Chapter 152
Lu Hao wanted to obtain information about Cining Palace from Nalan Xiuting, and the Queen Mother wanted to control Lu Hao through Nalan Xiuting.

After all, Lu Hao is now in charge of the Internal Affairs Office, the Supervision Department, and also serves as the Chief of Ceremonies.

With such great power, the Queen Mother also needed to control him.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lu Hao is loyal to the royal family and has even saved the emperor. There is no problem with his loyalty at all.

Moreover, Lu Hao's ability to do things was very strong, and he found the clues of the poison poison so quickly.

What the Empress Dowager needs most now is this kind of person, otherwise, Xiu Ting would not be allowed to take the initiative and use her beauty trick.

Lu Hao left the palace and went straight to the Supervision Department.

The current Supervision Department, the master of Tianyin Pavilion, Situ Tianyin, came early with a large group of people.

Today was the time to pay the first payment. Situ Tianyin also wanted to talk to Lu Hao about cooperating in a hot pot restaurant, so he came in person.

A luxury carriage stopped, Lu Hao jumped out of the car and walked into the door of the Supervision Department with his head held high.

"Lord Pavilion Master, why are you here in person?"

Lu Hao saw the beautiful pavilion master in the hall at a glance and greeted her loudly.

Today, Situ Tianyin put on a light green dress, with a slender waist and a graceful figure that could be seen at a glance.

Although she still wears a veil, her beautiful eyes are smart, smart, and a little more tender and reserved.

To be honest, Situ Tianyin didn't sleep well last night.

In her mind, there were all the shadows of Lu Hao and some unknown words, which made her feel very curious and fresh.

With his ability, he can make hundreds of millions with just a random idea, but he doesn't know how to make money and spends all day fighting and killing. He really doesn't know what it means.

I regard money as dirt, but I love money the most.

Then help me make money!

Therefore, she made up her mind to take Lu Hao under her command, help her make a lot of money, make him a lot of money, and make him as rich as any country.

"What? Mr. Lu doesn't welcome you?"

Situ Tianyin stood up slowly and smiled charmingly.

"How could it be? The pavilion master is here to make the Inspector Pengpi shine. Welcome!"

Lu Hao came in stride.

"Mr. Lu, we are here to collect the first payment today."

Ye Qingyu interrupted.

"Who is this……"

Lu Hao turned to look at the beauty.

She is dressed in white clothes, which makes her skin even whiter. Her eyes are like a pool of clear water. When she looks around, she has a cold and noble temperament.

With a beautiful face and breakable soft skin, she looks no older than 30 years old, but she looks mature and agile, with a captivating and haunting look.

"This is Ye Qingyu, the left guardian of our Tianyin Pavilion, with peak eighth-level strength."

Situ Tianyin introduced.

"What? Peak of eighth grade? So young!"

Lu Hao was extremely surprised.

Tianyin Pavilion is indeed amazing!
Recruiting so many masters, and they are still so young!
"Master Lu is laughing!"

Ye Qingyu was calm and composed.

"Master Zhang, if you are ready, pay them the first payment."

Lu Hao turned to look at Zhang Zhongwei and said.

"Sir, it has been prepared for a long time."

Zhang Zhongwei handed over a stack of banknotes.

After Lu Hao took it, he handed it to Situ Tianyin directly.

Situ Tianyin conveniently handed it over to Ye Qingyu. It was obvious that she was in charge of the financial power of Tianyin Pavilion.

"Master Lu, don't you need ore? We found a lot of ore in Tianyin Pavilion. Here is the list. Take a look." Situ Tianyin took out a list and handed it to Lu Hao.

"So fast!"

Lu Hao was extremely surprised.

"If your Supervision Department comes to investigate this kind of thing, it will probably take a lot of time. However, we at Tianyin Pavilion are in business. We must have information on the source and price of these ores, so it will naturally be faster."

Situ Tianyin explained with a smile.

"Master, please have a cup of tea and let me take a closer look."

Lu Hao said and sat down.

Looking at the ore list above, Lu Hao knew for the first time that there were many rare metal ores in Qianyuan Continent.

However, the smelting technology of Qianyuan Continent is not very high, so many precious metals cannot be refined.

If some rare metals are added to steel, the quality of the steel will definitely be greatly improved.

However, Lu Hao only knew some routine smelting technology, such as refining these rare metals, but he knew nothing about it.

"Hehehe... I didn't expect that Tianyin Pavilion has so much phosphate rock, and now it can be used to make matches!"

Lu Hao laughed happily.

"Well, limestone? Isn't this the main raw material for making cement? If cement can be made, it will be easy to build city walls in the future."

"This tungsten is very rare and can be added to steel to make tungsten steel..."

"This manganese ore is in large amounts. If a small amount of manganese is added to steel, the ductility, toughness and wear resistance of the steel can be greatly enhanced."

"Silicon ore, if you add limestone, you should be able to make glass..."


Lu Hao kept talking to himself, leaving everyone confused.

Situ Tianyin looked at the smile on his face and knew that this boy must have many evil ideas, thinking about how to achieve a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with him.

"If you want to mass produce, you have to build a factory. Where should the factory be built?"

"The factory is built on the site of Ganzhou, which is relatively close to Yandi City. It is my fief anyway, and then there is transportation... Alas! The transportation conditions are really bad!"

"If we can burn cement and build a cement road, or build the entire Imperial Avenue into a cement road, and use horse-drawn carriages, the transportation volume will be greatly increased."

"If the steel can be made extremely strong, an internal combustion engine can be made, which can then be converted into a tractor using gasoline or diesel after petroleum refining, and the transportation volume can be greatly increased..."

The fresh terms in these words made everyone stunned for a moment, with a feeling of unknown severity.

"Mr. Lu, what cement are you talking about? What kind of machine? And... why haven't we heard of it?"

"Yes, I have heard of roosters and hens. Do you want to raise a kind of chicken called internal combustion chicken?"

"The adults were talking about raising internal combustion chickens, but later they changed to raising tractor chickens!"

"No, I don't feel like a chicken..."


Everyone interrupted one after another, and Lu Hao suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

How to explain this to these backward and ignorant people who are still in feudal society?

Can you tell them that I am going to lead them to start the industrial revolution?

"Lord Pavilion Master, this list you sent is very important. The ores in it all have uses, and many of them can be refined, synthesized, and made into other things..."

Lu Hao looked at Situ Tianyin and gave a rough explanation.

"Master Lu, if you need these ores, we at Tianyin Pavilion can get them."

Situ Tianyin said.

"Well, these things will definitely be useful, but we have to do things one by one. Let's start with the phosphate rock."

Lu Hao still planned to produce matches first.

(End of this chapter)

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