Chapter 231 Empire Finance
"Hahaha... Is that much? The more than 8 million taels of silver here are only two-thirds. There will be about [-] million taels of silver in the future. Mr. Tang will be responsible for sending people to Jintao Pavilion to transport it."

Lu Hao laughed happily.

"The officer knows!"

Tang Yu was ecstatic.

The Minister of Revenue seems to be in charge of the country's finances, but there are too many places to spend money. After Lu Hao came to power, he continued to increase military spending.

Fortunately, the Prime Minister is not only good at dispersing wealth, but also making money. Such a search and auction resulted in more than one billion taels of silver.

All of a sudden, the empire's treasury became rich again.

"Mr. Tang, that big box contains all 1 taels of banknotes. You must check carefully."

Xia Wei pointed at a box and reminded loudly.

"Don't worry, Miss Xia, the Ministry of Accounts is responsible for counting money, and we guarantee that nothing will go wrong!"

Lord Tang Yu was in a good mood and very angry.

This person is a virtuous person. As soon as he has money, he starts to play tricks, even the Minister of Household Affairs is no exception.

Lu Hao was also well aware of his pressure, so he put all the money into the national treasury.

After all, with the war in the empire about to begin, there are many places where money needs to be spent.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, Miss Xia, please come to the Yamen to have tea."

Tang Yu stepped forward to greet Lu Hao and Xia Wei, inviting them to come in and sit.

"Okay, let's have tea then. Thank you for your hard work, adults."

Lu Hao readily agreed.

Tang Yu welcomed the two of them into the hall, and the servants immediately brought them tea.

"Master Tang, the emperor has arranged for you to be in charge of the empire's finances. You must do your best and not let down the emperor's entrustment."

Lu Hao said casually, but it reminded him that he was the emperor.

"I understand! I will live up to the instructions of the emperor and the prime minister and manage the household department well."

Tang Yu responded loudly.

He deliberately added Prime Minister, meaning that now that the emperor is in a coma, the subordinates can only be loyal to you.

"Lord Tang, the empire is currently suffering from internal and external troubles. There is a lot of money to spend, and we cannot increase taxes with the people. Therefore, the Ministry of Revenue is under great pressure. We know the truth."

"In the disaster-stricken areas of the empire, the Ministry of Revenue can reduce taxes as appropriate to relieve the pressure on local people. As for the empire's fiscal revenue, the truth will definitely find a way to ensure it."

Lu Hao explained in a deep voice.

"Prime Minister, there are indeed places in the empire that need to reduce taxes, and there are also places that need to allocate funds to repair farmland infrastructure..."

Tang Yu also said what was in his heart.

"Since Mr. Tang has many good ideas and suggestions, I will submit a memorial tomorrow and I will support you!"

Lu Hao said with a smile.

The two discussed in detail the shortcomings of some local systems and some reform plans.

From this, Lu Hao thought of Shang Yang's reforms in the Great Qin Empire in his previous life, which made the entire Qin Kingdom stronger.

If a movement similar to Shang Yang's reform was carried out in Qianyuan Continent, could the entire historical process be accelerated?

If you want to succeed, you must wait until the steam engine is successfully developed before you can truly enter the industrial age.

At present, Qianyuan Continent is still dominated by agriculture, and industry is only ordinary workshops.

Lu Hao came here and expanded the workshops, gradually moving them to factories, and productivity was greatly improved.

Of course, everything starts with the military industry, which drives the development of the entire economy.

The ultimate goal of military industry is invasion and plunder.

Tang Yu used to be a member of the emperor, and to be appreciated by Murong Yuan, who was a talented and strategist, he was naturally not an ordinary mediocre person.

After receiving Lu Hao's instruction, he immediately revised the book overnight and submitted his ideas and reform plan to the court.


The next day, Lu Hao held a high-level meeting of the Military Aircraft Department and made adjustments and revisions one by one, and it was quickly implemented.

It is precisely because of this agricultural reform that the empire's agricultural development has once again reached a higher level.

Dong Bifang, minister of the Ministry of Industry, attended the meeting of the Military Aircraft Department for the first time. He seemed a little reserved, but he also submitted a memorial.

This memorial mainly focuses on the planning of water conservancy facilities and road transportation across the country. "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I believe that if the empire wants to be strong, the repair and maintenance of water conservancy facilities are indispensable..."

Dong Bifang talked endlessly about official matters.

Obviously, he had great ambitions, but had nowhere to display them, and Lu Hao just gave him a platform to show off his talents.

Regarding his proposal of dividing the construction of water conservancy facilities by area, rewarding farming, and reducing taxes...

There is also the expansion of main roads in the empire, widening the main roads between states, counties and counties, and counties.

Calculating it all at once, the empire had to pay tens of millions of taels of silver.

Lu Hao is now a master who is not short of money. With a stroke of his pen, he approved Mr. Dong's construction plan.

Of course, it would be much faster to widen the main road now and pave it with cement later.

Everything is still under Lu Hao's control.

Fortunately, Chen Lin and Liu Mu were still accumulating their strength and had no intention of taking the initiative to fight. Lu Hao and others could also relax a little.

However, Lu Hao still asked Dugu Feng to send someone again to warn General Han, who was stationed in Ruyang City in the north, not to be careless.

If Ruyang City is lost, the empire will be in trouble.

There was no news from Xue Yue, the general of the Eastern Conquest. Obviously, the situation was not very good, nor was it too bad.

There is no movement in the Sui Empire to the south, and they can finally rest for a few days.

"Master Dugu, how is the injury of the Marquis?"

Lu Hao asked.

"My father's condition is very good! Thank you Mr. Prime Minister for your concern."

Dugu Feng responded immediately.

"Well, I have a lot of free time today. I will go back with you to see the Prime Minister."

Lu Hao thought it was time to visit Mr. Hou.

"Why are you so embarrassed to trouble Mr. Xiang?"

Dugu Feng was a little flattered.

"Okay, let's go."

Lu Hao smiled and patted his shoulder.

For Dugu Yi's sake, he regarded Dugu Feng as his uncle, and he seemed to be closer to him.

The two of them returned to the Marquis' Mansion together.

When Dugu Shenyong heard that Lu Hao was coming, he immediately came out to meet him in person.

"Xiao Liuzi pays homage to the Marquis!"

Lu Hao bowed and said loudly.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, your status is different now. You can no longer call yourself a little sixty-year-old."

Dugu Shenyong said with a smile.

"Master Hou is joking, Xiao Liuzi will always be yours!"

Lu Hao bowed again.

"Okay, okay, come on, sit down and talk."

Dugu Shenyong greeted with a smile.

"Master Marquis, there are too many things going on in the court during this period, and I haven't come to see you. I hope you don't mind."

Lu Hao first apologized and admitted his mistake.

After all, it was Dugu Shenyong who sent him to the palace.

Fortunately, Eunuch Hai was in a hurry to hire people, so he didn't get hit.

"You're welcome, Prime Minister. My Lord, my injuries are no longer serious, and I'm fully ready to lead the army on the expedition."

Dugu Shenyong laughed happily.

"Dad, your body still needs to rest for at least more than a month. How can it be okay?"

Dugu Feng immediately interrupted.

(End of this chapter)

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