Chapter 298
"Brother, what kind of wine are you holding? It's so rich and mellow, you can smell the aroma from a distance!"

Jiujianxian asked anxiously.

"This is the spirit that I concentrated through distillation. It is much stronger than the Huadiao from Baihualou. I brought it specially to honor my elder brother."

Lu Hao responded with a smile.

The brewing technology of Qianyuan Continent is quite mature, but the alcohol content is too low. It only tastes 23 degrees. How can a strong liquor with [-] or [-] degrees taste as good as it is?

Therefore, Lu Hao asked his brothers in the Supervision Department to adopt his method and use distillation to increase the alcohol content.

However, even so, it can only be raised to more than 60 degrees now.

"Brother, what are you doing? It's something new, but it interests me very much."

When the Wine Sword Immortal saw the two jars of fine wine, his eyes were filled with brilliance, as if he had seen two beauties.

You can tell at a glance that this Jiu Sword Immortal is addicted to alcohol, and he uses wine to enter Taoism, and eventually becomes the Jiu Sword Immortal.

"The elder brother will try it first, and then the younger brother will teach this method to the elder brother. In the future, he will not have to worry about not having good wine to drink."

Lu Hao said, and directly opened the seal of the wine jar.

A strong aroma of wine suddenly wafted out. The fragrance was mellow, refreshing and opened up the palate.

As soon as the Jiujianxian smelled the aroma of the wine, he couldn't wait to wait. He took the jar and poured a large bowl on his own.

I saw him picking up the drink, putting it to his nose and smelling it deeply, closing his eyes and enjoying the impact of the strong drink.

"Good wine! Good wine..."

Jiu Jianxian opened his mouth and wanted to drink it all in one gulp.

"Brother, this wine is too strong, don't drink it all in one gulp!"

Lu Hao quickly stopped him.

"'s okay. Big brother has drunk a lot of wine. No matter how strong the wine is, big brother is not afraid!"

The Wine Sword Immortal smiled heartily, picked up the wine bowl, and opened his mouth to take a big gulp.

The entrance is strong, as hot as fire, and the richness and dryness in it surprises the Jiujianxian.

However, now that Haikou has boasted about it, naturally it cannot give up halfway and drink it all in one go.

After he finished drinking, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the endless alcohol flowing through his body, straight to his forehead.

A strong aftertaste, like sweet spring jade juice, made Jiu Jianxian feel so breathless that he still had more to say.

"Good wine! Good wine! Good wine..."

Jiu Jianxian suddenly opened his eyes and blurted out praise.

"Does it really taste so good?"

The four oirans looked at each other and hurriedly poured their own wine, hoping for a taste of fine wine.

"Four girls, it's not that I am stingy, but this wine is too strong. You should drink it in small cups."

Lu Hao quickly advised.

"Mr. Lu, who do you look down on? Our sisters' drinking capacity is not something you can just boast about."

The four girls were very passionate.

"Master Lu is good to you! Otherwise, you will definitely fall down after drinking!"

Jiujianxian interrupted.

"Is it really that strong?"

The four girls believed the Jiujianxian's words and replaced them with small cups.

The four beauties were very ceremonial and clinked glasses before they did it together.

"Ah! So spicy!"

"Ahhhh... so intense!"

"Good wine! Good wine...encouraging!"

The four girls suddenly had different expressions and were amazed.

"Master Lu, you must teach this method to the slave family. In the future, the slave family will be able to support themselves by opening a wine shop."

Fan Sisi pulled Lu Hao and said coquettishly.

"Master Lu, I want to learn too! I also want to open a wine shop."

The other three beauties are not far behind.

"You! Don't even think about it. This extraction method must be very precious. Can you afford the starting fee? Even I, the eldest brother, now dare to ask my younger brother to teach this method."

Jiujianxian said with a smile.

"Brother, although this method is precious, it is nothing compared to the friendship of eldest brother. I am willing to teach you everything." "As for the four girls, if you are really willing to stay away from this place of fun, I will Young Master is willing to help, and he can also teach you the brewing method."

Lu Hao said seriously.

"Master, are you really willing to help us?"

Fan Sisi said excitedly.

"Of course, we can also build the largest winery in the imperial capital, and it will be easy to make a fortune every day."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"We sisters are willing and hope that the young master will take pity on us and help us get out of here."

The four girls actually stood up and fell to their knees at the same time.

"Get up, I will help you sort it out."

Lu Hao readily agreed.

To be honest, in his opinion, this is a trivial matter, a matter of one sentence.

However, he didn't want to treat Aunt Ji from Baihualou badly. After all, it took a lot of effort to cultivate four golden flowers.

After a while, Aunt Ji came in, and Lu Hao confessed that he would help the four girls redeem themselves.

"Sir, the four girls are the signatures of our Baihua Building. If they all leave..."

Aunt Ji was a little embarrassed.

Because she knew that Lu Hao was someone he would never dare to offend, but she felt a little unwilling to let her go.

"Ms. Ji, to tell you the truth, I just promised the four girls, and I can't break my promise. Are you right? How much money do you need? Just ask."

Lu Hao smiled calmly.

"Mr. Lu, for four girls, that's 2000 million taels of silver. What do you think?"

Aunt Ji didn't dare to bid randomly.

After all, a beauty of Lan Shushu's level only costs 100 million taels, but for Wu Qingyu, he also gave 200 million taels of silver.

The four oirans can sell it for five times the price, which is pretty good.

"The price is very fair. Go get their deed of sale."

Lu Hao said, taking out a box and placing it on the table.

There is no doubt that what is in the box is a bank note, and it is a large-denomination bank note of [-] pieces.

Aunt Ji hurried down to get the prostitution contracts of the four girls, but when she came back, she was followed by a middle-aged man with a big belly.

"Are you Mr. Lu?"

The middle-aged man looked arrogant.

"Exactly, Aunt Ji, this is..."

Lu Hao nodded slightly and asked with a smile.

"This is my sworn brother, Mr. Wu."

Aunt Ji quickly introduced.

"Master Wu? Do you have any advice?"

Lu Hao asked calmly.

"Don't take it seriously. I heard that Mr. Lu wants to redeem himself for the four courtesans?"

Mr. Wu glanced at the four beauties, his eyes shining.

The four beauties knew very well that this old pervert was very bad and wanted to take advantage of them every time. If they hadn't had some tricks, he would have succeeded long ago.

Master Wu was dissatisfied when he heard that someone had redeemed his life for the four courtesans.


Lu Hao responded calmly.

"The four great courtesans are the hard work of Aunt Ji. Mr. Lu wants 2000 million to redeem their lives. I'm afraid it's a bit fanciful."

Mr. Wu said coldly.

"Oh! Then... what Mr. Wu means..."

Lu Hao frowned slightly and stopped talking.

"Simple! If Mr. Lu is really willing to help them redeem their lives, then it will be 5000 million taels of silver."

Mr. Wu directly ripped him off.

(End of this chapter)

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