Chapter 264 Crowd Tactics
"In a quarter of an hour, I will launch an attack. You should go back and prepare the coffin!"

After Chen Lin finished speaking, he turned the horse's head and left.

"Chen Lin, I will prepare a coffin for you!"

Liu Mu also turned his horse's head and left.


Boom boom boom!
Thirteen huge war drums beat, and the entire Great Plains seemed to be shaking.

Chen Lin's vanguard troops, led by Shen Youtu, were all light cavalry.

This light cavalry is not used to kill the enemy, but to figure out the enemy's deployment. Therefore, the requirement is high mobility.

Da da da……

Thousands of horses galloped, iron hooves flew, and the battle of Fenglingdu began.

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

Shen Youtu's general's flag was like a sharp knife piercing the enemy, only inserted into the central camp of the Beifu soldiers.

At the same time, on the hill on the other side of the river, Liu Mu was riding on horseback, looking at the first batch of troops crossing the Yuema River.

"Your Majesty, the leader of the battle is Chen Lin's most ferocious Shen Youtu, known as the 'Butcher', a peak eighth-level master..."

It was Liu Mu's adviser Zhang Liang who spoke.

This man has followed Liu Mu all his life and fought hundreds of battles, big and small. He can predict the enemy's opportunity every time. He is a dog-headed strategist who can pinch and calculate.

As Liu Mu's right-hand man, Zhang Liang studied Chen Lin's major and minor battles and felt that the generalissimo's military tactics were unstructured and difficult to deal with.

However, he felt that with twice the strength, even if Chen Lin had extraordinary abilities, he would not be able to defeat Liu Mu's army.

Although the plains are more suitable for cavalry charges, the heavy shields and spears of the Beifu soldiers will be a nightmare for the cavalry.

Because they have been dealing with the cavalry of major northern tribes all year round, Beifu soldiers have a complete set of combat formations to deal with cavalry.

The barrel formation is a battle formation that can be divided or combined. Once the cavalry rushes into it, it can be surrounded and annihilated without any effort.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Youtu's cavalry had already crossed the Yuema River and was heading straight for Liu Mu's Chinese army's main tent.

"The order is given, the shield soldiers attack, the archers and crossbowmen are ready to stop Shen Youtu's cavalry!"

Liu Mu issued the first order.

The signal battle flag immediately issued an order, and the heavy shield infantry phalanx below faced Shen Youtu's light cavalry from the front.

Chen Lin in the distance looked at the shield soldiers and archers pouring out from the other side.

"Let Shen Youtu take a detour to the left!"

Chen Lin ordered calmly.

This was the first round of exploratory attacks, just to find out the enemy's troop deployment, so he was not in a hurry.

The drums change, the signal flags intertwine, the signal is given.

Facing the archers' shooting range, which was about two hundred steps, Shen Youtu began to turn his troops and actually killed them towards the hill on the left.

"The enemy turned to the left and wanted to attack the left wing. It seems that Chen Lin was testing our formation."

Zhang Liang said calmly.

"Order the left wing cavalry to attack and kill!"

Liu Mu's eyes flashed with cold light and murderous intent overflowed.

Shen Youtu's light cavalry drew a beautiful arc towards the left wing. From the mountain col on the left wing, a group of cavalry shot out, obviously intending to fight Shen Youtu.

"Continue to detour to the left!"

Chen Lin ordered again.

Shen Youtu originally wanted to fight, but had to continue to detour to the left.

"Shen Youtu changed lanes again and headed to the left without engaging our army in a head-on battle. What's the point?"

Zhang Liang frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Send the order, the left cavalry pursues! Cut off Shen Youtu's cavalry from the waist!"

Liu Mu ordered coldly.

Shen Youtu's cavalry continued to rush to the left. It seemed that the head and tail could not connect. Once they were cut off, the torrent of steel would be divided and surrounded in an instant.

It's a pity that since the seemingly long dragon separated from it, the cavalry separated from the left continued to move towards the left.

The cavalry separated on the right turned back and headed towards the Chinese army's tent. They seemed not to be afraid of strong bows and crossbows at all. "Half of Shen Youtu's army attacked the Chinese army's tent..."

"The second army of the Yulin Army is dispatched and is crossing the Prancing Horse River..."

"The third army of the Yulin Army is crossing the river downstream and seems to want to surround us..."


A series of military reports came in, which made Liu Mu feel even more stressed.

"The left-wing cavalry continues to pursue Shen Youtu..."

"Order the Chinese army to press forward and block Shen Youtu's right branch..."

"Let Liu Fan lead an army of [-] to be ready to attack at any time to face the second army..."

"Order, Liu Qian leads an army of [-] to block the enemies crossing the river downstream..."


Liu Mu issued a series of orders.

At this moment, Shen Youtu's separated cavalry on the right turned around and killed them again.

Shen Youtu, who was originally running for his life, also turned his horse's head and killed him from the left.

Liu Mu's left-wing cavalry suddenly fell into the dilemma of being attacked from both front and rear.

"Kill kill kill..."

Shen Youtu roared angrily and charged into the left cavalry.

Zhang Han, the deputy general who divided the troops, also took the opportunity to rush over from behind.

Liu Mu's left-wing cavalry, who was attacked from the front and back, was immediately killed and turned upside down, completely defeated.

"Order, the Chinese army divides its forces and presses forward directly. The archers hidden behind the hills attack..."

Liu Mu did not panic at all and commanded calmly.

With an order, the archers from behind the hill appeared, and suddenly a hail of arrows shot into Shen Youtu's cavalry.


The overwhelming barrage of arrows was a completely indiscriminate strike, and the cavalry fell instantly.

"General, there are archers!"

Many soldiers roared.

"The cavalry behind took a detour, and the front army rushed into the enemy's cavalry square, asking them to throw a rat weapon!"

Shen Youtu had rich combat experience and thought of countermeasures in an instant.

The mobility of the cavalry was so good that the rear army immediately took a detour, while the front army had already rushed into the enemy's position. It was impossible to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. The archers were dumbfounded.

"The order is given, the archers continue to press forward, and the 1 Chinese shield soldiers press forward..."

Liu Mu issued the order instantly.

In his opinion, the abundant Beifu soldiers could overwhelm Chen Lin's army even with the human sea tactic.

"Chen Lin's second army attacked the right wing..."

Zhang Liang reported loudly.

Sure enough, the second cavalry group that had crossed the Yuema River did not go to support Shen Youtu, but headed towards the right-wing army.

Liu Fan led an army of [-] men and rushed forward to face the second cavalry without any hesitation.

In front are the pikemen. The two-meter-long spear is a nightmare for the cavalry.

"Form up! Prepare to face the enemy's cavalry attack!"

Liu Fan rode on the horse and shouted loudly.

All pikemen inserted their spears into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees. The sharp spear points only needed to be hit by the cavalry themselves.

The second cavalry of the Yulin Army was led by Gu Xuyang. Facing the pikemen who were well prepared, he was not stupid enough to hit his own cavalry.

Just fifty steps away, he turned his horse's head and charged towards the Chinese army, like a torrent of steel pouring towards them.

"Archer ready!"

General Gu Xuyang shouted loudly
The archers among the cavalry actually rode on horseback, bent their bows and arrows, and came towards the Chinese army's tent.

(End of this chapter)

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