Recast youth

Chapter 962 Different scenery at different heights

Chapter 962 Different scenery at different heights
There is a reopening day, and no one is young.

Ye Feng liked this sentence very much in his previous life. The original meaning of this sentence is that flowers can bloom again and remain the same the next year, but the youth of a young man cannot be returned, because time cannot be turned back.

But after two lives, Ye Feng discovered that even if he could turn back time, the boy he once was would never come back. It would be difficult to adjust mentally. After all, Ye Feng was much more mature than his peers.

The flight time from Yanjing to San Francisco is about 13 hours.

After a brief period of panic, Ye Feng fell asleep for a few hours. When he woke up, looking outside, he had a different feeling. There was a 13-hour time difference between China and abroad.

This also caused Ye Feng to feel like chasing the light.

This is a bit like Ye Feng's feeling of going back in time and being reborn. One is chasing the light, and the other is chasing the years, so Ye Feng looked outside for several hours.

"What are you thinking about?"

At this time, Chen Huang came over.

Ye Feng turned his head from the window and said with a smile: "I didn't think about anything, it was just that the darkness behind me was slowly getting dark, and the plane was facing the sun, which gave me a feeling of chasing the light. It's hard to explain, but it's quite strange. "

Chen Huang said with a smile: "What's weird? The earth is round. When it rotates, it produces the phenomenon of day and night alternation. The sunrise time at each point of longitude is different, which makes areas with different longitudes on the earth There is a difference in time, so there is a time difference."

"Maybe it's because you've been abroad too many times."

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I have such feelings."

Chen Huang doesn’t find it strange. Many people feel this way when they miss a flight. Even in China, at four or five o’clock in the afternoon, when traveling along the highway from north to south, you will feel like chasing the light. Chen Huang clicks He nodded: "Well, it's normal to get used to it. Don't sleep for the rest of the time. When we arrive in San Francisco, it will be around 14:[-] in the afternoon. If you go to bed now, you won't be able to sleep there at night. The jet lag in the country will be in vain. ”

Ye Feng nodded: "Well, I'm not very sleepy now."

"I heard from Zhou Yihang about the matter between you and Chen Yiming. It's not easy for me to ask in front of people when there are people around during the day."

Chen Huang looked at Ye Feng and said, "But I still have to tell you, you were a little impulsive last night. When you get off the plane, you will know that fighting and enmity are the most pointless."

Ye Feng didn't agree very much and asked: "Then what do you think is meaningful?"


Chen Huang smiled calmly and said: "The so-called benefits generally refer to money, but is money enough? Not enough. In the 90s and [-]s, when the coal industry was at a low point, many state-owned assets in Shanxi suffered operating losses and were distributed to local governments. , the local government forcibly contracted it to village cadres in the form of tasks. At that time, many people thought it was a hard job and a hot potato, and no one was willing to take it. However, some people seized the opportunity and seized the policy of privatizing state-owned assets. Catching up with the golden decade of coal and the export of coke at that time, wealth suddenly swelled, and these people are now what many people call coal bosses."

"Are these people rich?"

Chen Huang asked Ye Feng in return, and then in a vague tone, he asked and answered: "You are really rich. I have seen a well-known boss in Shanxi who drove an off-road vehicle and brought a truckload of money to Yanjing to find a job. You Guess how much money he had in his car?”

"How many millions?"

Ye Feng thought about what Chen Huang said about what happened after the 90s, and then said a number of tens of millions.

Chen Huang shook his head: "He has more than 2 million in cash in his car, one pocket and one pocket of money."

More than 2 billion?
Even with Ye Feng's current wealth, he couldn't help but hold his breath when he heard such a figure. You must know that it was in the mid-to-late 90s. What is the concept of more than 2 million in cash?
Astronomical numbers.

Ye Feng couldn't help but ask: "What happened next?"

Chen Huang smiled meaningfully: "Later, he couldn't even get in the door of the person he wanted to see, and he was rejected. It was like a case where he couldn't find the temple door even though he was carrying the pig's head."

Having said this, Chen Huang shook his head again: "That's not right. He has found the temple gate, but this person's threshold is too high and he can't get in." "More than two hundred million people didn't even get through the gate?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but frowned, feeling that it was a bit ridiculous, but as Chen Huang, he wouldn't be talking nonsense, let alone seeing it with his own eyes. Ye Feng asked: "Who is this person? The threshold is so high?"

"You've seen this guy before." Chen Huang smiled half-heartedly at Ye Feng.

A name came to Ye Feng's mind and he asked in disbelief: "You are not talking about Kong Zhong, are you?"

"it's him."

Chen Huang nodded.

Ye Feng knew that Kong Zhong was powerful, but he never imagined that he could be indifferent to someone giving him 90 million in cash in the 2s. That was in the 90s, and many people's monthly salary was only a few hundred yuan.

Really is more popular than dead people.

Ye Feng digested it for a while and asked curiously: "Then why did the coal boss give Kong Zhong so much money? In the 90s, more than 2 million, even if he did nothing and deposited it in the bank to earn interest, was enough for him to use for a lifetime. Right? As for being rejected?"

"If you're not in his position, you naturally can't understand his thoughts."

Chen Huang smiled, then looked at Ye Feng and asked, "Do you think a person who could take out more than 90 million in cash in the 2s would be a fool?"

"will not."

Ye Feng shook his head. If anyone thinks that such a person is a fool, then he is probably a fool himself. Anyone who has so much money is the one who can make all the difference in the local area.

Even in Ye Feng's previous life, in 2016, he had a cash flow of more than 2 million, and he was still a great boss with countless followers behind him.

"Yes, no one is stupid."

Chen Huang sighed with emotion: "I didn't understand it at the time. After all, it was more than 2 million. How could it be spent without spending it? It was only this year that I figured out that the coal boss was really far-sighted. Not long ago, SX The provincial government has promulgated the "Measures for the Integration and Paid Use of Coal Resources", which will eliminate all coal mines with an annual output of less than 9 tons. From now on, coal mining enterprises will not be so easy to do. If they want to do it, there is only one way, merger and reorganization. This is not an easy thing. The coal boss wanted to take advantage of Kong Zhong's relationship and take this step in advance, so he drove over with more than [-] million in cash, but he was rejected."

"So, it's not enough to have money, you also have to have power and connections. That's when I realized that people with different backgrounds see things differently, with different heights and different scenery."

Chen Huang said with deep emotion.

Ye Feng asked: "Does Kong Zhong have anything to do with it?"

"He himself does not have such a relationship, but he is able to integrate such a relationship with very powerful methods." Chen Huang answered. This was the first time that Chen Huang had said so many words to Ye Feng since he left the country.

Ye Feng was still thinking about the more than 90 million in cash in the 2s, and couldn't help but ask: "The more than 90 million in the 2s, is Kong Zhong really not moved at all?"

When Chen Huang heard this, he looked at Ye Feng with a strange expression: "Do you believe that a humble bottle and a painting in the basement of his courtyard can be worth more than [-] million? Some of them are even priceless."


Ye Feng was speechless.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning. Slowly you will realize that the country is just a small pond, and you can't make a real dragon out of it."

Seeing that Ye Feng was speechless, Chen Huang smiled and patted his shoulder, then sat back in his seat. The plane would arrive at San Francisco International Airport in an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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