The most powerful hidden weapon in the world! For an eighth-level master, one bullet is enough."

Lu Hao responded calmly.

At this time, he noticed that Uncle Li and Uncle Zhong were slowly approaching, and waves of powerful internal energy swept over them crazily.

Lu Hao raised his hand and took aim. The man and the gun merged into one, as if there was only one person and one gun in the whole world.

Entering the ranks of ninth-level masters and touching the threshold of the Grandmaster-level Vajra Mortal Realm, his internal and soul power rose several levels.

With a gun in his hand, his mental power seemed to have been integrated into the bullet.

"kill him!"

Uncle Li launched an attack.

He suddenly accelerated, like a phantom flashing past, and his whole body was like a sharp sword soaring into the sky, shooting at Lu Hao.

Gunshots rang out, and Uncle Li, who was the first to attack, was shot instantly and fell to the ground.

Another shot, and Uncle Zhong who was chasing behind him was also hit and fell directly to the ground.

Tantai Xiyao stared at the scene in front of her in stunned silence, completely confused.

"You... you killed them?"

Tantai Xiyao asked anxiously.

"No, I just injured them and can't stop us anymore."

After Lu Hao finished speaking, he repackaged the sniper rifle and carried it on his back.

"Are their lives in danger?"

Tantai Xiyao asked again.

"No! Let's go!"

After Lu Hao finished speaking, he hugged her and jumped into the air.

When the "Huantian Wind Control Technique" was used with all its strength, only an illusory shadow was left, which disappeared in an instant.

Only then did Tantai Xiyao realize that her Qinggong was far behind his.

Passing through the canyon gap in the sky, you can see a vast space in front of your eyes. The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. It is like a paradise in the Jiangnan water town.

In the valley, a stream slowly flows out from the gap in the canyon. Along the stream, there are sparse houses.

There are many people washing clothes by the stream in the distance, and some people are farming in the distance.

Perhaps because of a message from the two uncles, many people looked over. A dozen people appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

Lu Hao didn't want to get entangled with them, so he used his body skills with all his strength, leaving only afterimages, which had long since disappeared without a trace.

Tantai Xiyao was secretly shocked when she heard the wind in her ears.

After all, how can such a young Prime Minister not be amazed by such a powerful Qinggong?
"The patriarch lives on the top of the mountain in the distance. There is a big courtyard there."

Tantai Xiyao said.

When Lu Hao heard this, he looked around and spotted the large courtyard in the distance.

"Enemy attack!"

A roar sounded in the air.

Countless figures rose from the mountainside, obviously trying to stop the two of them.

Lu Hao hugged the beauty with one hand and took out a pistol with the other.

bang bang bang...

A series of gunshots, and more than a dozen figures fell from the sky.

"Lu Hao, you are not allowed to kill my people!"

Tantai Xiyao shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry! It's just an injury, there is no danger to your life!"

Lu Hao comforted.

I saw him suddenly raising his energy, and his speed suddenly surged, like a sharp sword soaring into the sky, soaring up to ninety thousand miles from bottom to top.

(End of this chapter)

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