Recast youth

Chapter 954

Chapter 954
On the road.

Chen Yiming sat alone on the curb, spitting and smoking. After spitting several times, he felt that there was phlegm in his throat, and the hand holding the cigarette kept shaking uncontrollably.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

Chen Yiming answered the phone, looked up at the Mercedes-Benz on the other side of the road, and pressed the speakerphone: "It's on the opposite side of you, please turn around."

Soon, the Mercedes-Benz turned around from the front. Yang Yanhui got out of the car, walked over and said with a smile: "My Lord Ming, why are you sitting on the road?"

"I almost lost my life."

Chen Yiming raised his head and said in a hoarse voice.

Then Yang Yanhui saw the wounds, blood stains, redness and swelling on Chen Yiming's neck, as well as Chen Yiming's frightened eyes.

"What's wrong with the injury on your neck?"

Yang Yanhui's eyes turned cold and he knelt down: "Who did this?"

"Don't ask."

Chen Yiming's throat felt severe pain every time he said a word. He stretched out his hand and said with an ugly face: "You help me sit in the car first. My legs are a bit weak now and I can't stand up."

Yang Yanhui was extremely surprised. No one knew Chen Yiming's background better than him. Not only did he have an old man who could hold up even if the sky fell, his parents also had great connections.

My father followed the old path of the old man, and my mother is the head of a central enterprise at the deputy ministerial level.

Someone actually suffered such a huge loss to Chen Yiming in Yanjing and still swallowed his anger?

Yang Yanhui helped Chen Yiming into the car, then looked at him lying in the passenger seat and asked uneasily: "Where is Wang Long? Isn't he always with you? Why did something happen to you and he disappeared instead?"

"He almost went to hell with me. He was stabbed on the waist, two ribs were broken, his spleen was not damaged, and he said bad things, so he went to the hospital."

After Chen Yiming finished speaking, he felt phlegm in his throat again. He lowered the window and wanted to vomit outside, but nothing could come out. When he thought of the scene just now, he couldn't control the chill in his heart.

But in his heart, Chen Yiming felt particularly uncomfortable. He looked at Yang Yanhui and couldn't help but said: "Fuck him, I really almost fell into trouble tonight. That grandson of Ye Feng, I think he is cruel, a bastard of a bitch." , really want to kill me."

"You said Ye Feng did it?"

Yang Yanhui was shocked and couldn't believe it was Ye Feng who did it. You must know that this was in Yanjing. It was not easy for Chen Yiming to manipulate Ye Feng?

Then Yang Yanhui noticed what Chen Yiming said before, Ye Feng wanted to kill him.

His expression changed even more.

audacious in the extreme!

Yang Yanhui's face turned completely cold and he took out his mobile phone: "You don't have to worry about this matter. I'll let someone solve it."

"do not!"

Chen Yiming spotted the number Yang Yanhui was about to call and stopped him: "Forget it, I don't want to play with this grandson anymore. This grandson can't afford it. You don't know, I'm really scared."

"I wasn't afraid of death before, and I didn't think anyone would dare to do anything to me. Even if it was Kong Zhong and the others, I wasn't very afraid. I thought the most he could do was pinch me, and he could still kill me?"

"But now I'm really scared."

Chen Yiming looked at Yang Yanhui tiredly: "I've given up in front of my grandson Ye Feng. Brother, you know my character. It's impossible to make me submissive until I reach a certain level. If you don't believe it, ask Wang Long Cheng, you will know what’s going on.”

"Hey, it's better to be alive."

After Chen Yiming finished speaking, he sighed and leaned against the co-pilot. He had no resentment or thought of revenge. He was really resigned and scared. Chen Yiming closed his eyes and said, "Take me somewhere to sleep. I'm afraid at night." I can’t sleep, and I can’t go back home. If I go back, I’ll definitely be in a state of panic.”

"This is really not like you." Yang Yanhui started the car. He couldn't believe what happened between Chen Yiming and Ye Feng. He even wanted to bring Wang Long over to ask what happened at night. "It didn't happen to you, but if it did happen to you, you wouldn't be much better. I almost peeed in fear."

Chen Yiming opened his eyes and glanced at Yang Yanhui, and said hoarsely: "Damn, they are trying to kill me. Can you believe it? I have saved money for so many years and haven't spent it yet. I really don't want to play anymore."

At the end of the sentence, Chen Yiming let out a heavy breath: "Unless I can crucify him, I won't play with this grandson. This grandson and Junzi have the same character as a migrant worker on a construction site. If you push him hard, he will kill you. "



in the private room.

a mess.

Ye Feng was still sitting on the sofa. Originally, he wanted Chen Yiming to stay here, and he took the people away first, but think about it, if Chen Yiming really wanted revenge, for such a big thing, even if he ran to the sky at the foot of the imperial city There is no use in going.

So Ye Feng didn't leave for the time being.

I couldn't calm down either.

Calming down, he was covered in cold sweat. If he was asked to kill Chen Yiming now, he might not have the courage anymore.

Zhou Yihang sat directly on the ground, his whole body was paralyzed, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and he kept breathing heavily. Once Ye Feng was impulsive, he killed Chen Yiming.

Needless to say, the consequences.

Ye Feng is definitely going to fall into trouble. There is no need to think about it. Even if he has all the connections in the family, he may not be able to get him out because the nature is too serious.

The person who died was still the hero.

It is estimated that the consequences are so serious that the Minister of Public Security will personally lead the case handling team and handle the case personally, and then all nightclubs in Yanjing will not even think about it. The consequences are so serious.

Even if the Minister of Public Security is Ye Feng's biological father, he can't suppress this case.

So after Chen Yiming left, Zhou Yihang felt extremely lucky. Even though he disliked Chen Yiming very much, Chen Yiming couldn't die in Yanjing.

Li Bing, Wang Hao and Lin Rui all collapsed on the sofa. Not only did they feel pain physically, but they also felt like they were on a roller coaster mentally.

Only Feng Zheng's expression showed no change. He was sitting on the sofa smoking, like a stone without a soul.

"Damn it, what's going on with you guys?"

At this time, Hou Yao came in. Looking at the mess in the private room, he couldn't help shouting. He looked at Ye Feng and Zhou Hang and the two of them: "Are you going to tell me that you two drank some B wine and fucked?" Are you up?"

"Shut your mouth."

Zhou Yihang cursed angrily: "I don't have the energy or energy to argue with you now. A big incident almost happened on the news network just now."

"What's going on on the news network?"

Hou Yao was filled with surprise. Although the two of them were not walking sideways in Yanjing, they were still somewhat related. What could be considered such a big deal that it would frighten Zhou Yihang like this?
"Tell you later."

Zhou Yihang didn't have the energy to talk now.

Ye Feng has been taking it easy. He is not physically tired, but mentally he seems to have been drained. Sitting on the sofa, time has passed by until now, and the sofa under his butt seems to have been heating.

Like sitting on pins and needles.

The longer Ye Feng stayed in this private room, the more uneasy he became. Finally he stood up and asked Hou Yao to send Li Bing and the others back. He said to Feng Zheng, "Follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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