Recast youth

Chapter 984 Toys that men should play with

Chapter 984 Toys that men should play with

Ye Feng is not familiar with the New York Stock Exchange. The few things he knew about the New York Stock Exchange in his previous life were from watching the New York Stock Exchange in "The Pursuit of Happiness" starring Will Smith and "The Wolf of Wall Street" starring Leonardo DiCaprio. scene.

"The Pursuit of Happiness" is not bad, it tells an inspirational story that makes people not to give up casually at any time, but "The Wolf of Wall Street" is different.

What he is completely talking about is the Wall Street market, and the actors in the movie are also adapted from real people and real events.

Ye Feng is now one of the businessmen standing at the top of the pyramid. He still has some yearning for the scenery of the protagonist in "The Wolf of Wall Street". Of course, it is just some yearning.

No more.

Because Ye Feng is standing at a different height now, his mentality when seeing things is naturally different. From his perspective, the behavior of the protagonist in The Wolf of Wall Street looks more like a pyramid scheme.

The same is true for money.

And what Ye Feng is going to do this time is undoubtedly many times more horrifying than what the protagonist of The Wolf of Wall Street did, shorting the Wall Street market and shorting American real estate.

How many people have such courage and financial resources?
"This building is the New York Stock Exchange."

When the group arrived at the New York Stock Exchange, Chen Huang stopped and introduced it to Ye Feng: "Countless rich people have been born here, and countless rich people have gone bankrupt. It is a place where many people pursue their dreams."

When the locals came over in the morning, Chen Huang introduced it to Ye Feng, so he knew that there were six large columns at the door with reliefs on them. The building with the American flag surrounding the columns was the New York Stock Exchange.

What you know is the place, but what you don’t know is the story inside.

In addition to the main entrance, there is also a small door at the back that you can enter. There is also an American flag on it, and NEW YORK STOCK EXCHAGE is engraved under the four searchlights. Translated, it means New York Stock Exchange.

There are also these letters on the front door.

After entering.

Ye Feng found the familiar feeling in the movie. There were several screens full of stock price increases, and people trading stocks below. On the road, people working in the securities industry, in suits and leather shoes, were walking around at a fast pace.

"Do you have any thoughts?"

Chen Huang came to Ye Feng's side and looked side by side at the people coming and going in the exchange.

“It’s very fast-paced.”

Ye Feng said.

"It's very fast, because the stock market changes quickly, and the red and green jumps mean completely different things."

Chen Huang smiled and continued: "In about a month, the EU regulatory agencies should almost approve the merger of the New York Stock Exchange and the European Stock Exchange. By then, I am afraid it will become the world's largest exchange operator. As long as the EU regulatory agencies can pass it, these two exchanges can establish the world's largest securities and financial derivatives trading platform spanning the United States, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Portugal, monopolizing more than 90% of European futures and derivatives. market, thereby completely changing the competitive landscape among exchanges.”

Ye Feng had never heard of this in his previous life and was not sure whether this had happened. He couldn't help but ask: "Isn't this equivalent to a monopoly? Can it be allowed?"

"Why not?"

Chen Huang turned around and said: "Actually, it is similar to that in China. The essence is to cut leeks. I heard from Sister Qi that you are not optimistic about the mortgage bonds here, right? In fact, you don't know that these bonds are already considered good. Well, many financiers on Wall Street will invent various securities and sell them to investors around the world, so being able to connect the New York and European stock exchanges is something that many people are happy to build, and their legal affairs can be organized into a team. The rules have been studied thoroughly a long time ago, so don’t think about whether they are allowed or not. If they are not allowed, people will not do these things.”

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I still don't know much about these securities markets."

"Do you know what I like most about you?" Chen Huang suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said.

"Which point?"

Ye Feng asked in surprise.

"I like your low profile."

Chen Huang said: "Although I always say that you like to pretend to be poor and cry about being poor, you are really good at this. Most people who are as rich as you are so bloated that they don't know their last name. You are good like this." , whether you are rich or not, you will feel very comfortable when you are together. People with no money will not think you are arrogant, and rich people have no right to be arrogant in front of you. "

Ye Feng was still a little uncomfortable being praised by Chen Huang, and said speechlessly: "By the way, next time please use the word "appreciation" instead of "like", as you can easily scare me."

"You can easily disgust me."

Chen Huang said in a disgusted manner: "I feel like everything you said is so graphic." "It would be better if you treat me too much."

Ye Feng glanced at Feng Zheng who was following behind him, and then said to Chen Huang: "Otherwise, I'll tell my brother Zheng, it will really make you feel like a picture..."


Chen Huang was frightened and said harshly: "Brother Zheng is not that person."

At this moment, Chen Huang suddenly felt an arm put on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Feng Zheng looking at him straightly, and then said honestly: "What, actually, I'm not very picky. .”

What is goosebumps all over the place?
Chen Huang was covered in goosebumps now. If there weren't so many foreigners around him, he would really jump up. Even so, he was still startled and quickly kept a distance of more than two meters from Feng Zheng.

"Brother Zheng, I called you brother, please stop making trouble."

Chen Huang was really scared. There were not many people who would not frown upon a boring person like Feng Zheng. Even those notoriously stubborn people in Sijiu City would probably go crazy if they stayed with Feng Zhengguan for three days. .

Can't beat it.

Feng Zheng was helpless: "I was just kidding."

"This is really not a joke." Chen Huang was ashamed.

Ye Fenngle went crazy: "Feng Zheng, if you are serious, he can't resist, so if you make this joke, he will be a little timid."

Li Liang would usually fall behind Ye Feng and Chen Huang, but now he was full of curiosity about Feng Zheng. He had been very curious about Feng Zheng when he was in California.

Now even more curious.

Call him a bodyguard, but that doesn't seem like it. Call him a friend, but that doesn't sound like it either.

Not long after, Ye Feng and Feng Zheng came out to watch American people trading stocks. Li Liang came to Chen Huang and asked curiously: "Brother Huang, who is Feng Zheng? I see that you and Brother Feng both call him brother." .”

"A ruthless man."

Chen Huang told Li Liang: "Don't provoke him casually. He is more dangerous. Except Ye Feng, no one can control him if he goes crazy."

"So fierce?"

Li Liang asked in disbelief.

Chen Huang did not explain this problem to Li Liang, and it was also a problem that did not need to be explained. Isn't a person who is not afraid of power or death not strong enough?For this kind of person, Chen Huang would not provoke him if he could.

The only good thing is that he and Ye Feng are friends, so there will be no conflict with Feng Zheng.

This afternoon, Chen Huang took Ye Feng to visit many famous places in New York, including the Statue of Liberty and Times Square. At the end, Li Liang came out and took Ye Feng to a place that almost all men like to experience, that is A place to play with guns.

Automatic, semi-automatic, powerful, small, long, short.

These are all.

This is the good thing here. As long as you have money, you can basically play whatever you want, and most of them are legal. This is also the most intuitive benefit for rich people.

There are almost no taboos.

When he came out of the shooting range, Ye Feng's shoulders were extremely sore and his ears were buzzing. It was only then that he realized that the anti-war dramas on TV used double guns, and even women used single guns. One shot after another was simply... Bullshit and deceiving.

When shooting, the recoil produced at that moment is impossible for a person who has not been trained to keep his arms still when shooting. Even a man like Ye Feng has to steady his hands to be able to barely withstand the recoil.

But it feels great!

The deafening sound of holding a gun and pointing it at the target, bang bang bang, continuously, can arouse a man's wildness and blood in his bones.

Not long after he came out, he received a call that Wen Yueqi had finished his work.

(End of this chapter)

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