Chapter 182 The Power Struggle
Lu Hao carefully analyzed the situation on the battlefield.

Yu Wenji had obviously persuaded General Shen Jihai to suddenly mobilize troops to block the gates of the outer city.

This move is actually to prevent Dugu from making a brave counterattack on the imperial city.

"Wu Qingyu, what's going on with the other four commanders of the Guards?"

Lu Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Probably because they were worried about being implicated, the four commanders stood still and claimed to the outside world that they only accepted the emperor's orders."

Wu Qingyu replied.

"Inform the four commanders that I am going to meet with them."

Lu Hao thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I will contact them now."

Wu Qingyu took the order and left.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night!
In the brightly lit Yandi City, every household is closed and there are almost no pedestrians on the street, only war horses and soldiers galloping back and forth.

Although Yu Wenji mobilized four close commanders and 4 people attacked the palace.

However, facing the high walls and heavily guarded Imperial Guards, who were well prepared, it still seemed a bit difficult.

As the number of casualties continued to rise, the Guards' offensive gradually slowed down.

The current plan is to find a way to mobilize the remaining [-] Guards troops, so that they can take over the palace in one go.

It's a pity that the remaining [-] Guardsmen learned that they were attacking the palace and did not dare to act rashly. They just watched from the sidelines.

I'm afraid that if I make the wrong choice, I will fall into a place of eternal destruction.

As for the city defense army, General Wuwei was persuaded by Yu Wenji's confidant generals.

However, Shen Jihai was not a fool. Instead of sending troops to attack the palace, he declared martial law in Yandi City and sealed all the gates of the outer city.

As the imperial capital of the Great Yan Empire, the city wall of Emperor Yan City is 24 meters high, and eight war horses can stand side by side on the city wall at the same time.

It is by no means an easy task to break into such a strong city wall.

At this time, in the palace, the concubines and concubines were already in chaos.

When the Empress Dowager learned that Yu Wenji was calling, she was not surprised at all. Instead, she calmly sat at the Changqing Palace in the forward position and commanded the imperial guards to resist.

At the same time, someone was sent to the Yanshan Camp to request Dugu Shenyong to lead his army for support.

Yanshan Camp is the largest military camp around the imperial capital. To be precise, it is a training base for new recruits.

After learning that Yu Wenji was attacking the palace, Dugu Shenyong personally led the army to attack the imperial capital.


Ximen Mansion Office of the Guards.

A carriage stopped at the door. Lu Hao got out of the car and walked inside with Wu Qingyu.

In the hall, the four generals bowed at the same time when they saw Lu Hao coming in.

"I have finally met Mr. Lu!"

"The four generals are very polite. Please feel free to sit down."

Lu Hao took the main seat first.

These are the four generals who did not listen to Yu Wenji's orders, and they are also the smarter generals.

"Qing Jun, kill the demon queen!" Although the slogan is good, it is undoubtedly treason. These generals are not stupid.

"Sir, these are Commander Fan, Commander Hu, Commander Ling, and Commander Huo. Commander Fan is in charge of Xizhimen, Commander Hu is in charge of Xuanwumen, Commander Ling is in charge of Xuanhuamen, and Commander Huo is in charge of Wuyangmen..."

Wu Qingyu introduced immediately.

Lu Hao nodded slightly and glanced at the faces of the four generals with a calm expression.

"Four generals, Minister of War Yu Wenji mobilized a large army and attacked the palace under the slogan 'Qingjun side, slaying demon queen'. What do you think of this?"

Lu Hao asked calmly.

Unfortunately, the four generals remained silent at the same time.

"Since you don't speak, I will come and tell you." Lu Hao said coldly: "Yu Wenji mobilized an army to attack the palace. This is treason!"

"The fact that you didn't participate in this matter shows that you know it very well. However, this mutiny will eventually have a result, and no matter who wins or loses, you cannot bear this result."

Lu Hao's words became more and more intimidating.

"If Yuwenji wins and you don't listen to his orders, what will be your outcome?"

"If Yu Wenji loses and you don't help the Imperial Guards to suppress the rebels, what will be your outcome?"

Lu Hao proposed two possibilities, but neither of them looked very good to the four generals.

"In any ending, you will not be able to escape the blame. Therefore, I can show you a way out!"

Lu Hao's voice was calm and calm.

"Please Master Lu, please save us!"

The four generals knelt on one knee at the same time.

"To tell you the truth, the emperor is seriously ill and bedridden. The empress dowager controls the power and evades the emperor. Yu Wenji and Yu Qian use the slogan of 'Qing the emperor, slaying the demon queen', openly to help the emperor, but secretly also for power."

Lu Hao waved his hand and motioned for them to get up and talk.

"Mr. Lu, we don't want to get into a power struggle, so we are holding back. But now it seems that we can't stay out of it!"

Commander Fan said with a grimace.

"Master Lu, I hope you can show us a clear path!"

The other three commanders clasped their fists at the same time and begged.

"I am the Chief Supervisor of the Supervision Department appointed by the Emperor. I am responsible for supervising imperial officials and controlling the imperial intelligence network. In fact, I have already reported Yu Wenji's rebellion to the Queen Mother..."

"It's just that the Queen Mother underestimated Yu Wenji and Yu Qian, and that's why she fell into such a passive situation. However, the 30-strong army to reinforce the imperial capital is already on the way..."

Lu Hao said loudly.

"Master Lu, you want us to send troops to besiege Yuwenji?"

Commander Fan guessed.

"If it were just Yu Wenji's [-] troops, they could besiege Yu Wenji, but now General Wu Wei of the city defense army seems to have turned to Yu Wenji."

"I believe you also know that the city defense army has 10 troops. If we send troops, we will definitely be attacked by the city defense army and Yu Wenji's army from both front and rear. By then, it will be all over."

"So we can only stand still for the time being."

Lu Hao analyzed it carefully.

"Sir, we are standing still right now!"

General Fan said with a grimace.

"Commander Fan, the reason why we are holding back is not that we are not moving, but that the time has not come yet. Therefore, I hope that the generals can join hands with our Supervision Department to advance and retreat together to avoid being settled by the Queen in the future."

Lu Hao finally got to the point.

"Master Lu, do you mean to ask us to obey your orders?"

General Fan asked in a deep voice.

When it comes to military power, or troop deployment, these generals are very sensitive and seem very unhappy.

"I am holding the Emperor's Sword, as if the emperor is here in person, can't I still ask you to obey my orders?"

Lu Hao said, taking out the Emperor's Sword and raising it high.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

The four generals quickly knelt down and kowtowed, shouting long live.

"Four commanders, are you willing to accept the orders of Emperor Sword?"

Lu Hao asked loudly.

"The general will obey Mr. Lu's orders!"

The four generals responded in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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