Recast youth

Chapter 974 The Domestic Sensation

Chapter 974 The Domestic Sensation

the next few days.

Ye Feng met Zach alone twice more. Both times were private meetings. In terms of equity changes, there was not much complexity. The main reason was that Ye Feng registered a new company with clear equity to hold shares.

Otherwise, it would be like the previous life, where SoftBank held shares in Yahoo, and Yahoo held shares in Alibaba. It was so messed up that Ye Feng felt a headache just thinking about it. Although there were professional legal affairs and knowledgeable people, Ye Feng would feel that if he didn’t understand Headache.

All investment methods, he still wants to be simple, at least he can understand them.

So during the two private meetings with Zach, Ye Feng and Zach didn't talk too much about work. Most of the time they just chatted, and they also learned a piece of news from Zach's mouth, that is, he likes a Chinese. girl.

Almost as soon as Zach said this, Ye Feng knew who this Chinese girl was, Chen Huixian. In his previous life, Zach had been in love with her until they finally got married, and they had been very happy.

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Feng has a good impression of Zach, so after Zach told Ye Feng about this matter, Ye Feng expressed his support for their relationship.

He also said that when they get married, he can come over and be the best man.

Zach was very happy when he heard this. It is easy to like someone, but it is difficult to get the support of everyone. Zach and Chen Huixian met at a Harvard party.

Since the beginning of the relationship, almost all the media have opposed the relationship, saying that his girlfriend is not worthy of him and is after his money, which makes Zach extremely disgusted.

And Ye Feng's support undoubtedly strengthened his determination to pursue Chen Huixian.

Everyone is busy with their own things.

During this period, with the help of Li Liang, Chen Xiao found a local Chinese lawyer and had many meetings with fcaebook's legal affairs to confirm the equity contract and other related legal documents.

Wang Xin found colleagues who had worked together at Yahoo before to help find a suitable company location in the city where Silicon Valley was formed. Once she found a suitable place, she and Ye Feng would implement it.

Then register an investment company.

This investment company will be an independent legal person and has no connection with the domestic Lanshan Company. If there is a connection, there will only be one, and the boss is Ye Feng.

After the company registration is completed, Ye Feng can use this company to hold shares in fcaebook and make external investments.

Wang Xin was very efficient, and finally found an office building in the South Bay Area of ​​San Francisco as the company's office. Although the place was a bit large for the current company's staff, Ye Feng was not short of money, and he liked the basketball downstairs in the company very much. Therefore, he rented this place.

The name of the company is also very simple.

This time, Ye Feng did not call Lanshan Company, but Maple Inc. Ye Feng’s original intention was to call Maple Company, which happened to be his name spelled backwards, Ye Feng, Maple Leaf.

It's also particularly smooth.

But there is a problem here. There is no separate word for maple leaf in English. It has to be called Maple leaves, which is maple leaf. Maple alone will become maple tree.

Ye Feng didn't want to call it Maple leaves Inc. The company name would be too long and lacked style, unlike Google's Google or Apple's Apple Inc, so Ye Feng simply called the company's name Maple Inc.

Simple and crude.

Anyway, when the media asked him, he would emphasize that it was Maple Leaf Company, not Maple Tree Company. Over time, the name would be emphasized.

At this time, Ye Feng, who was busy registering the company, had no idea what kind of sensation his investment in fcaebook would cause in the country.

Before Ye Feng went abroad, because he was still communicating with Zach, he could not confirm that the investment plan for fcaebook would be fulfilled. In addition, Ye Feng himself did not need to rely on this matter to increase the exposure of himself and the company, so he never announced it. There was no arrangement for the company’s publicity department to publicize it.

But now the investment plan has been basically confirmed verbally by both parties, leaving only the contract to take effect, and changes in the share investment of a large company are never a trivial matter.

Especially for a high-profile company like fcaebook. Not long ago, Yahoo's acquisition of it was rejected. Now that it has reached an investment case of US$4 million and 40% of the shares from a Chinese, how could it not cause a huge sensation?

First, major foreign media rushed to report on it.

Then domestic media began to reprint and swarm reports that China's Dongzhou Internet giant, Lanshan Company, would spend US$4 million to invest in fcaebook and occupy 40% of the shares of fcaebook.Some reports even listed Lanshan Company as the leader of China's Internet at this time. With all kinds of praise, naturally, most people in the country knew about Lanshan Company, that is, Ye Feng's investment in foreign companies.

For most Chinese people at this stage.

They may not know what fcaebook does, what kind of website it is, whether its 40% stake is worth US$4 million, but this does not prevent them from knowing that US$4 million is a lot of money.

In addition, Lanshan Company Niubi.

Ye Zongniu than.

As for the words "going abroad and winning glory for the country", they are very common in major forums. A small group of sensationalists posted on the forum with ulterior motives, saying that the boss of Lanshan Company, Ye Feng, betrayed the country and sought glory, and gave away 4 million US dollars. Give money to the Americans, and in the future, the Americans will shoot us with bullets, and some of them will be the money invested by Ye Feng.

Soon, this post became very popular in the forum, and countless people flocked to it. These people who were sensationalizing were quickly scolded by these people who came in, and they did not dare to raise their heads.

Floor 1: "You know nothing. Mr. Ye is going abroad to win glory for the country, do you understand?"

Floor 2: "He just doesn't understand anything and just talks nonsense. Mr. Ye is taking the rabbit strategy to the extreme, going deep behind the enemy lines of the eagle and inserting 4 million US dollars into the enemy's heart."

3rd floor: "I agree with 2nd floor. The 2nd floor is very insightful. What kind of company is fcaebook? It is a social networking company. As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated. If you master the enemy's social network, you have mastered their information. Mr. Ye is so smart. I guess , maybe there is a shadow of Rabbit here supporting Mr. Ye."

Floor 4: "Floors 2 and 3 are extremely right in their analysis. After all, rabbits know strategy well. Our Sun Tzu's Art of War was not passed down in vain. Besides, Mr. Ye is awesome!"

Next, the 5th floor.

6th floor.

In just a few hours, thousands of people poured in to comment on this post. Then at night, the comments on the 2nd to 4th floors of this post completely disappeared, leaving only Mr. Ye’s various awesome comparisons at the back. comment of.

The latest reply from Floor 2045: "Damn it, why did the 2nd to 4th floors disappear?"

Floor 2046: "I have a question, what did the three great masters on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors say?"

Floor 2047’s faint reply: “They went to Mars…”

Floor 2048: "What does it mean to go to Mars?"

Floor 2049: "I am the previous 3rd floor. I have been harmonized. Please stop making random guesses. Let's just compete with Mr. Ye."

Floor 2050: "Damn it, isn't this piqued our curiosity? Why don't you add me on QQ, have a private chat with me, and tell me what you said on the third floor before."

In a rental house.

A young man with messy hair and instant noodles beside him looked at the post and saw the humbly asking for advice from the 2050 floor. He couldn't help but snorted proudly, and then entered his QQ number.

Click send, send failed.

After refreshing again, the post was gone. The young man was stunned. After refreshing again, there was still no such hot post, so he threw away the keyboard and started eating the instant noodles.

Gee tut.

You still can't get involved in this matter carelessly, or your water meter may be checked.

“Instant noodles are delicious.”

The young man with acne on his face sucked the instant noodles into his mouth, and then said energetically: "I haven't seen you for a few years after graduation. Ye Feng is really a jerk. If I go to find him, he will Won’t you disown me?”

(End of this chapter)

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