Chapter 143 Heavenly Wizards
Of course, what surprised Situ Tianyin was how this eunuch knew the content of iron ore, and how he could explain it in a clear and logical manner.

After asking privately, the expert in charge of iron ore in Tianyin Pavilion actually said exactly the same thing as Lu Hao.

"These iron ores need to be fired in a steel-making furnace. The Supervision Department will hand them over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for processing, and they can be used as raw materials for the production of weapons."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Does Mr. Lu still know how to make steel?"

Situ Tianyin asked.

"Sister Pavilion Master, of course we adults know how to make steel, and we have also improved the steel-making technology of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The quality of the steel produced now has been greatly improved."

Yi Ruyan interrupted with a smile.

"You call me sister?"

Situ Tianyin asked rhetorically.

"I heard that the Pavilion Master is only 25 years old. If you don't call her sister, what would you call her?"

Yi Ruyan responded with a smile.

"Okay, you can call me sister. Just now you said that your adults also know how to make steel? Is that true?"

Situ Tianyin seemed a little unconvinced.

"Of course it's true. It seems that the strength of the steel is not enough, and there is some lack of toughness. Anyway, Sir, it can be solved by using some constant temperature quenching method."

Yi Rushuang interrupted and explained.

"You adults still understand this? It seems that it is really not simple!"

Situ Tianyin's curiosity about Lu Hao greatly increased.

"Our Lord is a genius who is rare to see in a thousand years. He has also created many strange and weird things. I guarantee that the Pavilion Master will like you more and more in the future."

Yi Ruyan smiled and praised.

What?Like you adults?

impossible!Will this pavilion master like a eunuch?Stop being funny!

Situ Tianyin could only chuckle.

Lu Hao didn't pay attention to their conversation at all, but walked all the way forward, inspecting each pile of iron ore in detail, worried that some of the quality was not up to standard.

However, the quality of this batch of iron ore is really good.

"Your Excellency, draw up a transaction contract and deliver the goods to the steelmaking workshop of the Ministry of Internal Affairs starting tomorrow. The Supervision Department will pay you in three installments."

"For the first batch of goods, I'll pay one-third tomorrow. When half of the goods are shipped, I'll pay another third. After the goods are shipped, I'll pay one-third at the end. What do you think, sir?"

Lu Hao said loudly to Situ Tianyin who was walking behind.

"No problem at all, just follow your wishes."

Situ Tianyin readily agreed.

"I never thought that in the deep mountains to the west of the empire, the Pavilion Master could find such a large piece of flat land as a place to store iron ore. It's really good."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"It's a coincidence that black water flowed out of the mountains dozens of miles away. Wherever it passed, not a blade of grass grew. As a result, the people here moved away one after another, so we bought it at a bargain."

Situ Tianyin explained.

"Black water? What black water? Is the water poisonous?"

Lu Hao's interest greatly increased.

"I heard that black water emerged from the ground and had a terrible stench. All the fish and shrimp in the water were dead. It must be poisonous."

Situ Tianyin guessed.

"What? Coming out of the ground?"

Lu Hao's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

"Yes, I have seen it myself, and it indeed emerged from the gap under the mountain wall."

Situ Tianyin confirmed.

"I would like to take a look. I wonder if the Pavilion Master would be willing to lead the way?"

Lu Hao asked.

"Of course there's no problem with that."

Situ Tianyin agreed.

"Ruyan Rushuang, go back and tell Mr. Liu Bingyan to start receiving the iron ore tomorrow, refine it into steel, and then send it to the Supervision Department. The required expenses will be settled at that time."

"In addition, go back to the Supervision Department and tell Mr. Zhang to pay Tianyin Pavilion from the account in three installments." Lu Hao explained.

"Sir, don't you want our sisters to protect you?"

Yi Ruyan asked.

"No, the Pavilion Master is a ninth-grade master. Who do you think can kill me in her hands?"

Lu Hao responded with a smile.

"Don't worry, two sisters. Mr. Lu has great martial arts skills and a variety of tricks. Anyone who dares to harm him will be asking for death, right?"

Situ Tianyin glanced at Lu Hao and joked with a smile.

Lu Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay, give us two horses and you can go back."

Soon, the two mounted their horses and galloped towards the mountains.

It would be inconvenient to carry so many people in the deep mountains and old forests dozens of miles away.

Now that the two of them were traveling lightly, their speed was much faster, and as they went deeper and deeper, the road in the mountain became narrower and narrower.

After about half an hour, the path ahead was gone.

"Mr. Lu, we are afraid that we can only walk on the mountain road ahead."

Situ Tianyin turned over and dismounted.

Lu Hao took a quick look and saw that the mountains were lush and green, with a deep ditch below, and he could vaguely smell a pungent smell.

"Hehehe... I knew it, now I'm prosperous!"

Lu Hao was secretly ecstatic.

Just as he suspected, what emerged from the ground was oil.

In the previous life, this was a war material. Even if there was no oil refining technology in this world, the value of this oil was immeasurable.

What a familiar smell this is!

Lu Hao closed his eyes and tasted the fragrance in the air with his nose, as if he had returned to his previous life.

strangeness!It seems that my sense of smell has also mutated, and I can actually distinguish various smells in the air.

Then my nose becomes a dog nose?

"Hehehehe... I never thought that when I traveled through time, my body would gradually mutate. Will I eventually become a superman?"

Lu Hao was full of expectations.

Situ Tianyin looked at Lu Hao, who had his eyes closed and an intoxicated look on his face, and couldn't figure out what was going on with this kid.

"Sir, it's still half an hour before we get in here. I'm afraid I'm going to be tired."

Situ Tianyin reminded.

"Uh! It's okay. It's a short distance, so we'll just walk in."

Lu Hao woke up with a start, turned over and dismounted.

The two of them walked along the overgrown path into the mountains, going very slowly through thorns and thorns.

"Master Lu, if not, let's use Qing Gong."

Situ Tianyin suggested.

"That's fine, but since my Qinggong is not good, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch up with the Pavilion Master."

Lu Hao said calmly.

"It's okay, I'll take you!"

After Situ Tianyin finished speaking, he hugged his waist.

Lu Hao felt his body rising from the ground, soaring upwards. He was so frightened that he quickly hugged the beautiful pavilion master tightly.

woohoo hoo...

There was a loud roar in my ears.

Situ Tianyin's internal energy was running, and he stepped on the top of the treetops with his toes, using his strength to breathe, and swept forward as if walking on flat ground.

The long skirt is fluttering and the gauze is flying, like a fairy in the sky.

The trees that were passing by with lightning on both sides quickly moved away towards the back, as if they were driving a car speeding through the mountains and forests.

Lu Hao looked sideways at the pavilion master whose face was covered by gauze. Looking at the softly dancing hair, he suddenly felt the urge to lift the veil.

However, he also knew that he could not reveal someone else's veil easily, lest the Pavilion Master would be unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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