Recast youth

Chapter 945 I drank a little too much that night

Chapter 945 I drank a little too much that night

Hou Yao also knew that what Chen Huang said was right.

After so many years, Chen Yiming is already in his 30s, and he is in a place like Yanjing. Although he has good roots, he definitely does not belong to the descendants of those people in the center of power.

Not to mention the legendary Emperor’s Party.

If Chen Yiming was so blind, he would have been dealt with long ago and would not be able to survive now.

After hearing what Chen Huang said, Hou Yao sighed and said: "Chen Yiming, this grandson is really too cheap, like a hedgehog, and it's hard for people to swallow him."

"There's nothing I can do about it. His background and platform are all here."

Chen Huang shook his head: "In fact, most people are like this. Take you and Yihang as an example. Can others get the national highway reconstruction project and municipal reconstruction project in Jiang City? They can't get it either, right? ?Isn’t it better that you go through the back door and submit the bid, then find a company to do it for Yihang, and then you privately add [-] to [-]? If it were you, you have his platform resources and the money in front of you, you would also stuff it Put it in your pocket. In other words, if you don’t reach out, others will. Rather than letting others reach out, you might as well put it in your pocket yourself. Now there is a piece of land coming out of Yanjing Second Ring Road, at least dozens of Keep an eye on each other, everyone’s background has something to do with it, and in the end it will all depend on who has a strong background. Anyway, in the end, no matter who gets it, people without background will definitely not get it, and they will be punished if they don’t get it right.”

Hou Yao was speechless by Chen Huang, and finally said speechlessly: "No, who are you facing?"

"I'm not talking to anyone, I'm just telling you this from the perspective of a bystander."

Chen Huang said to Hou Yao, and then looked at Ye Feng: "You should understand what I mean. I can't say much between you and Chen Yiming. After all, we all know each other, and the elders in the family also have some relationships, but as far as the current situation is concerned Speaking of which, there is really nothing you can do against him. If you can ignore him, just ignore him for the time being. The most he will do is disgust you. Didn’t he open a game production company? If he plagiarizes you, you can just sue him directly. I heard, A person from your company who switched jobs to Chen Yiming’s company was sentenced?”

"Yes, five years."

Ye Feng nodded. He moved Wang Baolin because he knew he couldn't move Chen Yiming. At least he could send a message to the outside world that Lanshan Company's Qiufeng was not just for anyone to fight. Wang Baolin was sentenced to five years. This is a clear example.

"Well, you did the right thing in this step. I also understand Chen Yiming's routine. It's just that you tell him about the rule of law, he tells you about gangsters, you tell him about gangsters, he tells you about the rule of law, and most people act like gangsters. You can’t fool him either.”

Having said this, Chen Huang smiled: "But this time you go abroad, as long as you can successfully negotiate this investment project and publicize it well in the media, Chen Yiming should be more restrained after you come back. After all, you are going abroad. You represent the country, and your current company size is not something that just anyone can make an idea about.”

"Well, I know, but whether it will work or not is still unknown."

Ye Feng vaguely heard some trends from Chen Huang's words, but it is still unknown whether the investment project with Fcaebook will be successful this time. Ye Feng vaguely remembered that many companies in the previous life seemed to have thought about acquiring this company, but in the end they all failed. .

As for Chen Yiming, he never took it seriously.

If it were in the past life, even if Chen Yiming pressed his head and asked him to lower his head, Ye Feng would admit it, because the conditions of his birth determined that no matter how hard he tried, he would never have a chance to make a comeback.

But this life is different. Ye Feng has a chance to make a comeback. The company with a valuation of more than 100 billion is just the beginning. In four to five years at most, Chen Yiming will realize who he is facing. .

Ye Feng's eyes flashed slightly, and then he thought about Chen Huang going to the United States with him and introducing people to him. He couldn't help but look at Chen Huang and asked: "By the way, you said on the phone a few days ago that you would introduce people to me. , who is he?"

"You'll know where you are."

Chen Huang smiled mysteriously and stood up: "In this case, you go back and take a nap first, and don't sleep at night. There is a time difference of more than ten hours between the United States and China, so you should adjust the time difference in advance, and the flight will also take a while. Sitting for more than ten hours and sleeping on the plane during the day.”

"Okay, you go and do your work first." Ye Feng nodded.

After going out, Ye Feng, Hou Yao and others separated from Chen Huang and came to Jingke Film Company together. After all, the relationship between him and Chen Huang was not as strong as that between Hou Yao and Zhou Yihanglai.

Because he has an interest relationship with Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang.

If any relationship bond wants to be maintained firmly, there must be one thing: there must be interests between each other. Without interests, everything is nonsense, and Ye Feng is now the center point of bond maintenance.

to the company.

There are more employees in the company, and the systems of various departments have been improved a lot. Ye Feng's appearance has undoubtedly aroused strong curiosity among everyone, and they all know that Jingke Pictures is a company founded by Ye Feng.

Although Hou Yao is said to be the legal person of Jingke Pictures, after the interaction between "Crazy Stone" and Lanshan Company's video website years ago, everyone regarded Ye Feng as the big boss behind Jingke Pictures.

Lanshan Company is the parent company of Jingke Pictures.

Ye Feng is now very well-known in the country. He is in his 20s and is a billionaire. This is enough to attract everyone's attention. The popularity that Ye Feng receives when he arrives is not much worse than the popularity that celebrities receive when they go to fan meetings.

It was all Mr. Ye, who kept shouting.

Ye Feng could only smile and respond one by one, and then went to the office to drink tea with Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang. As for Lin Rui, from the moment he saw Ye Feng at noon, he didn't dare to speak.

Although he didn't mean what happened to Ye Qing, it was done by his men after all. Even when he came to Yanjing, Lin Rui couldn't help but feel a little scared when he thought about what happened back then.

"How does it feel to be here in Yanjing?"

Ye Feng took the initiative to talk to Lin Rui.

"It's good. Let's get together with Li Bing and Wang Hao when we have nothing to do." Lin Rui replied after taking a sip of tea.

"He's okay."

Hou Yao didn't know what happened to Lin Ruilai in Dongzhou. He only knew that Lin Rui was Ye Feng's classmate and was arranged to come here by Ye Feng. Seeing Ye Feng ask about it, he smiled and said, "You don't know, on the first day here In the evening, I took him to the heaven and earth to entertain, and he took a wine bottle and opened the head of the internal security officer. He was so courageous. Now he is Brother Rui in the company, and Ning Hao has to scream when he sees him. Brother Rui."

Ye Feng glanced at Lin Rui.

Lin Rui felt guilty and explained: "I drank a little too much that night."

"Be careful. Don't accidentally kick the iron plate. Brother Yao and Brother Hang won't be able to wipe your ass." Ye Feng didn't care about this with Lin Rui. This was all he could do to Lin Rui. , whether he can gain a reputation in Yanjing depends on his own destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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