Recast youth

Chapter 968 Deep Talk

Chapter 968 Deep Talk
Ye Feng had imagined it in his previous life.

What will the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people look like?

He should be the kind of person who drinks, sings and plays with women all day long, but when he got better in this life, he found that it was completely different, whether it was Zhou Yihang or Hou Yao.

Or people like Chen Yiming and Chen Huang.

Which one of them doesn't have a career?Which one is not very rich?

Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao used their connections to do road construction projects, Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui played with capital rules and backgrounds, and Chen Huang and Wen Yueqi even showed their talents abroad. Everyone has their own way.

Typically, great people work harder than you do.

Then the gap between ordinary people and them will only widen. The simple reason is that they have high levels of contact, quick sources of information, and the best education.

Why are they not as good as you?

Just like Wen Yueqi, Ye Feng felt that she had a calm and straightforward temperament, a strong sense of control, and she could put you at a disadvantage with just a few words.

Although she had no ill intentions, Ye Feng just fell into the position of being taught.

Of course, Ye Feng is also very grateful. As Wen Yueqi said, it is not difficult to listen to nice words. With his current financial resources, many people are pursuing him, but it is difficult to listen to unpleasant words.

Generally speaking, unpleasant words also represent reality. If people are not in contact with reality for a long time, they will lose touch with society and eventually fall behind.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked at Wen Yueqi curiously: "By the way, why do you want to do business abroad?"

"It's nothing complicated."

Wen Yueqi thought for a moment and said with a smile: "I am proud to have such a father, but it is also a source of pressure. Obviously, no matter what I do, I can never surpass my father, and I am not willing to give in, so I Coming to a foreign country to do business can be regarded as a new way of doing business. Besides, having money is good and not a bad thing."

Ye Feng looked at Wen Yueqi and said, "Uncle must regret letting you do business."

"I didn't expect you knew my dad quite well."

Wen Yueqi glanced at Ye Feng unexpectedly, nodded and said: "Yes, he has told others more than once that what he regrets most is letting his family do business, but it's useless, the deal is done, he has his own way to go, and I have my own way. Way to go.”

"Don't talk about my family's affairs."

Wen Yueqi shook her head, and then said to Ye Feng: "I heard that you want to invest in fcaebook company? 4 million US dollars, which is not a small investment. What do you think of this company now?"

"A very promising company." Ye Feng said.

Wen Yueqi smiled: "This statement is too general. I don't believe that someone would decide to invest 4 million US dollars in a company because of a promising company."

Ye Feng also knew that this excuse could not be hidden from people like Wen Yueqi, but he was also prepared. He said to Wen Yueqi: "Actually, I prefer the words of the founder of this company."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Wen Yueqi asked in surprise.

"Zach said that the original intention of Fcaebook was not just to become a company, but to realize the ideal of connecting the world." Ye Feng said while eating barbecue: "I have also investigated the company Fcaebook, although currently its The function is very simple, but the benefits of this website are not immediately obvious. At first glance, its homepage does not have any attractive content, just a few sentences of text introduction. After registration, the entire website is plain and a bit shabby. The basic functions are the same as those of other social networks, including personal space, logs, photo albums, groups, etc. Even if you are sincere and want to experience it seriously, if you don’t have a group of friends you really know on Fcaebook , I’m afraid it’s also difficult to find the feeling.”


At this point, Ye Feng paused and his smile became a little more confident: "This is exactly the characteristic of Fcaebook. It is not a dating website that allows you to meet strangers, but an online communication platform that connects you with your friends. It's like It’s the same with a phone. If you are the only one who has a phone, it is of no use. Only when the people you need to contact also have a phone will the phone’s usefulness become apparent. Moreover, the more people who have a phone, the more useful the phone will be. Big. That’s the “network effect.”

"The same is true for Fcaebook. The more people use it, the greater its usefulness. Simply put, the greatest charm and power of Fcaebook is that it provides a platform for individuals to live a real and comprehensive life online. It first Start with "reality", and then achieve "comprehensiveness" by providing open interfaces. Reality is very important. For example, a large-scale online game is also a virtual community. A person who surfs the Internet can use multiple virtual communities at the same time, and can relatively easily switch from one virtual community to another. Migrate to another virtual community, but most people will probably just use a "real" community."

After finishing speaking, Ye Feng raised his head and looked at Wen Yueqi: "This is my idea of ​​investing in fcaebook. If one day, young people cannot live without Facebook, then Facebook's profitability will be easy."

"The analysis makes sense."

Wen Yueqi nodded, and the next moment, she said to Ye Feng: "But at the stage you imagined, it should involve monopoly. The United States has very severe penalties for monopoly."

"That's not what I should care about." Ye Feng said, "I'm just an investor, and caring about these things should be the boss's job."

Wen Yueqi handed two skewers of meat to Ye Feng and asked: "Since you are so optimistic about this company, why don't you think about acquiring it but investing in it? With your current financial resources, it would be impossible to raise another six to seven billion US dollars." What's the matter?"

"Two reasons."

Ye Feng: "First, I don't want to be so tired, and I don't have that much energy. Second, I am not an American. If I really think what you said, if fcaebook is involved in monopoly in the future, I will probably be targeted by the government. After all, this is It is a social software, and the future trend will definitely control the personal information of countless people, which is something that the authorities absolutely do not want to see, and the boss of this company is still Chinese."

"You can see it quite clearly."

Wen Yueqi laughed with satisfaction. Although Ye Feng might not be so experienced in speaking, after two hours of chatting, Wen Yueqi found that Ye Feng's logical thinking was very clear.

The scale is very well grasped.

Indeed, no one in power wants to see a foreigner monopolize a social networking site. This also involves Americans’ xenophobia against China, which is very detrimental to the company’s development.

Therefore, it is a very wise choice for Ye Feng not to acquire, but to invest, and hold 40% of the equity.

Thinking of this, Wen Yueqi extended an olive branch to Ye Feng: "Okay, just do what you think. If there is anything we can cooperate with in the future, we can share resources, or we can invest in each other, register a subsidiary in proportion, and go abroad. , we are still a family after all.”


Ye Feng nodded and remembered what Wen Yueqi said. Then he glanced at Chen Huang who was not far away and asked curiously: "By the way, Sister Qi, what is Chen Huang's main business?"

"He is someone's housekeeper. You can think of him as an overseas fund manager."

Wen Yueqi smiled, didn't say much, and then said to Ye Feng: "Anyway, he is very rich. If you are short of money, you can drag him into the gang and money will not be an issue."

The first thing Ye Feng thought of was Kong Zhong.

Could Chen Huang be this unassuming man but his butler?You must know that Chen Huang's contact with him was most likely due to his instruction, Ye Feng secretly guessed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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