Recast youth

Chapter 971 Two Similar People

Chapter 971 Two Similar People
In fact, Ye Feng's investment in fcaebook this time is very simple, because it is an investment and a shareholding, not a merger and acquisition. As long as both parties agree, it is enough to reach a cooperation. If it is a merger and acquisition, the procedures will be much more complicated and cumbersome.

As for setting up a professional investigation team to verify fcaebook's operations, finances, and legal aspects, there is no need. After all, Ye Feng watched fcaebook grow into the world's top company in his previous life, and he knew the company's growth process very well.

What Ye Feng should mainly guard against is whether there are any loopholes in legal documents, and this involves Chen Xiao's legal profession.

And Ye Feng prepared a trump card for Zach.

It also followed the example of Yahoo and Alibaba in its previous life. Yahoo China originally brought a dowry of US$10 billion to acquire 40% of Alibaba's shares. Then in 2015, Alibaba used US$76 billion to repurchase 20% of Yahoo's shares. Equity.

Ye Feng also plans to make such a promise to Zach in advance. Otherwise, when fcaebook grows and has a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, the 40% equity held by Ye Feng will become a thorn in the side of everyone, even Zach himself. I feel uncomfortable in my heart, and may have the idea that I am working for Ye Feng.

And if Ye Feng promises, fcaebook can repurchase 20% of Ye Feng's equity in the future. In this way, Ye Feng will not only avoid becoming a thorn in the side, but also gain the favor of Zach and fcaebook's overall senior management.

You must know that unlike Yahoo's lack of money, it is impossible for Ye Feng to be short of money. After ten years of prophethood, if Ye Feng is still short of money, then he does not have to live in this world or be embarrassed.

And when Ye Feng is not short of money and agrees to you repurchase 20%, this is a goodwill move by Ye Feng to the overall top management of fcaebook. Everyone will remember this favor, and at the same time, the 20% equity ratio held by Ye Feng will not change. It would appear too ostentatious.

Money can never be earned.

Proceeding and retreating in moderation is the long-term survival rule.

Due to prior contact, when Ye Feng and others arrived at the gate of fcaebook's headquarters, Zach was already waiting at the gate with a group of company executives. Ye Feng, Wang Xin, Chen Xiao, and Feng Zheng got off the car one after another.

"Mr. Ye, nice to meet you."

Zach came up and shook hands with Ye Feng enthusiastically: "Welcome to our hotel!"

"I'm happy to meet you too, I'm honored."

Ye Feng also shook hands with Zach, and then shook hands with other senior leaders of fcaebook. Zach shook hands with Wang Xin, Chen Xiao, and Feng Zheng and said hello. Wang Xin and Chen Xiao both studied in California and are very good at English. fluent and even able to communicate in pure American English.

Feng Zheng didn't understand, but it didn't stop him from knowing that the other person's hand was meant to shake hands.

As for Chen Huang and Li Liang, they hid in the car and did not get out of the car.

After the group exchanged greetings, headed by Ye Feng and Zach, surrounded by Wang Xin and many senior executives, they walked into fcaebook's company to communicate with each other.

Especially when Wang Xin mentioned that she had served as vice president at Yahoo, everyone had a high opinion of Wang Xin. In Silicon Valley, Yahoo could be said to have been one of the absolute hegemons.

There is such a sentence to describe the glory of Yahoo. It is said that in the Internet, one is Yahoo, and the other is the sum of all other Internet companies. Yes, Yahoo back then was such a highlight, such a comparison, with its own efforts Bringing down the entire Internet, Yahoo is also known as the pioneer of the Internet.

Cadillac Escalade.

Through the car window, Li Liang looked at the crowd entering the company. The two people at the front, one with an Asian face and one with a Western face, Li Liang sighed to Chen Huang next to him: "Brother Huang, you Look at the two of them, they really look alike."

"Is there any resemblance?" Chen Huang replied angrily: "You can actually see the resemblance between an American and a Chinese?"

"That's not what I meant."

Li Liang sat up and explained: "I mean they are both so young, both in their 20s. Is Brother Feng 26 or 27? That Zuckerberg is younger, only 23 years old this year. This He talks about billions of investments at every turn, which is really annoying, and he is also a top student who graduated from Harvard University."

"There are more than 70 billion people in this world. It is not unusual for a few geniuses to appear, but they just happen to be the people around us."

Chen Huang handed a cigarette to Li Liang and said calmly: "Just think that both of them happen to be geniuses. Generally speaking, geniuses also deal with geniuses. Without Ye Feng, we would have nothing to do with this foreigner. connect."

"That's what I say, but it still feels a bit unreal. A genius just appeared next to us, and he had a barbecue with us last night?" Li Liang lit the cigarette. The higher he stood, the more he knew that Ye Feng and This Zach is so powerful. It is easy to make money on this platform like Li Liang. A few million or 1000 million is not a problem, but it is impossible to get rich all at once like Ye Feng and Zach.

So Li Liang really admired Ye Feng from the bottom of his heart.

"What's the matter? I've also been to the Great Hall of the People and talked to several great people."

Chen Huang lay down angrily. In some respects, he was more disrespectful to ghosts and gods than Chen Yiming. This was also related to his experience. Compared with being rich and having power, there was often a huge difference.

Li Liang was speechless: "Brother Huang, you are making excuses. They are different from us. We have an innate platform, but they started from scratch. It is too difficult to start from scratch. You can't copy it even if you want to."

Chen Huang said with a smile: "You also know that you can't copy it? That's fine, it's their business to be good. It has nothing to do with you, and I won't give you any money. Liangzi, let me tell you. , Everyone's path is different, just do your own thing well, there is no need to be compared with others, if you were really comparing yourself, I would be so pissed off by these geniuses."

"I just think it's quite impressive that they can make so much money at such a young age. It took several generations of my family to make so many industries."

Li Liang sighed, then looked at Chen Huang and asked: "By the way, Brother Huang, who do you think is more powerful between Brother Feng and Zach?"

Chen Huang asked back: "Which one do you think is more powerful?"

Li Liang thought for a while and said, "I think Zach is better. He is a student at Harvard University and is a little younger than Brother Feng. In three years, it won't necessarily be the case."


Chen Huang shook his head: "You have to know one thing. It only took three or four years for Ye Feng to come from scratch. Also, Harvard is nothing special. It's not that Harvard is bad, but that he graduated from it. If you do something again, your starting point will be very high, just like you and me, we have a very high starting point, so it is easier to get up. But Ye Feng is different. He graduated from a third-rate university and has a low starting point, but he can get up. You know how talented he is? And this is a cash flow company. No matter how powerful Zach is, doesn’t he still need financing? Moreover, he will still work for Ye Feng in the future, and the gap will only get wider in the future, unless he starts a new business."

"That's true."

Li Liang nodded thoughtfully, and then he suddenly said: "By the way, Brother Feng said this morning that the matter is over and he asked us to go to New York with him. Do you think he has any ideas?"

"should be."

Chen Huang's eyes were a little deep. He always felt that Ye Feng came to the United States this time with a lot of energy, as if he was going to do something big. After thinking for a while, Chen Huang couldn't think of a clue, and then he popped the cigarette butt out of the window. , said: "Let's wait until the time comes. If you can guess what he is thinking, you will become a genius. I came out this time to see where his upper limit is."

(End of this chapter)

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