Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 296 Stabilizing the Overall Situation

Chapter 296 Stabilizing the Overall Situation
"Okay, it's good that you sisters are fine. It's just a pity that Ben Xiang's head was smashed. Murong, the old thief, actually killed Concubine Yi and His Highness the Crown Prince. I'm really angry with Ben Xiang."

Lu Hao felt indignant and touched his forehead.

Just now, the imperial doctor gave him a simple treatment, and with the blessing of internal strength, the swelling has subsided now, but it will take some time for the wound to fully heal.

"Prime Minister, don't be angry. You can kill the old thief to avenge them. All the soldiers say that you value love and justice, and you have done a good job."

Yi Ruyan consoled him.

"Yes, Prime Minister, now that Concubine Yi and His Highness the Crown Prince have been killed, the entire imperial capital is in panic. We should quickly find ways to stabilize the overall situation!"

Zhang Zhongwei, the Minister of Punishment, said loudly.

"what do you mean……"

Lu Hao frowned.

"Prime Minister, there is no one to lead the Guards and the City Defense Army yet. I think we should make arrangements as soon as possible..."

Zhang Zhongwei explained.

"Yes, the Imperial Guards were out in force last night, but the other two armies stood still. It's really unjustifiable."

Xu Liting, the Minister of Personnel, also echoed.

"From today onwards, Yi Ruyan will command the Imperial Palace Guards, Yi Rushuang will command the Imperial City Guards, and Dong Zhaoyi's brother Dong Xiaojun will serve as the commander of the city defense forces..."

"Du Ze, the Minister of Rites, is responsible for the state funeral of Concubine Yi and His Royal Highness, and is rushing to build the cemetery..."

"Tang Yu, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, allocated 200 million taels of silver to the Ministry of Rites as the cost of building the cemetery of Concubine Yi and His Royal Highness..."

"Dong Bifang, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, is responsible for building the highway from the imperial capital to Hengyang City, and reports the budget to the Ministry of Household Affairs for review..."

"The Minister of Civil Affairs, I want you to recruit and assess the talents and send them to the Prime Minister as soon as possible."

Lu Hao issued a series of orders.

"Subordinate to obey!"

The crowd commanded in unison.

"For the record, Prime Minister, the Thirteenth Princess of the Sui Empire is expected to arrive at the imperial capital at dusk tonight."

Wu Qingyu reported loudly.

"The Minister of Rites, the Minister of Honglu Temple, Mr. Deng, is responsible for the reception."

Lu Hao explained casually.

"Master Prime Minister, do you want to meet this princess in person?"

Wu Qingyu asked.

"No, let's settle it at the inn first and send someone to protect the princess."

Lu Hao said calmly.

"Prime Minister, there is news from the Xixia Kingdom that the peace talks are not going very smoothly."

Wu Qingyu reports again.

"Send someone to send a message to General Pingxi to assemble the army and prepare for war. Prepare to attack the border of Xixia Kingdom and give them some color."

Lu Hao said coldly.

"Prime Minister, if we send troops, the two ladies may be in danger. Do we really want to send troops?"

Wu Qingyu said in a deep voice.

"Of course we have to send troops, but we have to send someone to send a message to Xixia Kingdom first and set a time for them. Once the time comes and they still don't compromise, then we have no choice but to send troops to fight!"

Lu Hao responded calmly.

"My subordinate understands!"

Wu Qingyu took the order and left.

"Master Xuanyuan stays, you go and do your work."

Lu Hao waved his hand, indicating that the others could leave.

After everyone left, Lu Hao invited Xuanyuan Dingyuan to sit down and poured him a cup of tea himself.

"Master Xuanyuan, I believe you have also heard that the truth and Lingyu..."

Lu Hao paused slightly.

"Prime Minister, I have heard a little bit about it, but I just don't know..."

Xuanyuan Dingyuan also paused slightly.

"To be honest, Lord Xuanyuan, I like Lingyu very much and have arranged for her to go to Hengyang City to train the new army. Do you want her to come back to see you?"

Lu Hao asked.

"It is my daughter's honor to be favored by the prime minister. I don't dare to say anything. I just hope that the prime minister will not let Lingyu down. This time, Lingyu's mother also came with me. I miss Lingyu very much. As long as I don't If you delay military affairs, you can let her come back to see her mother."

Xuanyuan Dingyuan said frankly, obviously feeling very sorry for his daughter.

"Don't worry, Lord Xuanyuan, I will definitely not let Lingyu down."

Lu Hao promised.

The two chatted for a while, and by the way, they rewarded Xuanyuan Dingyuan with a mansion and said they would follow him out to meet his future mother-in-law.

However, he had been chasing his ancestor all night and had exhausted all his internal energy. He was indeed a little tired today.After Xuanyuan Dingyuan left, Lu Hao sent someone to notify Xuanyuan Lingyu, Liu Rufeng, and Situ Tianyin to return to the imperial capital.

"Xiu Ting, I'm tired and want to take a nap."

Lu Hao entered the room.

"Master Prime Minister, my servant has already laid out the bedding for you."

Nalan Xiuting said with a smile.

Lu Hao sat on the bed and suddenly held the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Prime Minister, I know you haven't had any rest all night, so go to bed quickly."

Nalan Xiuting struggled.

"Xiu Ting, from today on, you will be the largest female official in the palace. Together with Xiao Xizi, you will manage the palace for me."

Lu Hao is going to give her an official title.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, Xiu Ting will do her best."

Nalan Xiuting promised.

Soon, the girl became the most popular person in the palace, and even the concubines and nobles had to look at her face to act.

Lu Hao fell asleep in a daze and didn't wake up until the afternoon.


Xuanyuan Lingyu, Liu Rufeng and Situ Tianyin, the three beauties received the news and immediately returned to the imperial capital.

"Little girl, pay homage to the prime minister!"

The three beauties saluted gracefully.

"Lingyu, Master Xuanyuan Dingyuan has arrived today. The truth is that he has been appointed as the Imperial Minister of War to command the army of Yanshan Camp..."

"I asked you to come back because your mother is also here and wants you to come back and meet your elders."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Really? That's great! Then...does Mr. Xiang want to go back with me?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu was extremely excited.

"I still have important matters, so I won't go there today."

Lu Hao responded with a smile.

"Anything else? What's the matter?"

Xuanyuan Lingyu asked.

"I was originally going to the Death Swamp to look for the Meiyue Clan, so I summoned their two ninth-grade masters back."

Lu Hao told the truth frankly and did not hide anything.

"What? Are you going to the Death Swamp? No! No! That place is too dangerous!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu said worriedly.

"Silly girl, you should go back to see your mother as soon as possible. You don't need to worry about this matter."

Situ Tianyin interrupted with a smile.

"But, I am worried that my sister is in danger, so I want to follow..."

Xuanyuan Lingyu wanted to go together.

"Worried about sister? Or worried about Mr. Xiang?"

Situ Tianyin interrupted her.

"Sister, ignore you!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu said angrily.

"Lingyu, the prime minister has his own arrangements for this matter, so just go back."

Liu Rufeng also advised.

"Okay! Then be careful!"

Xuanyuan Lingyu reluctantly agreed.

"You! Don't worry, I will bring the Jiujianxian with me. It will be safe."

Lu Hao revealed his trump card.

"What? Jiujianxian?"

The three beauties were shocked at the same time.

"That's right! He is now the true eldest brother. How can he not help?"

Lu Hao looked like it was natural.

"What? Brother?"

The three beauties' jaws dropped again.

(End of this chapter)

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