Chapter 283 The Song of Wine
Wu Qingyu also looked over at this time, his eyes bursting with golden light. You can imagine the shock.

The Madam Madam of Pinhua House came slowly.

Dressed in jewels, she is a mature lady, but she still retains her charm. It is obvious that she had some beauty when she was young.

Everyone immediately became quiet and looked at the head of the family.

She walked to the middle stage, turned to look at the Jiujianxian on the highest seat, and bowed slightly.

"On behalf of Baihua Tower, I welcome the Jiu Sword Immortal to visit us!"

Aunt Ji said.

What?Wine Sword Fairy?
Everyone was astonished, and there was a commotion.

"Jiu Sword Immortal? Real or fake? I actually met Jiu Sword Immortal! I'm so lucky!"

"He is the Jiujianxian, he looks almost like us mortals..."

"Don't talk nonsense, that's the Sword Immortal, be careful not to lose your life!"


The entire Baihua Building suddenly became buzzing with discussions and excitement.

"You're welcome, Madam Ji. On the eve of the war, I came here just to relax and meet all the beauties in Baihua Tower!"

Li Yubai, the wine swordsman, responded with a smile.

"In that case, I would like to announce that tonight's Hundred Flowers Feast begins! We have invited a list of stunning beauties!"

Aunt Ji said with a smile.

Following her words, the Twelve Golden Hairpins and the Four Courtesans came slowly, but they all wore veils, giving people a vague and mysterious feeling.

All sixteen people sat in the seats specially customized for them in the hall on the ground floor, with their names behind them.

When Wu Qingyu saw the woman he liked coming out, he felt excited.

Lu Hao looked at his appearance, looked over, and found that the three words "Lan Shushu" were written on the back of the girl.

"The girl you like is called Lan Shushu?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.


Wu Qingyu's face turned red.

"If you get a good name, you will definitely feel comfortable!"

Lu Hao joked with a wicked smile.


Wu Qingyu's head was covered with black lines, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself.

"Dear distinguished guests, the first person to appear is the Twelve Golden Hairpins, Miss Hu Die..."

After Aunt Ji finished speaking, she floated down.

At this moment, a loud voice came.

"Ms. Ji, our brothers haven't arrived yet, why has your flower feast started?"

Along with the sound, two figures appeared in the hall.

"It turns out that it's the two heroes of the Pei family. Since they are here, please take a seat."

Aunt Ji said loudly.

"Then you're welcome."

After the two brothers finished speaking, they jumped into the air, but landed on the stage in the middle.

"The Pei brothers meet the Jiujianxian!"

The two brothers bowed at the same time.

The two heroes of the Pei family in Peijiabao are very famous. It is said that the swordsmanship of the two brothers has reached a superb level.

Being here at this time is probably not a good thing.

The Jiujianxian didn't say anything, but picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Brother Pei asked the Sword, Wine and Sword Immortal, and asked the Sword Immortal to give you some advice!"

The Pei brothers stood up straight, clasping their fists and holding their swords, as if they were here to challenge.


The Jiujianxian spit out one word.

The Pei brothers' faces suddenly turned red, and they didn't know whether it was embarrassment or anger, but the sword in their hands had already been gripped tightly by the hilt. "Ask the Sword, Wine and Sword Immortal? You are not qualified yet. I tell you to get out! Don't you hear me?"

Aunt Ji shouted coldly.

"Ms. Ji, we brothers know that this is not done kindly, but we really want to meet the Jiujianxian today..."

The eldest of the Pei brothers has not finished speaking yet.

I saw the Wine Sword Fairy slap his palm on the table, and the wine in the wine glass splashed out. In an instant, it condensed into countless sword shapes in the air and shot towards the two brothers.

The first move of the "Drink Sword", the famous stunt of the Wine Sword Immortal, is "Singing to Wine". The wine turns into thousands of sword shadows and kills you head-on.

The two brothers drew their swords and stepped forward at the same time. Their inner strength surged and their sword energy greeted them.

chi chi chi...

Two powerful sword energies shot through the air, colliding in the air, and a wave of air spread out instantly.

It's a pity that the strength of the two brothers is far behind Jiujianxian!

There were sounds of countless sword energy piercing the body. The two of them maintained the posture of drawing their swords. They were already riddled with wounds and died of breathlessness.

One sword light chills the nineteen continents!

What a terrifying sword!
one move!
Just one move!
The seemingly earth-shattering battle disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Everyone was stunned!

Lu Hao couldn't help but swallow his saliva and subconsciously made a gesture of touching the gun.

Based on his current perception, even with a pistol, he probably wouldn't be able to block the Jiujianxian's move when he was fully alert.

Is this the strength of the four great masters?
Aunt Ji waved her hand, and several servants came on stage and carried the body away directly.

After the stage was cleared, the Butterfly Fairy with the Twelve Golden Hairpins took off her veil and went on the stage, dancing gracefully to the music.

This Hu Die girl is very beautiful and can get at least [-] points. Plus she can sing and dance well, she can definitely reach [-] points.

Baihua Building immediately returned to its previous liveliness, as if the two brothers had never been there.

After the song ended, Aunt Ji came on stage and said with a smile: "Is there any high-roller who wants to spend a spring night with Miss Hu Die? You can bid now."

"100 taels!"

"300 taels!"

"500 taels!"


Everyone bid, and the atmosphere was lively.

"10 taels of silver will cover Miss Hu Die for one month!"

Someone in the crowd announced a sky-high price.

Everyone gasped.

"It turns out to be the Young Pavilion Master of Zixuan Pavilion. Congratulations to Miss Butterfly for winning the favor of the Young Pavilion Master!"

"Here we come, prepare for the wedding! May the two of you get married tonight! One day will bring you a happy couple!"

Aunt Ji said loudly.

When Miss Hu Die saw that a wealthy man had hired her, and he was also handsome, she immediately bowed and saluted, her face showing shyness, which made her look even more charming.

Next, the twelve golden hairpins came on stage one after another, and almost every beauty was supported by someone. However, the Jiujianxian was enjoying the singing and dancing and did not make a bid.

Obviously, his target must be one of the four great oirans, or the legendary leader of the oirans who did not appear.

However, I heard that if you want to win the favor of the four great courtesans, you must not only have money, but also have literary talent.

If you cannot get the approval of the four major courtesans, they will refuse to have sex with you for a moment.

Here, Miss Lan Shushu soon arrived. When she took off her veil, there was a burst of surprise from below.

I have to say that Wu Qingyu still has some discernment. This girl Shu Shu is really good-looking, pure and beautiful, and her eyes are also looking at Wu Qingyu.

Obviously, this little woman has fallen in love with Wu Qingyu.

"Master Wu, you have good taste! This girl Shu Shu is very beautiful and deserves your sincere devotion!"

Lu Hao joked with a smile.

"Master Lu, are you really willing to help me?"

Wu Qingyu was unsure.

After all, he almost went bankrupt just to support Lan Shushu for a month last time.

(End of this chapter)

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