Chapter 208 Stunning Beauty
"Lu Hao, you call me Tianyin from now on, and I call you Hao'er. What do you think?"

Situ Tianyin approached him and blinked his big eyes.


Are you sure you're not talking about Hu'er?

"Tianyin, that... Hao'er, doesn't sound very nice. Otherwise, you can call me Xiao Lu."

Lu Hao said with a grimace.

"Otherwise, I'll call you Xiao Liuzi. It sounds quite friendly!"

Situ Tianyin joked with a smirk on his face.

Who said I was Xiaoliu?I am the sixth child!I'm furious!
"No! Definitely not!"

Lu Hao shook his head vigorously, dumbfounded.

"Lu Hao, from now on, you can pursue me."

Situ Tianyin said seriously.


Lu Hao had a black line on his face and almost collapsed.

25. A six-year-old girl doesn’t know how to fall in love?
It seems that this strong woman has spent her whole life doing business and practicing martial arts, and she cannot understand the love between men and women at all.

The most depressing thing is that Situ Tianyin is obviously playing tricks on him.


Situ Tianyin laughed heartily.

"Situ Tianyin, I am tired today, so I will go back first."

Lu Hao rolled his eyes at her and wanted to leave angrily.

"Are you tired? How about you go to the room upstairs and take a rest? I'll ask someone to wash your feet, beat your back, squeeze your legs, and relax?"

Situ Tianyin said with a smile.

"Here...are there so many ways to serve people?"

Lu Hao's interest greatly increased.

Isn't this a massage parlor from my previous life?

Since there is one here, Lu Hao really wants to experience it.

"Yes, after the guests here have had enough wine and food, they can go upstairs to rest. There is a gambling room, a tea pavilion, and..."

"The girls here do not sell their bodies but they do art. If someone likes that girl, they can pay for their redemption and take them away."

Situ Tianyin explained in detail.

"Forget it, I still have something to do tomorrow, or..."

When Lu Hao said this, his eyes were attracted by the beautiful woman who had just appeared below.

What an exotic girl, dressed in a strange outfit, so conspicuous and eye-catching.

However, there is a kind of stunning beauty, and her beauty is no less beautiful than Situ Tianyin.

"Master Prime Minister, have you fallen in love with that girl?"

Situ Tianyin laughed and mocked.

"No, I just think her clothes are very distinctive."

Lu Hao quickly denied it.

"That girl's name is Gongsun Meng. She comes from the Kurchi tribe in the north. She is the youngest daughter of the tribe leader. After her father was killed by her brother, she escaped. I thought she was pitiful, so I took her in..."

Situ Tianyin told the beauty's life story in detail.

"Northern tribe? Kurchi?"

The spy information he had read before flashed through Lu Hao's mind.

It mentioned the Kurchi tribe. The leader of the tribe was named Gongsun, and his only name was "Li". He was good at fighting, but he was killed by his younger brother.

Could this be the daughter of the patriarch Gongsun?

Outside the northern Great Wall, there is a settlement of nomadic people. It is said that there are more than 100 small tribes, forming six major tribal alliances.

However, the six major tribal alliances also fought against each other every year, and the wars never stopped.

Of course, there is also chaos within the tribe, and fights for power and position are not uncommon.

Every winter, the major tribes in the north would send their cavalry south to burn, kill and loot to replenish supplies for the winter.

Liu Mu, the king of Beiyuan, was stationed in the north to prevent these tribes from going south.Speaking of which, the major ethnic groups in the north are also suffering a lot, and they are just trying to survive in the cracks.

"You know this tribe?"

Situ Tianyin asked.

"Of course, the clan leader of this tribe, whose surname is Gongsun, lives on a large grassland north of Mohe. Unexpectedly, civil strife also broke out..."

Lu Hao nodded slightly and was filled with emotion.

"The Prime Minister is really powerful! Even such a small tribe knows about it."

Situ Tianyin was extremely surprised and praised with a smile.

When such a beautiful woman appeared, the men below immediately started to boo, making the scene even more lively.

Wu Qingyu and a few guys are also very excited and emotional now.

There is no doubt that this girl is the top beauty that Mr. Wu calls her.

Lu Hao didn't care about this at all, but was thinking, if Liu Mu, the king of Beiyuan, leads his troops south, will the major tribes in the north send troops?

Although according to intelligence reports, Liu Mu appeased the major tribes in the north, if Liu Mu and Chen Lin really fought, the situation might be different.

Gongsun Meng on the stage swept his charming eyes across the hall, while the men downstairs who were crowded with people were even more excited.

At this moment, Lu Hao discovered that among the men, two men in the farthest corner were acting very calmly.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Lu Hao's eyes narrowed, and his thoughts spread. Two men were talking in a low voice.

One was wearing a gray gown, the other was wearing a purple gown, and was holding a paper fan, just like most of the young men in the imperial capital.

However, Lu Hao's eyesight was so amazing that he immediately discovered what was different about them.

The way northerners eat is very different from that of people from the Central Plains. The two of them seemed a little uncomfortable holding chopsticks.

Especially the plate of peanuts on the table. The man in gray shirt pinched it several times in vain, and was about to grab it.

"what are you doing?"

The man in purple shirt immediately held his hand.

"This peanut is really not good...add it!"

The man in gray shirt responded with a grimace.

He originally meant "clip", but he couldn't pronounce it clearly and said "add"!
“If you don’t know how to pick it up, then don’t eat it!”

The pronunciation of the man in purple shirt is very standard.

It can be seen that the man in purple shirt should be resident in the imperial capital, while the man in gray shirt is obviously from the north.

"If you don't eat, you don't eat!"

The man in gray shirt turned to look at the stage and suddenly said: "None of the men here have seen a woman? Why are you so excited!"

"A stunning beauty like the little princess is rare in our grass...where. How can the men here not be excited?"

The man in purple responded in a low voice.

"However, the sound was too loud, and it felt like my ears were almost deafened!"

grumbled the man in gray.

"Okay, don't talk any more, be careful!"

The man in purple shirt warned in a low voice.


The man in gray shirt lowered his head and began to enjoy the wine and food.

When Lu Hao heard this, the corner of his mouth curved.

He looked at Gongsun Meng who was dancing the northern dance on the stage.

This fire dance popular among northern tribes is a victory dance and showoff dance performed around the bonfire to welcome the victorious warriors.

As graceful as a startling giant, like a dragon, Gongsun Meng's whirling short skirt immediately attracted the attention of many people.

However, her gaze seemed casual, but she looked towards the corner of the man in purple shirt.

The two people's eyes met, and the man in purple raised his fan and made a strange movement.

There is no doubt that this little princess with a miserable life experience is definitely not that simple.

Situ Tianyin thought that Lu Hao had fallen in love with Gongsun Meng, so she felt sad and seemed a little unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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