Recast youth

Chapter 966

Chapter 966
Ye Feng did not sleep.

He discussed investing in fcaebook with Wang Xin and Chen Xiao for several hours, because Ye Feng had no experience in this field in his previous life and had never heard of or seen any of these big companies.

Not to mention investing in shares.

Wang Xin was originally the vice president of Yahoo, and the other was the manager of the legal department, so Ye Feng had to humbly ask them for advice. He was not a complete novice, and he had seen many examples on TV of making fuss about contract terms.

If 4 million US dollars were invested and fell into the carefully prepared contract trap, Ye Feng would suffer a big loss. No matter whether the other party had such intentions or not, it was always right to be careful and avoid making big mistakes.

5000% stake in a company with a future market value of US$40 billion.

Thinking about it, this is an astonishing rate of return, so Ye Feng is actually very excited. For him now, making money is no longer an important thing.

Is the money you have now not enough?
It's completely enough. Just the interest generated by the bank every year can't be spent all. But being able to invest in a company like fcaebook gives me a huge sense of accomplishment.

Human beings, everyone has their own pursuits, different beliefs, and different pursuit directions.

When he was at home, Ye Feng had worries. Now that he was abroad, Ye Feng wanted to be a hungry wolf and collect as much wealth as possible, which would be his biggest capital in the future.

After talking with Wang Xin and Chen Xiao for several hours, Ye Feng also had a rough idea. First, he had to register a company with independent equity here instead of investing in Lanshan Company.

Nor is he investing in fcaebook as a natural person.

The reason is very simple. First of all, if Lanshan Company invests in fcaebook, it means that fcaebook's shares are still closely linked to Lanshan Company.

Second, it is not impossible for natural persons to hold shares, but there will be a lot of losses. For example, fcaebook will distribute dividends to shareholders every year, and the corporate income needs to be paid first. When it is in the hands of natural persons, personal income tax also needs to be paid. In the United States, The maximum personal income tax is 35%, but it is different when dividends are distributed to shareholding companies. The company can buy cars or houses.

How much is the 35% personal income tax?
If it's less, it's fine. But when it reaches 10 billion or 100 billion, what is the concept of paying personal income tax?
Therefore, Ye Feng had to open an account overseas, create an investment company, and avoid taxes reasonably, or register an offshore company in the Cayman Islands, an international financial center, where the laws stipulate that tax obligations are permanently exempted.

Whether it is for individuals, companies or trust industries, the Cayman Islands does not impose any direct taxes. In addition, the VIE equity model also increases the attractiveness of many companies to register here, because in this way, many national regulations can be avoided. The restrictions on foreign investment companies and the huge advantages of policies make the Cayman Islands the place of choice for company registration around the world.

Of course, this is not Ye Feng's only choice. After all, an individual's ability is limited. The principle of leverage is that you can use a stick to pry a stone much larger than yourself, but if the stone is as big as a mountain, it will not Any lever can move the bridge.

Ye Feng also had many considerations in mind. Coming to California to invest in fcaebook was only one of the purposes of his trip abroad. He had to meet the sister Qi mentioned in Chen Huang's words first.

It was almost 5:30 in the evening, and Ye Feng saw the sister Qi mentioned in Chen Huang's mouth. She was about 1.6 years old, about [-] meters tall, with a delicate figure and an intellectual and gentle temperament.

Sister Qi saw Ye Feng and asked with a gentle smile: "I'm sorry, the company is a bit busy, so I just rushed here. You're not in a hurry, are you?"

"No, I just took a look at the surrounding scenery in the afternoon."

Ye Feng didn't know the true identity of this sister Qi, but from Chen Huang's attitude towards her, he could also know that this sister Qi was not simple, and she also gave people the impression of being a lady.

"Well, the scenery in the South Bay Area of ​​San Francisco is pretty good."

Sister Qi smiled, and then greeted Wang Xin and Chen Xiao one by one with a smile. Wang Xin and others did not dare to neglect. When they got off the plane, they were shocked by the sight of more than 20 Koenigse cars.

Although these two people have achieved good results in their respective fields, and for ordinary people they are also figures on the pyramid, but the higher they stand, the clearer their understanding of themselves is, and they know that for some people, they are just a person. Just senior white-collar workers.

Ye Feng calmly came to Chen Huang and asked him in a low voice: "Now why don't you introduce to me who this Sister Qi is?"

Chen Huang smiled and was about to speak to Ye Feng.Sister Qi seemed to have noticed everything, turned around, stretched out her hand to Ye Feng, and said with a gentle smile: "Hello, my name is Wen Yueqi, nice to meet you."


Ye Feng shook hands modestly, and then tried hard to think about who Wen Yueqi was. In fact, it was not difficult to search, just guess based on her last name.

The next second, Ye Feng had a vague answer in his mind. He couldn't help but raise his head, and moved his eyes from Wen Yueqi to Chen Huang in surprise. Could it be that person's daughter?

Chen Huang saw Ye Feng's expression, smiled and said to Wen Yueqi: "It seems that this kid has guessed your identity."

"It's not you who makes it so mysterious."

Wen Yueqi smiled, and then said to Ye Feng: "It's okay, my dad is my dad, and I am me. When I get here, I am an ordinary business person like you."

"It really scared me."

Ye Feng patted his chest and made a harmless joke. He never expected that Chen Huang would introduce such a heavyweight to him. The next moment, Ye Feng made up his mind.

No matter what, you must have a good relationship with this generous woman in front of you.

Wen Yueqi pretended to be angry and asked Ye Feng: "Do I look that scary?"


Ye Feng said very shamelessly: "I just feel so honored."

"You learn to change your face at a young age."

Wen Yueqi shook her head helplessly. Chen Huang also smiled and said to Wen Yueqi: "His reaction is normal. I kept it secret from you before I came here. I just wanted to see if his expression could swallow one." egg."

Wang Xin left the country very early, and then stayed in Silicon Valley to work. She didn't know much about the situation in the country. Seeing Ye Feng's attitude changed so drastically before and after seeing Ye Feng, she couldn't help but have a strong curiosity about the chatting and laughing woman in front of her.

Chen Xiao is different. He has stayed abroad for a total of three years. During this period, he often returned to China and spent more time in China. He is now the deputy director of the Internet Copyright Industry Research Base of the Shanghai Copyright Bureau and the president of the Shanghai Copyright Association, so He even had to guess the background of Wen Yueqi before Ye Feng, and his heart skipped a beat.

If this is really that daughter.

Then my boss will be really great in the future. Whether at home or abroad, she has a great background. Although she does business in the United States, how many Chinese are there in the United States?

Do you want to go back to your country?
If so, do you have to give me face?Does it need to be given the green light?

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao decided to pretend that he didn't know about this matter. Some things were better left undisclosed, but he felt a little more confident about the company's future prospects.

You may not be able to become a world-class company like Google or Microsoft in the future.

Chen Xiao looked at the young boss chatting with Wen Yueqi in front of him and thought in his heart.

Wen Yueqi chatted with Ye Feng for a while, then looked at Wang Xin and others, and asked with a smile: "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll treat you to it."

(End of this chapter)

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