Recast youth

Chapter 931 Accountability

Chapter 931 Accountability
"Really rubbish."

"Why didn't I see that Wang Baolin was such a person before?"

After Ye Feng read it, He Chongxin said angrily: "Mr. Ye, do you think Wang Baolin's character is particularly bad? What about steamed buns with human blood? That's really ugly."

"Also, "Crossing the Blockade" is also a copycat game from "Fireline Assault". The scene and equipment have been changed to a different template, but everything else is basically the same."

"This is clearly plagiarism!" He Chongxin defended Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's face was calm. He noticed one thing, that is, the company Wang Baolin currently works for is Yanjing Changxing Game Production Co., Ltd., so does this company have anything to do with Changxing International?
Then Ye Feng thought about the day he returned from Dongzhou after attending Kong Jingke's concert last year. Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui came to him and wanted to invest in the company. After he did not agree, not long after, Wang Baolin took Fengxing Studio Three employees have quit.

That means Wang Baolin was poached by Chen Yiming?

So today's "Crossing the Blockade" is here!
Ye Feng connected what happened today with what happened years ago, and then he became angry. No matter how good-tempered he was, he would be annoyed if Chen Yiming repeatedly provoked him and made trouble.

As the saying goes, the Clay Bodhisattva still has three parts of fire energy.

He Chongxin didn't know what Ye Feng was thinking. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved and said: "Mr. Ye, aren't you angry at all?"

"It's not that I'm not angry, but anger can't solve the problem."

Ye Feng came to his senses, raised his head and said to He Chongxin: "Go to the Legal Department and call Chen Xiao over."

"I'll call!"

When He Chongxin saw Ye Feng looking for Chen Xiao, he immediately understood that Mr. Ye was really angry. Otherwise, he would not have alarmed Chen Xiao, because Chen Xiao did not have to stay in the company all the time.

His legal department has dedicated people to liaise with the department and go deep into the company's business to study copyright protection issues.

And Chen Xiao is undoubtedly the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Ministry of Justice, and he will not be dispatched easily.

Ye Feng watched Wang Baolin's interview video again in the office. In his words, he demoted the original company to the point of being worthless, and said that Lanshan Company was a company that eats steamed buns made of human blood.

And there are several words "Fireline Assault" on the promotion.

Even if Ye Feng didn't understand the law, he could still see that Wang Baolin must have broken the law. The specific types of laws had to be determined by the legal department manager Chen Xiao. It just so happened that this time the matter was related to Chen Yiming.

So Ye Feng planned to make a careful calculation.

It's rare to have an excuse to make Chen Yiming feel uncomfortable.

Ye Feng looked at Wang Baolin who was talking in the video and narrowed his eyes slightly. He just said that he would not get angry like He Chongxin. That would not solve the problem.

After a while, legal department managers Chen Xiao and He Chongxin came in.

"Sit first."

When Ye Feng saw Chen Xiao coming in, he smiled and said, "I have something I want to ask you, a doctor of law, to come over and help me with."

"Lao He told me, I'm taking a look."

Chen Xiao came to Ye Feng's side.

Ye Feng showed Chen Xiao the game advertisement for "Crossing the Blockade" and Wang Baolin's interview video: "I don't understand the legal aspect. You are a professional. Do you think this advertisement is illegal?"

He Chongxin added angrily: "This person left the company last year and poached three people during his tenure. His name is Wang Baolin."

"It is definitely a violation of the law." Chen Xiao raised his head and looked at Ye Feng and said: "First of all, "Fire Line Assault" is a game created by us. He mentioned the name of our company's game many times, using "Fire Line Assault" as an example. Publicity, this is a typical act of trying to gain popularity and free riding, constituting unfair competition and copyright infringement, in addition to defamation, false publicity and other charges."

"In addition, this game has many similarities with the game "Fire Line Assault". A few years ago, the Ministry of Justice registered and protected the intellectual property rights surrounding popular games such as "Fire Line Assault"."

Speaking of this, Chen Xiao moved his eyes to the game introduction video on the computer page and continued: "Although this "Crossing the Blockade" does not directly plagiarize the source code of "Fire Line Assault", the characters, pictures in this game , sound effects, gameplay, modes, and other game elements are substantially similar, which constitutes a violation of the law. You can sue the other company to stop the online operation of the game, and provide compensation and a written public apology to our company."

When He Chongxin heard this, he felt much better: "That's good if you can sue!"

Ye Feng did not show any happy expression.

Neither did Chen Xiao. He paused and said, "But Mr. Ye, you have to be mentally prepared. For corporate rights protection, sending a lawyer's letter to the operating platform to request the removal of infringing games may be the most convenient way, but lawyers The letter is not equivalent to a court judgment, and its effect cannot be guaranteed.”

"I know that."

Ye Feng nodded. He himself was the first pot of gold earned by making plug-ins and private server legends. As for copyright, if game companies could protect their rights so easily, there wouldn't be so many private server legends on the market now.

And the cost of piracy is also relatively low.

This is also the reason why many people choose to take risks and piracy or plagiarism.

Ye Feng looked at Chen Xiao and asked, "So, if we sue, we still have to see what the other side does, right?"

"Yes, the current laws on intellectual property protection are still not sound enough. The process of promoting judicial procedures in the field of online games is too long. It may take a long time to wait for prosecution, investigation, evidence, trial, and judgment to be completed. One year is enough to do too many things, and often the game life of an online game is only one or two years."

Chen Xiao said to Ye Feng pessimistically.

He Chongxin couldn't stand listening anymore and couldn't help but said: "Isn't this just condoning these scoundrels?"

"There's nothing we can do about it. They should be prepared."

Chen Xiao shook his head at He Chongxin. In fact, Chen Xiao did not say the following words, that is, even if the first-instance verdict is passed, the other party can still use the drag-and-drop trick and then appeal, which is another long judicial process.

Some even take two to three years to litigate.

In other words, in the end, even if the lawsuit is won, the result will not be so ideal. Chen Xiao joined Lanshan Company last year and established a legal department to sue various companies, just to scare the monkeys.

However, at this time, Chen Xiao found that Ye Feng's expression was still calm, as if he knew the result early on.

Ye Feng does know that it is now 2006, and regarding intellectual property cases related to online games, all local courts are trying to cross the river by feeling the stones, waiting for cases and the improvement of legal regulations.

"The matter of suing this company for plagiarism can be discussed separately."

Ye Feng looked at Chen Xiao, pointed at Wang Baolin who was frozen on the web page, and told him his purpose: "Can you prosecute this person first and let him go to jail?"


Chen Xiao understood what Ye Feng meant and said in a calm tone: "The company can choose to prosecute him for infringement of trade secrets and pursue criminal responsibility. Based on the existing evidence, he can be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years, and The fine will also allow him to compensate the company for certain losses.”

"Let Wang Baolin be held criminally responsible first."

Ye Feng said with a slightly cold look in his eyes. There was nothing he could do for Chen Yiming for the time being, but he still had something to do with Wang Baolin. Thinking of this, he could also make Chen Yiming sick. Thinking of this, Ye Feng told Chen Xiao again: "Collect more evidence and let the court impose a harsher sentence."

Chen Xiao was startled when he heard this, and then figured out what Ye Feng meant by "collecting more evidence", which meant that Wang Baolin would be sentenced to seven years in prison.

(End of this chapter)

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