Chapter 19 childhood sweethearts
It turned out that Murong Yuan, with the support of the Empress Dowager, his uncle Shangguan Cheng and others, took advantage of the death of his father to launch a coup, tampered with the imperial edict, and forcibly ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

The Nalan family took the wrong side and was purged by Murong Yuan. The clan members fled in all directions and hid, leaving no trace behind.

Nalan Xiuting was taken in by a kind-hearted family and survived by luck.

When the Nalan family fell, the Lu family was also in trouble, and their mother, who depended on each other for life, passed away.

Lu Hao felt that Murong Yuan should be blamed for his mother's death and the demise of the Nalan family.

Later, under the coercion and inducement of Marquis Zhongyong, Lu Hao agreed to enter the palace as an undercover agent, also to see if there was any chance of revenge.

Unexpectedly, the original Lu Hao had already died.

Lu Hao, who had traveled through time, naturally did not regard Murong Yuan as his real enemy.

After all, the fight for the throne will definitely lead to death.

Be it the Nalan family or the Lu family, they were just little ants on Murong Yuan's path.

Now Lu Hao just wants to save his life.

Nalan Xiuting cried for a long time and recounted her experiences after the two separated, which made Lu Hao sigh.

"I traveled through time and I actually have such a beautiful fiancée?"

Lu Hao felt a little unreal.

"Xiu Ting, why did you come to the palace?"

Lu Hao suddenly asked.

He was worried that Xiu Ting came to seek revenge against Murong Yuan for the Nalan family.

In fact, he watched too many revenge movies on TV and movies.

Nalan Xiuting was a wealthy young lady, so she was lucky enough to be alive, so she had no thoughts of revenge.

"Just yesterday, a eunuch named Eunuch Hai forced me into the palace, and I met you!"

Nalan Xiuting told the truth.

Eunuch Hai?
Lu Hao's pupils gathered slightly, as if he understood something.

"Hahaha... Mr. Liuzi, should you thank me for meeting an old friend here?"

Eunuch Hai's laughter came.

Thank u?
I want to beat you to death with a stick!
Lu Hao suppressed his anger, turned around, bowed, and said loudly: "I thank you, Eunuch Hai!"

"Hahaha... The emperor also saw that the sixth son's father-in-law was lonely in the palace, so he asked his servant to bring Nalan Xiuting so that you could have a companion in the palace."

Eunuch Hai added cheerfully.

Two old silver coins, isn't this using Nalan Xiuting to control him?

"This slave thanks the Emperor again! Thank you Eunuch Hai!"

Lu Hao thanked him again.

At this moment, Nalan Xiuting seemed to notice that Lu Hao was wearing eunuch uniform. The definition of eunuch flashed through her mind, and she suddenly felt dizzy.

Who can accept that his fiancé is a eunuch?
"Xiu Ting!"

Lu Hao hugged her in time.

"Brother Lu Hao, did you become...a eunuch?"

Nalan Xiuting lay in his arms, tears streaming down her face, shedding them for free.

It can be seen that the girl has a very deep relationship with the original owner of this body!

Before Lu Hao could recover, Nalan Xiuting tilted her head and fainted in his arms.

"Xiu Ting! Xiu Ting..."

Lu Hao suddenly became anxious.

"Don't worry, Mr. Liuzi, he just fainted, there is no danger to his life!"

Eunuch Hai walked slowly over, half-smiling but not smiling.

It's so dark and mysterious that it makes people's hair stand on end!
"This is the antidote to Qi Jue Duan Chang Powder. After taking it, the poison will resolve itself."

Eunuch Hai took out a pill and handed it over.

Lu Hao swallowed it in one gulp without saying a word.

"The emperor has said that the relationship between Nalan Xiuting and you must be kept secret and not allowed to be known to a third party, otherwise we will kill you without mercy!"

"Of course, if you dare to be disloyal to the emperor, Nalan Xiuting will die without a burial place!" Eunuch Hai said coldly.

To put it bluntly, he was threatening Nalan Xiuting's life so that he would not dare to act rashly.

In the eyes of Eunuch Hai and Murong Yuan, the two were childhood sweethearts, and there was no way Lu Hao would disregard Nalan Xiuting's life.

However, now that Lu Hao's poison has been cured, he can escape at any time with his skills.

But, do we really want to sacrifice this innocent woman?
Lu Hao was troubled in his heart.

Besides, the concubines who can still enjoy the three palaces and six courtyards in the palace, what are they doing out there?

At least for now, Lu Hao has no plans to escape.

Now that the poison has been cured, there is no danger of life, and the beauties in the harem can enjoy it for free, why should we run away?

There is no doubt that once he escapes, Murong Yuan will definitely send people to hunt him down, and he will live a life of fugitives.

After Nalan Xiuting regained consciousness and Lu Hao comforted her for a long time, the girl's mood finally stabilized.

She told the beauty that the relationship between the two should be kept secret. Nalan Xiuting naturally understood the reason and agreed.

As for Eunuch Hai, Lu Hao said that he had a good relationship with him and there was no need to worry about him leaking out.

After leaving Changqing Palace, Nalan Xiuting was quietly arranged to be on duty in the Cining Palace of the Empress Dowager under the secret operation of Eunuch Hai, and became a maid beside the Empress Dowager.

Lu Hao knew that Murong Yuan must have asked the Queen Mother to monitor Nalan Xiuting in order to restrain and control him.

However, what he never expected was that Eunuch Hai would train Nalan Xiuting as one of his own and send her to monitor the Queen Mother's every move.


The sky gradually dimmed.

Concubine Hua Guifei's personal maid Lan Xin arrives quietly.

"This slave has met Sister Lan Xin!"

Lu Hao hurried forward to greet him and shouted sweetly.

"Xiao Liuzi, your mouth is still so sweet!"

Lan Xin smiled charmingly, leaned close to his ear and whispered: "Is the Emperor still approving the memorial?"


Lu Hao nodded slightly and went in.

After a moment, Eunuch Hai's voice came from inside.

"The emperor drives Huaqing Palace!"

Murong Yuan came with his head held high and walked toward Huaqing Palace surrounded by a group of eunuchs, maids, and guards.

Lan Xin was overjoyed and hurried back to announce the good news.

Of course, the emperor's ability to go to Huaqing Palace so readily must be attributed to the little six son's father-in-law.

Shangguan Yuehua was dressed up tonight and looked even more beautiful. Lu Hao's heart was filled with excitement.

Maybe the bed collapsed last time, which made Concubine Hua a little embarrassed, so she rejected everyone, including Lan Xin and Eunuch Hai.

Lu Hao was the only one left in the room to serve the two of them, which made him quickly put the ecstasy powder into Concubine Hua's wine glass.

Murong Yuan saw that Concubine Hua's eyes were blurred and she had been tricked, so she directly avoided the next room.

In Concubine Hua's eyes, Lu Hao's shadow gradually turned into Murong Yuan.

The wine was so strong that Concubine Hua sat down on Lu Hao, hugged his neck, and screamed happily to the emperor.

"My beloved, you are so beautiful tonight!"

Lu Hao sincerely praised him.

"Really? Is my concubine really beautiful?"

Concubine Hua was overjoyed.

He directly leaned forward and gave Lu Hao a kiss.

Seeing that the time was right, Lu Hao didn't show any pretense, he directly picked up Concubine Hua and walked towards the phoenix couch inside.

On the dim phoenix couch.

Lu Hao opened his mouth and leaned towards Concubine Hua gently.

(End of this chapter)

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