Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 268: Heavenly Dao Wheel Chapter

Chapter 268 Heaven's Path Reincarnation
"Come on, bring me here!"

Uncle Nine Emperors shouted loudly.

Unexpectedly, Dugu Feng was kidnapped and sent to the front of the battle. Now his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He must have suffered a lot.

"Big brother..."

Concubine Yi was shocked.

When she got the news of the Nine Emperors Uncle's rebellion, she immediately sent someone to notify her eldest brother and father. Why was she still caught?

"Concubine Yi, Dugu Feng and his son planned the massacre of the three princes' mansions. Do you think I don't know about it?"

Uncle Nine Emperors said coldly.

"You... stop spitting blood here!"

Dugu Feng was still quibbling.

"You have a tough mouth, but I will kill you with one knife at a time to see how long your mouth can last."

Uncle Nine Emperor's eyes were red and his face was ferocious.

"How dare you! When my father and his army arrive, I will definitely kill you!"

Dugu Feng roared.

"Dugu Feng, if you confess honestly, I can give you a happy life, otherwise, I will kill you with one knife at a time! Someone come!"

Uncle Nine Emperors waved his hand, two people came up and tied Dugu Feng directly to the shelf.

"Murong Potian, you old man, if you want to get back the eldest brother who dared to touch me, I will never spare you!"

Concubine Yi roared angrily.

"Okay, then let Concubine Yi see how your eldest brother died!"

Murong Potian stepped forward slowly and took out a sharp knife.

"Murong Potian, how dare you! I will kill you!"

Concubine Yi was furious.

"My dear concubine, if you order the Zhengyang Gate to be opened, I will spare your eldest brother's life. Otherwise, I will ask everyone from the Murong family to cut his flesh to avenge the three princes."

Murong Potian held a knife against Dugu Feng's chest and threatened in a cold voice.

" Potian, I swear that I will destroy your entire family!"

Concubine Yi's eyes turned red, she gritted her teeth and roared.

"Dugu Feng, tell me honestly, were you responsible for the massacre of the three princes?"

The sharp dagger in Murong Potian's hand cut open Dugu Feng's clothes and plunged directly into his flesh.

"No! If you say no, it's not. If you want to kill or behead me, it's up to you!"

Dugu Feng does have some backbone.

Along with his scream, a piece of meat flew out.

There was a bloody hole in the bloody chest.

"Murong Potian, I swear, I will destroy your whole family!"

Concubine Yi's eyes were so bloodshot that they almost burst.

"Destroy your family? Don't you, the Dugu family, like to destroy your family? I also destroyed your Dugu family today, and this is the only culprit left."

Murong Potian said and struck again.

Dugu Feng screamed again, grinning in pain and his face was deformed.

Next, bursts of miserable screams came, which was terrifying to hear.

In order to avenge the three princes, those royal relatives actually went up to Lingchi Dugu Peak next to each other.

Concubine Yi had cried so hard that she fainted.

Lu Hao looked at the scene in front of him without blinking his eyelids, and he felt a little happy in his heart.

This kind of guy who can wipe out the three princes is absolutely ruthless and has no conscience. Now he has this kind of retribution, which is also the reincarnation of heaven.

"Don't... don't cut... my flesh. The massacre... of the whole family... was caused by me... I sent people to do it."

I don’t know how many times Dugu Feng was cut, but he finally confessed.

"Hahaha... Did you hear that? The massacre of the three princes' families was caused by this boy!"

Murong Potian cried with joy.

Faced with the imperial relatives who followed him, and the three royal palaces being wiped out, the Nine Emperors Uncle was also under a lot of pressure, and it was not ordinary.

Otherwise, he would not have panicked and rebelled, just to catch Dugu Feng and make him confess the culprit of the massacre.

Now that the truth is out and Dugu Feng admits it himself, he deserves to die even more.However, the dying Dugu Feng had turned into a bloody man, with countless stab wounds all over his body.

"Jie Jie... Lu Hao, I ask this again, are you really unwilling to surrender?"

Murong Potian laughed a few times and pierced Dugu Feng's chest with his knife.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, otherwise, would you have revealed your true identity too late?"

Lu Hao sneered again and again.

"Siege! Siege!"

Uncle Nine Emperors issued the order to attack the city.

"Kill kill kill..."

The siege soldiers roared and roared, killing towards Zhengyang Gate.

"Form up! Defend! Archers prepare!"

Yi Ruyan ordered loudly.


The first round of arrows rained down.

A large number of the siege soldiers suddenly fell, with countless casualties.

"Shieldmen defend! Archers press!"

Uncle Nine Emperors ordered loudly.

The shieldman's shield blocked the rain of arrows, and all the archers behind pressed forward, and a hail of arrows shot back toward the high wall.

"Be careful with bows and arrows! Protect the imperial concubine!"

Lu Hao shouted loudly.

The well-trained Imperial Guards instantly changed their formations, and their shield-hands blocked the rain of arrows.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

Countless arrows hit the city wall, making a series of drilling sounds.

"Kill kill kill..."

Countless siege soldiers who entered the corridor fell to the ground amidst bursts of shouts of killing.

Zhengyangmen once again turned into a meat grinder.

Countless siege soldiers fell, and countless rebels rushed forward. The archers' bows and arrows were quickly exhausted, and the two sides launched a desperate fight in the corridor.

There were more and more corpses piled up in the corridor, and they were getting higher and higher. Blood flowed out of Zhengyang Gate along the floor of the corridor, forming a blood-red stream.

At the same time, the other three gates of the palace were also attacked.

On the other side, Dugu Shenyong learned that Uncle Nine Emperors had rebelled and immediately led his troops to reinforce him.

Wu Qingyu led the elite of the Supervision Department to hide in the darkness of the east gate, responsible for responding to Dugu's brave army.

"I would like to report to the Prime Minister that the Nine Emperors Uncle's army has stopped attacking and is clearing the corridor and regrouping to prepare for the next round of attack."

Yi Ruyan came to report.

"Very good! Then we will also change our defense, take down the troops who defended in the last round to rest, and re-mobilize 2000 people to defend the city."

Lu Hao responded casually.

"Master Xiang, you don't seem to be in a hurry at all!"

Yi Ruyan asked with a grimace.

"Of course I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, Dugu Shenyong should be more anxious than me, and he won't see anything happen to his daughter."

Lu Hao didn't panic at all.

"The other three city gates are also resting, but there are too many siege soldiers. They take turns attacking. We have killed more than 5000 people. If this continues, we will probably be unable to stop them soon."

Yi Ruyan said worriedly.

"It's okay. If you can't stop it, surrender. At worst, you can continue to be prime minister. Anyway, the Nine Emperors Uncle is just a new emperor."

Lu Hao laughed happily.

"You... are really going to piss me off!"

It's easy to stomp your feet like smoke.

Just as Lu Hao thought, Dugu Shenyong had led his army to the east gate. Unfortunately, it was guarded by the city defense army and heavily deployed.

After Dugu Shenyong arrived, he immediately launched an attack. However, how could he break open such a high city wall and such a thick iron gate?
(End of this chapter)

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