Chapter 259 Thousand Miles of Spiritual Sound
"You bad guy! I...I'd better help you pass the message to your sister."

Liu Ruxu looked depressed.

"Well, your martial arts skills are so good. Otherwise, I would arrange for you to join the army. Then you would be a female general or something, leading thousands of troops to charge into battle. Wouldn't it be great!"

Lu Hao suggested.

"Army? There are too many rules and regulations. This girl likes to be free and unrestrained."

Liu Ruxu was obviously unwilling.

"Otherwise, you go to the Supervision Department, and from now on you will help the truth train spies and sneak into other countries to steal intelligence..."

Lu Hao suggested again.

"Training secret agents? I don't have that ability, but it shouldn't be difficult to steal intelligence. Our Blood Clothes Sect has a special intelligence network."

Liu Ruxu revealed.

What?Does the Bloody Clothes Sect also have a spy network?
Thinking about it, if you want to carry out assassinations, ambush and sneak attacks, how can you do it without intelligence?

"Otherwise, you can also help the truth set up an intelligence network, and the cost will be borne by the truth."

Lu Hao asked for her opinion again.

To be honest, if Liu Rufeng hadn't asked Lu Hao to find a way to get his sister away and break away from the killer organization, he wouldn't be so enthusiastic.

"I have been in charge of an intelligence network before and have experience in this area. If you pay enough, I will be very willing to help you."

Liu Ruxu thought for a while and actually agreed.

"However, the truth requires an intelligence network that can deliver information quickly. I wonder if you can do it?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"Quickly? How fast is that? Nowadays, flying pigeons can send messages very quickly. However, it is very troublesome to cultivate this kind of carrier pigeon. Without enough money, it is not affordable for individuals at all. Moreover, this method of sending messages is very troublesome. The breach of trust rate is also very high.”

Liu Ruxu analyzed it carefully.

In fact, the Inspectorate uses flying pigeons to pass messages, and the efficiency is pretty good. Not only does it require huge military expenditures, but it also requires pigeon breeders who are proficient in raising pigeons, and training them is also very troublesome.

It would be perfect if there was a faster way to communicate.

Lu Hao had thought about making telephones before, but there were too many lines required.

Qianyuan Continent is at least tens of thousands of miles from south to north. How to assume the route?
To be honest, because the distance is so far, thousands of miles away, it is not easy to spread the news.

"However, I accidentally learned about a very peculiar method of communication. It is said that it can be transmitted thousands of miles and arrive in an instant."

Liu Ruxu added.

"Is there such an instant communication method? What method is it?"

Lu Hao was extremely happy.

"This method of communication is called soul communication. It comes from a very special race called the Meiyue clan. It is said that people of this race can use the soul communication method by practicing a special soul method."

Liu Ruxu spoke eloquently.

"How to transmit sounds through the soul? Use the soul to transmit sounds?"

Lu Hao became interested.

"This kind of soul sound transmission is somewhat similar to the soul sound transmission technique of a master-level strongman. However, the sound transmission technique of a master-level strongman only transmits sound in a small area, and this special soul sound transmission method is called It’s called the ‘Thousand-mile Spiritual Sound’ and can carry out communication for thousands of miles.”

Liu Ruxu explained.

A message traveling thousands of miles away arrives instantly. Isn’t that just a phone call?

No, you should call the cell phone!

"Miss Liu, can you find such a member of the Meiyue Clan?"

Lu Hao asked anxiously.

"I met one before, and I learned from her that the Meiyue Clan is hidden in the Death Swamp, isolated from the world, and never comes into contact with the outside world."

"It is said that it is because the women of the Meiyue tribe can practice a kind of charm that no man in the world can resist. The Great Shang Empire 300 years ago was destroyed by the Great Yan Empire because of a woman who brought harm to the country." "Therefore, the Great Yan Empire After the empire was founded, people were sent to hunt down the Meiyue clan, causing them to hide in the Death Swamp..."

Liu Ruxu spoke eloquently.

Lu Hao knew that this death swamp was a barren land connecting the dark forest and the misty forest.

It is said that the waters to the north of the Misty Forest and the waters to the south of the Dark Forest intersected in the Death Swamp, forming a large amount of accumulated water, which led to the emergence of large swamps.

From the Death Swamp, the water extends to the Yuanma River to the west, and to the east is the Huaihe River. The easternmost place close to the East China Sea is Jianghuai County.

Therefore, major floods often occur in Jianghuai County, which actually originate from the Death Swamp.

As for the charm skills used by the Meiyue clan to destroy an empire, Lu Hao knew that a Daji appeared in his previous life, but he did not expect that there was such a powerful woman in Qianyuan Continent.

In other words, if you provoke this Meiyue clan, you might be controlled by people using charm skills.

Thinking of this, Lu Hao couldn't help but smile.

Did a woman really bring about the demise of such a huge empire?
If you want to add guilt, there is no excuse!

Lu Hao's memories from his previous life told him that it was nonsense and even more ridiculous!
There is no scientific basis, it is just history passing the blame to Daji.

"Miss Liu, can this 'Thousand Miles of Spiritual Sound' technique only be practiced by members of the Meiyue Clan, or can outsiders also practice it?"

Lu Hao asked.

"I don't know then. From my perspective, as long as it is a secret technique, it should be suitable for most people to practice. I guess this is the Meiyue clan's secret technique, but it is generally not passed on to outsiders. .”

Liu Ruxu made a bold guess.

"If this is really the case, then go find this Meiyue clan. I want to recruit them for my own use and help me conquer all directions."

Lu Hao laughed.

"You want to recruit the Meiyue Clan?"

Liu Ruxu said doubtfully.

"Yes, don't they have no place to live? The truth can give them the most fertile land, or let them choose it themselves."

Lu Hao is indeed very wealthy.

"But, I can't find the Meiyue Clan now."

Liu Ruxu said with a grimace.

"It's simple. Don't they live in the Death Swamp? Just go there and look for them."

Lu Hao looked matter-of-fact.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, if you want to go to a place like the Death Swamp, go by yourself. I want to live for a few more years."

Liu Ruxu decisively refused.

"Tell me, how much does it cost to go?"

Lu Hao was going to use money to knock the beauty unconscious.

"How much money do you have to go without going? It is said that no one has ever been able to come out of the Death Swamp alive. A few years ago, a ninth-grade master went in and died just after reaching the outside. Even the body was eaten by wild beasts."

Liu Ruxu shook her head decisively.

"1000 million taels of silver!"

Lu Hao was very wealthy and made a price directly.

"No! You won't go even if you say you won't go. 1000 million? Even if it's [-] million, you won't go?"

Liu Ruxu shook her head vigorously, determined not to accept this task.

If you don’t spend [-] million to go, it seems that the Death Swamp is really dangerous!
However, if there is no message from the Meiyue tribe, the power of the modern thermal weapon army cannot be fully exerted.

How can I conquer the world and unify the continent?

(End of this chapter)

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